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1、PEP新教材小学五年级下册英语全部教案work.10. Bingo game.11.Make a calendar.4. Play the audiotape of the dialogue as the Ss followin their books.5. Lets try: Play the audiotape. Ask the class to listenAnd tick.6. Pair work: Have a paie work to practice thedialogue of this course.Step 3 Consoladition and extension:1.

2、Bingon game: P33.2. Make a personal calendar.Find out important for your family and your fridnds.Dont forget to put the holidays and festivals in.3. Good to know: Chinese Zodiac.Introduce the twelve Zodiac: Rat Ox, Tiger, Rabbit,Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, DogAnd pig.Homework: Prac

3、tice the dialogue.BB:授课时间 科目 班 级课 题 My birthday D教 学目 的 1.Ss can understand read and practice the dialogue of this Course.2. Can four-skills the sentences: Is her birthday in June? Yes.Whats the date? June 9th.重点与难点 Four-skills sentences. Practice the dialogue.教学方法 Read Pairwork Group work教 具 Tape r

4、ecorder vocabulary cards教 学 过 程教 学 程 序 及 内 容 学生活动设计Step 1 Warming up and revision:1. Say the chant of “When is your birthday?”. PlayThe audiotape if it is necessary.2.Have a question and answer drill to practice thedrill of last class:T: Whats the date today?S: Its April 16th.Step 2 Presentation and

5、 practice:1.Demonstrate a big poster of the dialogue. And thenIntroduce the pictures to the class.Now look at the pictures !What are they doing in thepicture? They are playing xxputers. Yes, they arewriting a letter in xxputer. They are sending ane-card to Zooms grandmother for her birthday?When is

6、her birthday? Is her birthday in June? Nowlisten to the tape and then answer the followingquestions.2. Play the audiotape of Read and Write as the Ssfollow along their books. While listening, just showthe questions of page 33.3.Answer the questions.4. Copy the four-skills sentences.Step 3 consolidat

7、ion and extension:1. Group work to have a dialogue to practice the drillIs her birthday in June? Yes.Whats the date? June 9th.2. Lets check. Play the audiotape of lets check onPage 35. Make the class listen and circle the correctanswer.3. Lets sing: When is your birthday?Homework:1.Copy the four-ski

8、ll sentences on their exercisebook.2. Listen to the tape of this unit and follow alongtheir books.Blackboard:Unit 3My birthday!Is her birthday in June?Yes!Whats the date?Its June 9th.Teachers notes:授课时间 科目 班 级课 题 Recycle 1教 学目 的 1.Ss can understand read say and practice the dialogue of Unit 1to Unit

9、 3. 2.They can read and write the four-skills Words and sentences of last three Units. 3. They can重点与难点 practice the dialogue of Recycle 1. Foru-skills words and sentences.Practice the dialogue.教学方法 TPR Group workPair workTask-based activity教 具 Vocabulary cards audiotapetape recorder.教 学 过 程教 学 程 序

10、及 内 容 学生活动设计Step 1 Warming up and revision:1.Chant.2.Free talk.1.Lets chant. Have the chant with the class to reviewThe chants they have learned in the last three units.Play the audiotape if it is necessary.2.Freely talk: Have a free talk to practice the dialydialogue of they learned.T: Whats the da

11、te today?S: Its _.T: Whats the weather like today?3. Review the numbers.4. Listen and number.5.Listen and write.S: Its sunny and warm.T: Whats the season is it now?S: Its spring.T: Do you like spring?S: Yes./ No.T: Whats your favourite season?S; My favourite season is _.T: Why do you like it?S: Because I can _.T: When is your birthday?S: My birthday is _.3. Review the numbers and make them to say thecorrect numbers and review the following words:First, second, third, forthStep 2 Presentation and practice:1. Listen and number.P40. Play the audiotape andAsk the class to listen and


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