精品课件-quick fix society

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《精品课件-quick fix society》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精品课件-quick fix society(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What does “quick fix” mean? How do you understand the title?,e.g. Theres no quick fix for depression. Even if you are under medical care and taking antidepressant medication, improvement takes time.,a way of solving a problem that is easy but temporary or inadequate,“Fix” means solution. “Quick fix”

2、 in this essay refers to the lifestyle of modern people who are impatient to get everything done and want to find the quick solution to everything.,Get familiar with the modern lifestyle of most American people and see the possible problems of a quick fix society ; Grasp the main idea and structure

3、of the text; Master the meanings and usage of key words and expressions; be reduced to ; get sth. over with, life in the fast lane speedout of control; deferred gratification Explore the method of writing Expository Essay.,Task 1- Topic Discussion,Task 2- Text Understanding,Task 3- Theme Exploration

4、,Assignment,Task 4- Debate,Survey:,Which is your most popular way to contact with your family and Friends?,Do you think people nowadays are living in a fast-paced society?,SIAS UNIVERSITY,2013.04,Here it refers to the lifestyle of modern American people who are impatient to get everything done and w

5、ant to find the quick solution to everything.,Expository Essay,To explain the lifestyle of modern American people and appeal for some change in peoples attitude,Clear cut 3 Parts,Comparison & Contrast Rhetorical Questions,What is an expository essay? It ,Gives facts. Explains. Gives steps in a proce

6、ss. Presents ideas in logical order or correct sequence.,Steps to write an Expository Essay,3,The writers reflection on the lifestyle of Americans after her trip.,4,6,7,8,Explain the three features of the quick fix society.,The writers appeal to her fellow countrymen to return to life in the slow la

7、ne.,Contrast,Fast lane trip,Return trip,The herd of cows is reduced to a few dots, the herds of cowsno longer little dots this,Pastoral scenery slid by us at 55mph.,We drove slowly through main streets, slowing to 20 mph, getting there wasnt any fun at all., getting there had been the fun.,speed,sce

8、nery,feelings,Once,Now,consumption,losing weight,put a little of each paycheck away “for a rainy day”,take out loans relax now, pay later,deferred gratification,We arent so patient.,If we wanted to become thinner, we simply ate less.,try the latest miracle diet,Attitude towards success,In the past,N

9、ow,book,music,news,relationship,listened to every note of Beethovens Fifth Symphony,linger over every word of a classic novel,devote large parts of our days to our loved ones,Magazine articles pre-digested and news briefings more brief than ever,enjoy 26 seconds of that famous theme,read the condens

10、ed version listen to the tape,replace them with “quality time”,There are two kinds: 1) is a question that is followed by an answer. Its purpose is to cause readers attention. (In Chinese, it corresponds with 设问). 2) Is a question that never expects an answer. It expresses a definite meaning in a sty

11、le of question. (The writer has had an answer in his mind.) (In Chinese, it corresponds with 反问) Its function is to impress readers.,Find out the rhetorical questions in the text.,Why is it that the featureless turnpikes and interstates are the routes of choice for so many of us? Why doesnt everybod

12、y try slowing down and exploring the countryside? (Para. 3),How dare anyone keep America waiting longer than overnight? (Para. 5) Why waste 45 minutes listening to the whole thing when someone else has saved us the trouble of picking out the best parts? (Para. 6) Why are we in such a hurry to save t

13、ime? (Para. 7),apposition to “trouble”,In which paragraph the author reveal her purpose of writing this essay?,Para. 8 Lets slow down and enjoy what nature offers us and what mankind has left us and rediscover life.,The author believes that people in the United States are now becoming _. They cant w

14、ait for things to _. They are always in a _. The contrast experience of _ made her think about the _, which is typical of _ features: _; _; _. The author says that the people in the US are good at _ but not at _ . If they use the time they have just to _, then the urge for speed or efficiency will b

15、ecome an obsession. There has to be a serious effort to _ on this impatient lifestyle. People should _ so that they will have the time to read, to enjoy music, to develop personal relations, to enjoy beautiful scenery, to _.,a trip to West Virginia,the lifestyle of modern American people,more and more impatient,happen,hurry,now instead of later,3,faster instead of slower,superficially instead of thoroughly,saving time,spending time,save more time,put the brakes,slow down,rediscover


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