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1、Good morning, everybody, its great to be here and I thank the organizers for inviting General Motors to participate in this important conference. Over the years, the APEC CEO Summit has developed into a crucial forum for dialogue and action on issue that cut across not only the Pacific Rim but all c

2、ountries. This mornings topic, Global Corporate Social Responsibility, is an example of an issue that truly does cut across all borders. The world we live in today truly is a global village. Its a small world, and all companies are under a microscope.大家早上好!很高兴来到这里,同时感谢主办方邀请通用汽车公司出席这一重要会议。多年来,APEC CE

3、O峰会已经发展成为一个发起国家对话,解决国际争端的重要平台。这个平台不光影响到环太平洋地区,而是全球/所有国家。今天的主题:“全球企业社会责任”,是一个讨论真正跨越国界议题的实例。今天我们生活的世界真正是一个地球村。我们这个世界很小,所有公司都是微观世界活动的一份子。To set the stage for our panel discussion, I would like to offer just a few observations and comments based on General Motors broad global footprint and our long hist

4、ory as a corporate citizen of many different countries. 为准备我们的小组讨论,我想基于美国通用公司谈谈个人的看法和体会。这些看法和体会是建立在通用公司作为很多不同国家的企业公民这几年在全球范围内的发展足迹以及我们公司悠久历史的基础上的。Let me say first that its especially appropriate that we are discussing these issues here in china. China has opened its economy faster and more broadly t

5、han most observers would have imagined. Yet that opening also highlights many of the well-publicized fears of foreign investment, market integration and globalization. The critics express fear, fear that the process of globalization and the global corporation involved in it may undermine national au

6、thority, local culture and the national environment.首先我想说,我们在中国谈论这些问题是尤为合适的。中国更快、更广地开放其经济超乎了大多数人的想象。然而,这种开放也突显了许多广为人知的对国外投资、市场一体化。和全球化的担忧。评论家们表示担心,它所涉及到的全球化进程和国际大公司,及其运作可能会破坏国家权威,本地文化和环境。Speaking from my own experience and that of General Motors, a company that has done business around the world for

7、 nearly a hundred years and now has operations in around 200 countries, I believe these concerns are misplaced. The data show that global corporations play a positive role in improving income and working conditions, in caring for the environment, in improving education and in raising living standard

8、s in general. That role starts, of course, with the business itself. Companies make the invaluable social contribution of generating jobs, transferring managerial and technological know-how, providing training, and generating tax revenues for governments. Those things are the essentials of any count

9、ries and any communities own well-being and progress. 根据我个人的经验和通用公司的经历,通用遍布全球的经营已有近百年,而且目前已在约200个国家设立了分公司,我认为这些担忧是没有必要的。数据显示,国际公司在提高人们收入和改善工作条件、改善环境、改进教育和普遍提高生活水平方面发挥了积极的作用。当然,这一作用的开始,源于商业本身。公司/企业对社会做出了宝贵的贡献,诸如创造就业机会/刺激就业,传授管理和技术知识/把管理知识、技术知识转化为实际,提供培训以及为政府创造税收。而这些是任何想要提供福利和取得进步的国家和社区所必须具备(的东西)。Howe

10、ver, my own view is that successful companies have an obligation to do more than the basic contributions generated by their own business activity. A commitment to paying a fair days pay for a fair days work is really only the starting point. Beyond that is a commitment to an employee health and safe

11、ty. In the case of General Motors, we have adopted the same health safety standards for every plant we operate no matter where its located. And these standards exceed all local requirements. We are the industry leader in health and safety in the United States and around the world. In the environment

12、al area, we also apply best practices in all plants around the world. 但是,我认为成功的企业有义务不仅仅限于(通过)它们的商业活动(带来的基本贡献)。有一天工作则有一天报酬的承诺只是一个起点、除此之外/而更高的要求是,(还应)保证雇员的健康和安全。就通用汽车来说,我们都采用同样的健康安全标准,无论我们的工厂在哪个地方。而且这些标准都是超过当地要求的。在美国和世界各地,我们是健康和安全方面的领头羊/先行企业。在环境领域,我们也将最佳解决方案/采用最好的做法应用在世界各地的通用工厂中。We do these because it

13、s what our own core values lead us to do. Our core values define what we want to achieve and what we want to stand for as a company. They are not only our roadmap for corporate social responsibility. They are the drivers of all our decisions and activities in all countries. They are in essence our c

14、ode of conduct. So Id like to take a moment to describe them to you briefly.我们这样做的原因是受我们的核心价值观的指导。我们的核心价值观界定了我们公司的目标成就和我们公司的定位和形象。它们不仅仅是我们企业社会责任路线图/具体规划,而且是我们在许多国家战略制定和公司运作的动力。它们本质上来说就是我们的行为准则。因此我想花一些时间来简短地说明一下我们的核心价值。Our first core value is customer enthusiasm. We will dedicate ourselves to product

15、s and services that create enthusiastic customers. No one will be second guessed for doing the right things for the customers.我们的第一个核心价值观是消费者的热情。我们将致力于产品和服务以刺激消费者热情。没有人会(再三)怀疑为消费者做事是对的。 Second is continuous improvement. We will set ambitious goals, stretch to meet them and then raise the bar again a

16、nd again. We believe that everything can be done better, faster and more effectively in a learning environment. 二是不断完善。我们将树立雄心勃勃的目标,且尽全力实现/达到这些目标并不断提升标准。我们相信在一个学习的环境中我们可以把每一件事情做得更好,更快和更有效。 Third is integrity. We will stand for honesty and trust in everything we do. We will say what we believe and do what we say.三是诚信。我们将奉行诚实和信任。说心中所想,做口中所说/我们主张我们所信奉的,履行我们所主张的。Forth is teamwork. We will win by thinking and acting together as one General


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