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1、五年级下册课外阅读模拟卷班级 _ 姓名 _ 学号 _Unit1 The Story of Chopsticks 筷子的故事判断正误 T F( )1Knivesandforksaredinnerware.( )2Weuseaspoontocutupthefood.( )3Thedinnerwareinthetownwantedto liveinpeaceandhelpeachother.( )4Theotherdinnerwarebegantodislikethe chopsticksbecausetheywerenothelpful.( )5Itwashardtoworktogetherinp

2、airsallthe time,sothechopsticksgaveup.Tim is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home, so he goes there on foot and usually comes back home on time. But today he is late. His mother asks him, Why are you late today?”“I was in the headmaster s office(校长办公室),” says Tim.“Why did

3、you go to the headmasters office? ” Mother asks.“Because my teacher asked us a question in class and nobody could answer it but me”“Its good to answer the teachers questions,” says Tims mother. Tim replies, “But the question wasWho put ink on my chair?”( )1 Tim goes to school by bike.( )2 Tims home

4、is not far from his school.( )3 Tim put ink on the teachers chair.( )4 Tim did a good thing at school.( )5 Tim is very naught.Unint2 Lions Bad Breath(狮子的口臭)Readandjudge(阅读并判断正误 T F)( )1Therearefouranimalsinthestory.( )2Thelionhadfruitybreath.( )3Themonkeytoldthetruthtothelion,and waseatenbyhim.( )4T

5、herabbitliedtothelion.Andthelionwas veryhappy.( )5Thefoxreallygotacold. ( )6Thelionisthekingoftheforest.( )7Theliondidnteatthefoxbecausehewas satisfiedwithhisanswer.Amy Brown is an American visitor. She wants to visit the History Museum. She asks a policeman for help. Amy: Excuse me, I want to visit

6、 the History Museum. How do I get there?Policeman: Its not far from here. You can go along Zhongshan Road and turn left at the traffic lights. Then, go along Xueqian Street and the museum is on your left. You cant miss it.Amy:Thank you. After that, I want to go to the Xinhua Bookshop. How do I get t

7、here?Policeman: You can take the metro. You can get on the metro at Museum Station and get off at Henglong Station. Then, walk to Jiankang Road. You can see the bookshop on your right its next to the Bank of ChinaAmy:Thanks a lotPoliceman: youre welcome判断正误 T F( )1 Amy wants to go to the Xinhua Book

8、shop first.( )2 The History Museum is not far from here.( )3 The museum is on Zhongshan Road.( )4 Amy can take the metro to the Xinhua Bookshop.( )5 The bookshop is next to a cinema.Unit 3 给予之树 (阅读并选择)( )1Pleasechoosethebesttitleforthestory.AHowtouseatreeBThetreesfriendCThegivingtreeDTheboybecameatr

9、ee( )2Whatcanwelearnfromthestory?A.Wecanmakeafanwiththeleaves B.WecanmakeahousewiththebranchesC.Wecanmakeaboatwiththetrunk D.GivingishappyUnit4 the little rooster 爱打鸣的小公鸡Readandchoose(选择填空)( )1Itisa _rooster.Anaughty Bhard-working( )2Themanis_.Alazy Bhard-working( )3Atlast,themanwillfeel_.Ahappy Bso

10、rryBReadandjudge(判断下列句子是否与故事内容相符, 判断正误 T F)( )ITheroosterdoesntlikelivingwiththehens.( )2Themandoesntliketherooster.( )3Theroosteralwayslikessingingintheevening.( )4Themanlikeshavingalongsleep. Readandorder(根据故事内容排序)( )Themanputtheroosterintothepigspen.( )Hepickeduptheroosterandgavehimaway.( )Theman

11、puttheroosterintothehensyard.( )Themansgardenisfullofweedsnow.( )Themanputtheroosterintothebarn.( )Themanplantedhisgarden.( )Themanhadalong,longsleep.( )Themanweededhisgarden. 朗文Unit2 What are you? 你是谁?读故事圈出正确的单词。1.Week1 Ploppyhasabig/smalltail.2.Week3 Ploppystailislonger/shorter.Hehaswings/fins.3.Week5 Ploppysheadisbigger/smaller.Histailislonger/shorter4.Week7 Ploppyhastwoarms/legsnow.5. Week14 Ploppyhasalonger/notail.6. PloppycancroakIsing.Ploppycanswim/flyPloppycanrun/jump.Ploppyisafrog


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