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1、 人教选修6 Unit4 Global Warming GrammarTeaching materialNSEFC Book 6 Unit 4Teaching aimsEnable the students to master the usage of the form it is/was. that. Teaching important pointsHow to enable the students to know the structure and the usage of the form it is/was. that.Teaching difficult pointsHow to

2、 help the students to master the usage of the form it is/was. that.Teaching aidstape recorder, slidesTeaching proceduresStep1 RevisionT: First lets check answers. (slide show)Discovering useful words and expressions. (P28)1. Charles Keeling collected _on the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere

3、over a forty-year period. He found that the amount of carbon dioxide _ increasing during that time.2. Although we are burning coal in huge _ every year, we wont _ of it for centuries.3. If the amount of greenhouse gases continues to _ we could be facing a global _.4. Many scientists believe that glo

4、bal warming has _ through the burning of fossil fuels. They do not think that ignoring the issue is worth the _.5. _ describes weather conditions over a period of years in a particular place.6. The _ of a rising sea level would be widespread flooding.7. The use of energy in Susannas country is low _

5、 the use of energy in the USA.8. The warming of the earth is a _ that causes great concern.9. The _ shows temperature changes during the 20th century.10. One hectare of forest can absorb 23 tons of carbon dioxide _ year.Keys:1.data kept on 2. quantities; run out 3. build up; catastrophe4. come about

6、; risk 5. Climate 6. consequence pared to 8.phenomenon9. graph 10. perAnswer keys for Ex.2 on Page 28:The first graph shows the global _ between _ and _The temperature _ and decreased over this period but on the whole it _ by around _ and its highest in 2000. There was a steady _ in the temperature

7、during the twenty years after 1980. We can see from the graph that the earth has become _ since early last century.The second graph shows the amount of _in the atmosphere from _ to _ .The carbon dioxide _ steadily over this forty-year period. It went up from 315 to 370 parts _million.Keys:Temperatur

8、e;1860;2000;increased;rose;1910;increase/rise;warmercarbon dioxide;1957;1997;increase/ went up;perStep2 Grammar强调句结构常考的强调句结构是it 引导的句子。一、It is (was) 被强调部分+ that (who) + 句子其他部分。此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。It is from the sun that we get light and heat.It was not until I had read your letter that I understood t

9、he true state of affairs.KarlboughtMarvaabicycleonherbirthday卡尔在玛瓦生日那天给她买了一辆自行车。 ItwasKarlthatwhoboughtMarvaabicycleonherbirthday(强调主语) ItwasMarvaforwhomKarlboughtabicycleonherbirthday(强调间接宾语) ItwasabicyclethatKarlboughtMarvaonherbirthday(强调直接宾语)注意区别强调句中的thatwho分句与定语从句: Itwasthestudentthatwhoaskedth

10、esillyquestion是一个学生问了这么一个愚蠢的问题。(分裂句) Hewasthestudentwhoaskedthesillyquestion他就是问了这么一个愚蠢问题的学生。(划线部分是定语从句)二、not . until . 的强调形式: It is not until + 被强调部分 + that . “直到才”, 主要用于强调时间状语的强调句型。 WedidnotbeginstudyingFrenchuntilweentereduniversity我们进了大学才开始学法语。要强调untilweentereduniversity,就成了: Itwasnotuntilweente

11、reduniversitythatwebeganstudyingFrench_the18thcenturythatmanrealizedthatthewholeofthebrainwasinvolvedintheworkingsofthemind A. DuringB. InC. ItwasuntilD. ItwasnotuntilD对。直到十八世纪,人们才意识到:心理活动与整个大脑有关。三、强调句的疑问句句型1.强调句的一般疑问句句型:Is / Was +it +所强调的部分+that / who/ whom +其它?2.强调句的特殊疑问句句型:特殊疑问词 + is/wasit that /

12、 who/ whom+其它 ?Whyisitthatyouhatewinter?你究竟为什么不喜欢冬天? Howwasitthatyoumissedsuchawonderfullecture?你怎么会错过这么精彩的报告? Whenwasitthattheywentabroad?他们什么时候出国的?四、判断强调句的方法判断是否是强调句是,可把 It is / was that 去掉,剩余部分在不增减任何词的情况下还是一个完整的句子,那么这种句子是强调句。It was in the street that I met her father. In the street I met her fath

13、er. It was because she was ill that they didnt ask her to do the job.Because she was ill, they didnt ask her to do the job.Step 3 Exercises一、根据划线部分把下列句子变成强调句。1. Peter lent us the money.2. They want money.3. All this happened on Monday.4. I didnt hear form her until last summer.5.Why does everyone th

14、ink I am narrow-minded? Keys:1. It was Peter who lent us the money.2. It is money that they want.3. It was on Monday that all this happened.4. It was not until last summer that I heard from her.5.Why is it that everyone thinks I am narrow-minded?二、Multiple choices1. It was in this village _ I was brought up. A. where B. that C. on which D. which2. Is it the factory_ this type of cars are produced?A. which B. where C. th



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