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1、2.43.7m球磨机检验计划(ITP) ITP of 2.43.7m Overflow Ball Mill编制: 郭云飞Make-out: GuoYunfei审核: 万中停Review:Wan Zhongting批准: 王长鹏 Approval:Wang Changpeng中信重工机械股份有限公司质量保证部Quality Assurance Department of CITIC Heavy Industries Co., Ltd 2011.04.10说明:本ITP检验计划为通用检验计划要求。在实际生产过程中,若有与图纸、工艺、合同要求不一致之处,以生产用图纸、工艺、合同要求为准。Note:T

2、his ITP is generally used inspection and test plan. In the practical production, if there is any difference or conflict between this ITP and drawings, technique or contract, the drawings. technique and the requirements in contract for production should govern. 中信重工机械股份有限公司质量保证部 Quality Assurance Dep

3、artment of CITIC Heavy Industries Co., Ltd2011.球磨机检验计划 ITP of 2.43.7m Overflow Ball Mill零部件名称: 进/出料端盖 共 16 页 第 1 页Part : Feed/Discharge end head the 1st page total 16 pages序号No.操作步骤Operation Technique检验项目Inspection Item检验依据Inspection Basis提供文件Submitted Documents检验要求Inspection Requirement

4、用户要求备注Note1冶炼Smelting化学成分Chemical composition图纸、标准Drawing and standard化学成分报告Chemical composition reportR2铸造Casting尺寸、外观Size. appearance图纸、工艺Drawing and technique3热处理Heat treatment温度、时间Temperature, time图纸、标准Drawing, standard热处理曲线Heat treatment curveR4切割试块Specimen making性能试验、拉伸试验Performance testing,Te

5、nsile test图纸、标准Drawing, standard机械性能报告Mechanical property reportW/R5喷丸、涂底漆Shot blasting外观Appearance工艺ProcessW非加工面Unmachining sueface6粗加工Rough machining尺寸、粗糙度Size. roughness图纸、工艺Drawing and technique7无损检测NDT超声波探伤UT图纸、标准、合同Drawing standard contractUT报告UT reportW/R零部件名称: 进/出料端盖 共 16 页 第 2 页Part : Feed/

6、Discharge end head the 2nd page total 16 pages序号No.操作步骤Operation Technique检验项目Inspection Item检验依据Inspection Basis提供文件Submitted Documents检验要求Inspection Requirement用户要求备注Note8若发现缺陷,需焊补:If some defects are found and welding is needed:8.1开挖缺陷Excavate defects8.2开挖区无损检测NDT to the repaired areas磁粉探伤或着色探伤MT

7、 or PT图纸、标准、合同Drawing standard contract W8.3绘制缺陷图Make out defect map缺陷图Defect mapR8.4缺陷焊补Weld repair温度、焊材、电流Temperature ,welding material and electricity焊补工艺Technique8.5焊补区硬度测试Weld repaired areas hardness test硬度Hardness图纸、标准Drawing and standardW/R8.6焊补区无损检测NDT to the repaired areas超声波探伤UT图纸、标准、合同Dra

8、wing standard contractUT报告UT reportW/R磁粉探伤或着色探伤MT or PT图纸、标准、合同Drawing standard contractMT报告或PT报告MT or PT reportW/R零部件名称:进/出料端盖 共 16 页 第 3 页Part : Feed/Discharge end head the 3rd page total 16 pages序号No.操作步骤Operation Technique检验项目Inspection Item检验依据Inspection Basis提供文件Submitted Documents检验要求Inspecti

9、on Requirement用户要求备注Note8.7退火处理(anneal) Heat treatment温度、时间Temperature and time工艺Technique9半精加工Semi-final machining尺寸、粗糙度Size and roughness图纸、工艺Drawing and technique10无损检测NDT磁粉探伤MT图纸、标准、合同Drawing standard contractMT报告MT reportW/R11精加工Finish machining尺寸、粗糙度Size and roughness图纸、工艺Drawing and technique

10、尺寸报告Dimension reportH/R12无损检测NDT磁粉探伤MT图纸、标准、合同Drawing standard contractMT报告MT reportH/R13涂装前清理Clean the surface before painting表面清理Surface cleaning图纸、工艺、标准Drawing 、technique、standardW14涂装Painting色调、漆膜厚度Color, paint film thickness工艺process涂装报告 Painting reportW/R注明: H-停止检查点 W-见证点 R-验证检查报告Note: H-hold points W-witness points R-report of test零部件名称: 轴齿轮 共 16 页 第 4 页Part : Shaft gear the 4th page total 16pages序号No.操作步骤Operation Technique检验项目Inspection Item检验依据Inspection Basis提供文件Submitted Documents检验要求Inspection Requirement用户要求备注Note1验证材料Test the material化学成分Chemical composition图纸 标准Drawing and



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