there be…结构及其变体

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《there be…结构及其变体》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《there be…结构及其变体(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、句型变体一、例如:There has never been anybody like you. There will be snow on high ground. There might be drinks if you wait a bit. There used to be a small shop here. 句型变体二、There + appear ( seem / live / exist / stand / lie / remain / come / go / enter /follow,etc.) +主语+其他成分。例如:There appear to be several r

2、easons for changing our plans.In a small town inGermany, there once lived a rich merchant who had a beautiful daughter.There remains nothing more to be done. Suddenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in black.There stands a tall tree at the top of the hill.There followed an uncomfortable s

3、ilence.There comes the bus.There goes the bell.句型变体三、There be + noun + to do (to be done) / v-ing / done +其他成分。例如:There is a man to be sent there to help him. There is a worker repairing his car. There was much work done yesterday. 句型变体四、There being + noun + other parts.此变体句型可在句中充当状语(被称为“独立主格结构”)和主语、表语或宾语(被成为“动名词复合结构”)例如:There being no bus, we had to walk home. Whats the chance of there being an election this year? 句型变体五、 There to be + noun + other parts.例如:I dont want there to be any more trouble. I expect there to be no person in the room. Id like there to be a swimming pool in the garden.


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