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1、,Its raining!,Unit7,点此播放教学视频,sunny,cloudy,windy,raining,snowing,Look at the signs(标志) below, what do they mean?,(rainy),(snowy),Whats the weather like?,Beijing,Guangzhou,Chengdu,Kunming,Shanghai,A: Hows the weather in ? Whats the weather like in ? B: Its in ,Moscow,Hows the weather in Moscow?,Its sn

2、owing in Moscow.,Whats the weather like in Moscow?,点此播放教学视频,Toronto,Hows the weather in Toronto?,Its windy in Toronto.,Whats the weather like in Toronto?,Boston,Its cloudy in Boston.,Hows the weather in Boston?,Whats the weather like in Boston?,Beijing,Moscow,Boston,Shanghai,Toronto,A: Whats the wea

3、ther like in?,B: Its in,-Whats the weather like? -Its_.,sunny,is playing,Excercise,-Whats he doing? -He _the guitar.,点此播放朗读视频,-_ the weather like?,Whats,raining,are,they,playing,-Its_.,-What _ _ doing?,-They _ _ soccer.,are,点此播放听力音频,Shes cooking.,Hows the weather? Whats she doing?,He is playing comp

4、uter games.,Hows the weather? Whats he doing?,点此播放朗读视频,They are drawing.,Hows the weather? What are they doing?,revision,现在进行时:,表示正在发生的动作。,句式结构:,主语+ be + v-ing,Whats he/ she doing? He/She is doing What are you doing? I am doing What are they doing? They are doing,Which is correct?,1.Its eight oclock

5、. Jims father _TV. A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch,A,B,2._is the weather there? Its windy. A.What B.How C.Whats D.how,Which is correct?,D,B,3._the weather like today? Cloudy. A.Hows B.What does C What D.Whats,4.Whats the weather like today?_ A.Its rain. B.Its raining. C. It rainy

6、. D. Its wind.,Whats she/he doing? Shes/Hes,2,3,4,1,Listen and number the pictures. (2a ),1. _ Uncle Joe 2. _ Jeff 3. _ Mary 4. _ Aunt Sally,Listen again. Match the names with the activities. (2b),c,b,a,d,a. is playing computer games b. is cooking c. is playing basketball d. is watching TV,Talk abou

7、t the people in 2a with a partner. (2c),Its raining!,Unit7,Hows it going? 近来可好? 这是英语中进行问候时的寒暄用 语,相当于汉语中的“近况如何?”“身 体可好?”“一切还好吗?”多用于口语 或非正式书面场合(如与朋友通信 等)。还可以问: Hows your summer vacation going? 你暑假过得怎么样?,Hows it going? 后可接with sb/ sth.用来 表达对朋友、家人的关怀。如: Hows it going with Peter? 彼特最近怎么样? Hows it going w

8、ith your study? 你最近学习怎么样?,对 “Hows it going?” 回答可以用: Not bad. 还不错。 Pretty good. 相当好。 Great! 很好! Terrible! 很糟糕! Just so-so. 马马虎虎。 Fine! 很好! Not bad! 马马虎虎!,询问别人的学习、工作、生活等,也可以用如下表达: Hows everything? Terrible! Hows your study? Great! Hows the life? Not bad!,最近怎么样? 事情进展得顺利吗?事情进行得怎么样? 过得好吗?事情进展的怎样?,回答: Not

9、 bad.不错 Great.很好 Its going pretty well. / All goes well. / Everything goes well. 一切顺利。,Hows it going?,Hows your weekend?,Its sunny/.,Pair work,Practice the conversation below. Then make your own conversations.,Hows it going?,Hows the weather there?,Great!,What are you doing?,Im.,10,Role-Play the con

10、versation. (2d),.,Rick: Hello, Rick speaking. Steve: Hi, Rick. Its Steve. Hows it going? Rick: Not bad, thanks. The weathers great. What are you doing? Steve: Im playing basketball with some friends at the park.,Pair work,.,Rick: Sounds like youre having a good time. Steve: Yeah. Is your brother at

11、home? Rick: Oh, hes not here. Hes studying at his friends home. Can I take a message for him? Steve: Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back? Rick: Sure, no problem.,Pair work,20,right now 现在,立即;此刻,目前;此时,小组自主学习,25,1. A: What are you doing? B: I am doing my homework. I always do my homework in t

12、he evening. 2. A: Whats John doing right now? B: He is playing soccer. He plays soccer every Saturday. 3. A: Is Julie studying English right now? B: No, she isnt. She is studying Chinese. 4. A: What are Julie and Jane doing? B: They are making soup. They can make very good soup. 5. A: Is Lisa talkin

13、g on the phone again? B: Yes, she talks on the phone for three hours every day.,Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in five different places. Fill in the chart. (3b),Its sunny.,Its windy.,Its cold.,Its hot.,Its raining.,He is playing the guitar.,They are walking.,They are cooking.,He is writi

14、ng a letter.,They are playing football.,挑战主持人,CCTV Weather Report,Hello, everyone! Im going to give a weather report. Beijing is sunny and its hot. Shanghai is Chengdu is Thank you.,35,Language points,1. it在本课中指代天气, 翻译时可不译出中文,根据上下文理解其含义。 如: Its windy. (天气) 在刮风。 Its cold today. 今天很冷。 The weather is r

15、aining.改错 It is raining. Weather 是天气。只能说好坏, 比如,The weather is good。 不能说天气下雨了。,2. wind windy cloud cloudy sun sunny 这三组表天气的词都是“名词 + y = 形容词”。,3.1 rain 名词“雨,雨水”, 动词“下雨”。 Its raining cats and dogs. 正下倾盆大雨。 其形容词为:rainy 下雨的 “下雨了。”可说: Its raining. Its rainy. 3.2 snow 名词“雪”, 动词“下雪”, 其形容词为snowy。 “下雪了” 可说: Its snowing. 或 Its snowy.,4. 表“风、云、雨、雪”等天气的名词都是不可数名词。但有时可在前面加上“a”,表示“一团、阵”等, 这时就是可数。如:a wind 一阵风, a cloud 一团云, a rain 一阵雨。 We can see many clouds in the sky. 我们能看到空中有许多云彩。,描述天气的形容词多



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