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1、20122013下八年级英语竞赛试卷命题人:何巍巍题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分分数I.单项选择(20分)( )1.-Have you heard that _ UFO landed on Center Street yesterday? -Of course. And _ alien got out of the UFO and visited the TV station. A. a, the B. the, an C. a, an D. an, an( )2.I hope there will be _ cars and _ pollution in the future, thus(这

2、样) people will live longer. A. more, less B. fewer, less C. fewer, more D. fewer, fewer( )3.-Oh, my clothes are _! -Maybe you should buy some new clothes. A. out of style B. in style C. original D. comfortable( )4.-I dont have enough money for the camp. -You could _ some money _ your parents? A. len

3、d, from B. lend, to C. borrow, to D. borrow, from( )5.-I have too much housework to do at home! -_ ask your husband for help? A. You could B. Why dont C. Why not D. How about( )6.-What _ you _ when the phone rang? -I was washing my hair in the bathroom. A. were, doing B. was, doing C. did, do D. are

4、, doing( )7.The girl was _ ice cream in the sofa while the boy was _ paper at the table. A eating, cuting B. eatting, cutting C. eating, cutting D. eatting, cuting( )8. How far do you live from my house? _. A. An hour B. Three times C. Ten minutes walk D. At ten( )9. I was doing the same job_.I real

5、ly feel bored. A.all time B.the whole time C.all the time D.the all time( )10. He always has a great time _. A. make friends B. making friends C. to make friends D. made friends( )11. Amys legs are longer than _. A. my B.her C. me D. mine( )12. You scored 95 points. I scored 90 points. I scored _ po

6、ints. A. few B. little C. fewer D. less( )13. -What is she like? - _. Do you think shes good-looking. A. Hiking B.She has straight, long hair C.A singer D. A tree( )14. He raised _ for the charity to help the poor children. A. thousand of dollars B. thousand of dollar C. thousands of dollars D. thou

7、sands of dollar( )15. _ does the first class begin? At 7:40. A. How long B. Where C. When D. How( )16.Where are you going? Im going to the library to _ the book. A. return back B. get back C. take back D. give back( )17.Can I use your bike to go to school? _ . But you must return it tomorrow. A. It

8、doesnt matter B. No problem C. Sorry D. Im OK( )18.I get _ when my parents turn off the TV. A. annoyed B. annoy C. annoying D. to annoy( )19. Its not polite to _ when people stand in front of you. A. cut in line B. cut line C. cut a line D. cut in lines( )20. When did you _ Shanghai last night? A. a

9、rrive B. reach C. get D. goII.补全对话(5分) Li Fang: Hi, Wang Hai! Its a long time since we met last. (1)_ Wang Hai: Ive been to Kunming with my friends. Li: (2) _ Wang: Yes, of course. And we saw many kinds of flowers there. (3) _ Li: Did you meet any foreign visitors? Wang: Yes, a lot. And I talked wit

10、h some of them. Li: (4) _Wang: They said we were very friendly. Li: (5) _A. What did they say about Chinese people? B. Youve just come back, havent you? C. Did you have a good journey? D. What did they like best about China? E. Where have you been? F. There were many foreigners, too. G. All of them

11、were very beautifulWang: The delicious food and the places of interest. III.完形填空(10分) Linda has brought all her books home today. After lunch she puts the 1 out on the table and begins to do the homework for each subject. She begins with math. She finds that she has no 2 . She looks for it everywher

12、e, but doesnt find it. After a little while, she doesnt feel comfortable 3 . She moves to the sofa with all her books. Now the sunlight from the window shines 4 . She moves back to the table. She has made a good start on her 5 when she stops to listen to her mother talking on the telephone. When she

13、 comes back to her work, her little sister Betty asks her for some 6 . Betty joins her at the table and begins to draw a horse. Linda has to 7 her. When they have finished, both go to the 8 . Linda eats some cakes there and brings a tin Coca Cola to her table. She says to herself, “Ill finish my English exercises 9 at school before classe


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