商务英语中级 Report课件

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《商务英语中级 Report课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语中级 Report课件(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、4.2 Report,Business English,Lesson Seven,01,Writing(写作) : A report,商务便函与便条是企业内部员工之间的书面联系手段。,商务信函是企业对外进行书面联络的手段。,商务报告既适用于企业面向外界机构与人员进行业务往来,例如向公司股东们呈交的年度报告、分红配股报告等,亦适用于企业内部上下级之间、员工之间的信息沟通,例如市场调查报告等。,商务报告的结构,Answer,Report on _ Introduction The aim of this report is to _ Findings Over the last three mon

2、ths, the number of visitors has _.There are two reasons for the increase. First of all, we Secondly in May_ Recommendations In order to increase this number I would recommend that,Introduction Aim Why you have been asked to write it What you will have done by the end Findings Describe the facts and

3、information Recommendations Make recommendations and propose,梳理归纳,Plan your report How many sections will there be? Give each section a heading Think of phrase and vocabulary to include in each section Check that your plan covers all the points. Then write your report,Procedure,Check your answer Doe

4、s it fully complete the task? Is the information clearly organized? Are the grammar, vocabulary and style appropriate? Make any necessary changes. Make sure you keep within12-140words.,Procedure,1. Read the information and the task below: You work in the marketing department of your company and your

5、 line manager has delegated to you the task of preparing a short report. You must report on the number of people visiting the company website in the last three months and propose a marketing strategy for the next three months. You have already made some handwritten notes on the information below.,Wr

6、iting: A report,ran competition very popular,launched newsletter for subscribers,2300,2700,2950,very few people visit because of these,except my time!,Writing: A report,Understand the task preparing a short report Report on the number of people visiting the company website in the last three months .

7、 propose a marketing strategy for the next three months.,商务报告的结构及常用句型,Answer,Report on _ Keep the title of the report short. It only needs to tell your reader the subject. 简短、精炼,让你的读者知道你写作的意图即可,Report on _visits to website and proposed marketing strategy_,商务报告的结构及常用句型,Answer,Introduction 介绍写作背景,阐明报告

8、要讨论的问题。 The aim/purpose/objective of this report is to This report sets out to /aims to As requested by/ Upon request of某人/某部门, I am submitting the following report about We have done a survey showing that ,Introduction The aim of this report is to comment on the number of people visiting the compan

9、y website in the last three months and propose a marketing strategy for the next three months.,商务报告的结构及常用句型,Answer,Findings(调查结果) According to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table above , The recent visit/investigation/survey showed that The table/chart a

10、bove tells us that From the chart shown, we find/learn/notice that The table/chart above is showing that,上升趋势 to increase / an increase to go up to grow / a growth to jump / a jump to leap / a leap to reach a peak / a peak to soar / a soar to rise / a rise,常用的概括图表信息的词组和表达方式,下降趋势 to collapse / a coll

11、apse to decline / a decline to drop / a drop to decrease / a decrease to fall / a fall to go down to reach a low point / a low point to reduce / a reduction,升降程度较大 a great deal /big/a lot clear / clearly considerable / considerably dramatic / dramatically great /greatly marked / markedly Much,常用的概括图

12、表信息的词组和表达方式,obvious / obviously quick / quickly rapid / rapidly remarkable / remarkably Sharp /sharply significant / significantly strong / strongly sudden / suddenly,升降程度较小 a bit a little gentle / gently gradual / gradually little slight / slightly slow / slowly small steady / steadily,常用的概括图表信息的词组

13、和表达方式,平稳状态 to be hardly changed to have little change to keep steady to level off to remain constant to remain unchanged,Exercise:,Truck sales rose steadily from October to December.,Exercise:,A steady fall in sales during November and December followed the sharp increase in October.,Exercise:,Truck

14、 sales dropped down in October, but remained unchanged for the rest of the period.,ran competition very popular,launched newsletter for subscribers,2300,2700,2950,Findings Over the last three months, the number of visitors has increased by 650.There are two reasons for the increase. First of all, we

15、 launched a newsletter for subscribers. Secondly in May, we ran a competition which was very popular.,Increase to means to take an amount and add to it, stopping when you reach a certain level. For example: take one apple, and increase to five. So you have 1, then add +1, doing this over and over, s

16、topping when you reach 5. You end up with five apples. Increase by means to take an amount and add another specified amount to it. For example, take one apple, and increase by five. So you have 1, then you add +5 apples. Now you end up with six apples.,With regards to costs, banners have cost 3200 euros a month but very few people seem to visit the website as a result of these. On the other



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