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1、Simon Wakefields Yunnan DiarySimon Wakefield traveled round Yunnan after leaving university. Below are extracts from the diary that he kept.April 20th 1Ive been in Yunnan for two months now and Im still astonished by how varied the landscape is . Down in the south , in Xishuangbanna, its very tropic

2、al , but here I am in Lijiang, in north-west Yunnan.Lijiang is half new town and half old town .The old town is on the side of a mountain and oppositeit is the 5,500metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow.The sky is clear blue and I dont think Ive ever seen anything elseso beautifu

3、l in my life . 2 Early this morning I walked up to a beautiful park on the slopes ofthe mountain , and sat and watched as the town slowly woke up to the day .Seen from above , the old town is a maze of canals ,little bridges andtiny cobbled streets that tourists get lost in .Three rivers run through

4、 the city and wherever you go , you hear thesound of rushing water .Cars are not allowed in the old town.As you walk past the ancient wooden and stone houses , you feelyou are walking back into the past . April 23rd 3 This region is where the Naxi ethnic group live and Ive spentseveral afternoons si

5、tting in a caf in the old town square, just watching people .Their culture is fascinating.For example , it is the women who run Naxi society , and until recently ,Naxi women inherited all property .They sit in small circles in the square , with their babies on their backs ,completely uninterested in

6、 the tourists!They have the custom of playing cards on card tables in the middle of the street .The Naxi still wear traditional costume-the women wear blue blousesand trousers covered by a blue or black apron .4 This afternoon I was lucky enough to meet a Naxi man from the old town .He was between 8

7、0 and 90 years old , but was full of energy .He spoke some English and showed me some translations of Naxi poems .It was fascinating to read them !The Naxi language is the only hieroglyphic language still in use andis over 1,000years old .The Naxi believe that they came from a creature called Tabu,

8、who helpedthem hatch from magic eggs.This story is shown in pictures in books put together in the 10 th century ,and there are still a few copies of these ancient books in Lijiang . April 25 th 5 Lijiang is a city of painters and writers , but Naxi culture is particularlyfamous for its music .Passed

9、 from father to son , the music has not changed for eight centuries ,and among the richer Naxi people, knowledge of this music showed thatyou were a real gentleman .Ive just returned from a performance of the Naxi Orchestra .It took place in an old wooden hall, and was played by Naxi men,some of who

10、m looked as if they were well over 100years old !They played ancient songs , songs with names such as The waterDragon Is singing , Wind from the River and The Sheep on the Hill . Sometimes the instruments sounded like women crying , or treesbending under snow.In the audience there were both tourists

11、 and local people.Everyone listened as if someone had put a spell on them . April 29 th 6 I have only one day left before traveling to Kunming and then flying back home .My stay here has been unforgettable and I really dont want to leave.Ive learnt so much about the Naxi culture , and I now understa

12、nd that althoughpeople may seem very different from you , we all laugh , cry ,and needlove and friendship .However different we may appear to be at first , we are all the same , all equal . 西蒙 韦克菲尔德的云南旅行日记 西蒙韦克菲尔德大学毕业后去了云南旅游。下面摘录的是他的几则日记。4月20日 我来云南已经两个月了,这里多姿多彩的风景仍然令我惊讶不已。南部的西双版纳是典型的热带气候,但现在我却在西北部的丽


14、。她们围成小圈坐在广场上,身背孩子,对游客丝毫不感兴趣。她们有在街中心围着桌子打扑克的习惯。纳西人仍然穿着民族服装,妇女们穿着蓝色的衣裤,外面罩着蓝色或黑色的多褶围裙。今天下午,我有幸遇到一位住在古城的纳西族老人。他大约八九十岁了,依然精力充沛。这位老人会说点英语,给我看了几首英译的纳西诗歌。这些诗歌读起来真是美极了!纳西语是唯一仍在使用的象形文字,已有一千多年的历史了。纳西人所信奉的造物主叫塔布,塔布帮助他们的始祖从魔蛋中孵出来。在10世纪编集的书里能找到关于这个传说的图画,今天的丽江仍然能见到这些书的抄本。4月25日 丽江是一座画家和 作家云集的古城,但是,纳西文化却尤以音乐闻名。 纳西音乐世代相传,虽历经八个世纪仍保持原来的音韵。 过去在纳西的富人当中,懂音乐才称得上真正的君子。 我刚刚欣赏了纳西古乐的演奏



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