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1、情景交际 (2),考点一:社会交际类 1熟悉关系: (1)问候(Greetings) A:Hi/Hello!/Good morning/afternoon/evening! How are you! Please say hello to your parents/your Please give my love/regards/best wishes to,B:Hi/Hello!/Good morning/afternoon/evening! Im fine./OK. Thanks, and you? Very well, thank you. Just soso.(一般般) Sure, a

2、ll right, thanks.,(2)介绍(Introduction) A:My name is(Tim/Jane) Im a(student/teacher/doctor) Im from/come from This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms. Id like you to meet(Bob) May I introduce(to you)? B:Hello! How do you do? Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet/see you.,(3)告别(Farewells) A/B:Goodbye/Byebye.(熟人,关系密切)Good night. Se

3、e you(later/then/tomorrow/soon)(经常见面的熟人之间的用语) Im sorry I have to go now. Im afraid I must be leaving now. Im sorry I must be off now. Nice meeting you/to have met you. (初次见面的人之间的用语),(4)感谢(Thanks) A:Thank you(very much) Thanks a lot/for Thank you for Its very kind of you. I appreciate your help.,B:It

4、s a pleasure. Thats all right/OK.(没关系,不用谢。) My pleasure. Youre welcome. Dont mention it.,(5)道歉(Apologies) A:Sorry./Im very/terribly/awfully sorry. Please forgive me. Excuse me, please. I beg your pardon for losing your book. Im sorry to interrupt you/(that)I am late for school. B:Thats OK. It is all

5、 right. Never mind. It is nothing. Forget it(算了吧) It doesnt matter.,(6)邀请(Invitation) A:Would you like to(go for a walk)? May/Can I invite you to(dinner)? What/How about(having a swim)?,B:Thats a good idea. 同意:Yes, Id love to. That would be nice. 不同意:No, thank you. Id love to, but Im sorry I cant. W

6、hat about another time? Im afraid I cant.()(原因),(7)求允许(Asking for permission) A:May/Can/Could I(use your phone)? Is it all right if I (sit here)? I wonder if I(could smoke here) Would/Do you mind if I(open the window)?,B:Yes, please. Sure/Certainly. Of course. You can. Please do./Go ahead, please. I

7、m sorry(, it is not allowed here) Im afraid you cant. Youd better not.,(8)祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations) A:Have a good(day/time/trip/journey!) Good luck! Congratulations! Best wishes(to you)! Wish you all the success! Well done. B:Thank you. The same to you. (指双方进行同一件事时,还可以说 You too.),

8、(9)约会(Making appointments) A:Will you be free tomorrow? Do you have time this afternoon? How about tomorrow morning? When/Where shall we meet? Could we meet at 4:30? Lets make it 4:30. What time is convenient for you? Id like to make an appointment with Jones.,B:Yes, Ill be free then. All right. See

9、 you then. Thats fine with me. Im afraid I have no time then. Sorry, I wont be free then. But Ill be free tomorrow.,(10)打电话(Making telephone calls) A:Hello! May I speak to(Tom)? Id like to speak to(Tom) Is that(Tom) speaking? Can I leave a message? Ill ring(him/her) up again. Ill call back later/aga

10、in.,B: Hello, this is(Mary) speaking! Who is (that) speaking? Hold on/Hold the line, please. Sorry, he/she isnt here right now. Can I take a message? Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number.,(11)就餐(Having meals) A:Would you like to haveto eat/drink? What would you like (to have)? Would you like s

11、ome more (fish)? Help yourself to (some fish) Which do you prefer, rice or noodle?,B:Yes, Id like Just a little, please. Its so delicious. Thank you. I prefer/like(tea) No, thanks, Im full/Ive had enough. Its very delicious, but I cant eat any more.,(12)提醒注意(Reminding and warning) Dont forget our ra

12、incoat. Remember to lock the door. Make sure that all the windows are closed. Mind your head/step! No smoking! No spitting! Wet floor! Look out! Be careful! Dont touch! Its dangerous!,(13)劝告(Advice) Youd better go to see the doctor. You should listen to and read English every day. You need to buy a

13、ChineseEnglish dictionary. If I were you, Id phone him now. Dont rush/hurry/push. Please stand in line.,(14)建议 (Suggestions) Lets go and have a look. Should we go now? What/How about a picnic this Sunday? Why dont you buy a computer? Why not go to a movie? Have you considered doing?,Maybe it would b

14、e better to Maybe we could In my opinion, we should As far as I can see, the best thing would be to There are several things we could do. You may ask for help.,2其他关系: (1)提供帮助(Offering help) A:Can I help you?(一般用语) Is there anything I can do for you?(客气用语) Do you want me to do(clean the room)? Let me

15、 do(take your bags) B:同意: Yes, thanks. Thats very kind of you. 不同意:No, thanks./Thank you all the same. I can manage (it) myself.,(2)就医(Seeing the doctor) A:What is the matter? How long have you felt like this? Let me take your temperature. Its nothing serious. B:Ive(got) a headache/cough/fever Im no

16、t feeling well today. Ive got a pain here. It hurts here.,(3)购物(Shopping) A:What can I do for you? How many/How much would you like? What color/size/kind would you like? Here is your change. B:I want/Id like(a pair of shoes) How much is it? Thats fine, Ill take it. Well, Ill think about it.,(4)问路(Asking the way) A:Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to? How can I get to(


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