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1、路面施工动态管理、留样管理、标准化管理有关要求为进一步加强路面施工质量的管理,各级单位应按照下列施工动态管理、沥青路面面层施工留样管理、路面监理工作标准化管理的内容要求认真填写好相应的表格、做好相对应的工作,确保对路面的质量管理工作更上一个台阶。一、施工动态管理1 各路面面层施工单位的沥青混合料拌合机应具有良好的计算机打印设备,具有打印每拌各原材料添加数量、加热温度、沥青混合料数量、拌和时间等数据的功能,每天生产结束后能将各仓集料、矿粉、沥青、沥青混合料总量相加打印出来。2 各标段每天施工结束填写高速公路沥青面层施工质量动态管理记录表、沥青混合料施工级配逐盘检验计算表和沥青混合料拌和机生产数据


3、量管理动态管理图的数据,出现异常时,应分析原因,提出改正措施,及时修正,确保面层施工质量。5、每层面层施工结束后,应汇总全部数据,计算出平均值、标准偏差及变异系数,绘制全标段该面层施工质量直方图或正态分布曲线,作为评价企业质量管理水平的重要指标。6、沥青混合料采用取样器按规定频率集中取样,有施工单位、监理单位、技术服务单位分别进行试验。施工单位每机每日不少于检测2次,监理组每日每标段每机不少于1次。7、监理单位在各面层施工前,应认真做好比对试验工作,以确保试验误差控制在允许范围内。表1-1 沥青混合料拌合机生产数据总量检查表 高速公路 标段合同标段施工单位施工日期拌合机型号生产时间混合料类型摊

4、铺层位设计厚度各种材料用量5仓4仓3仓2仓1仓矿粉水泥沥青生产配合比(以沥青混合料为100)每拌设计量(kg)全天累计用量(kg)材料累计用量比(以沥青混合料为100)全天生产沥青混合料量(kg)机 (合计)机摊铺层桩号摊铺长度(m)摊铺面积(m2)施工平均厚度(cm)填表人: 日期:表1-2 高速公路沥青面层施工质量动态管理记录表 高速公路 标段合同标段施工单位生产日期拌和机型号生产时间混合料类型摊铺层位设计厚度油石比(%)上午平均值极差下午马歇尔试件空隙率(%)上午平均值极差下午0.075mm成份(%)上午平均值极差下午2.36mm成份(%)上午平均值极差下午4.75mm成份(%)上午平均

5、值极差下午VMA(%)上午平均值极差下午平均压实度(%)马歇尔试件密度极差最大理论密度极差填表人: 日期:culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Pover

6、ty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is . . Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activitie

7、s. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid manageme

8、nt model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and make a heart activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes,

9、current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor dont have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. T

10、hird, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious new . . Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protectio

11、n work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationac

12、cording to project needs, in accordance with the channel, use the same, and use principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds . Here to remind everyone that bu

13、ndle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year . and . resp

14、ectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, five-ten (five-way path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; Ten the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education,表1-3 沥青混合料施工级配逐盘检验计算表序号热料仓各仓重量


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