刺绣 翻译

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《刺绣 翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《刺绣 翻译(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、刺绣(embroidery)是一种具有悠久传统的民间艺术,在中国艺术和手工艺品史上占有重要地位。刺绣的长期发展离不开蚕的饲养和纺织技术的发展。中国是世界上第一个发现和使用丝绸的国家。早在5000年前,中国就已经开始饲养蚕。丝线和丝制品的生产促进了刺绣艺术的诞生。时至今日,丝绣几乎已经传遍了整个中国。最好的绣品通常被认为来源于下面四省:江苏(尤其是苏州)、湖南、四川和广东,各省绣品各具特色。Embroidery, a folk art with a long tradition, occupies an important position in the history of Chinese a

2、rts and crafts. It is, in its long development, inseparable from silkworm-raising and silk- reeling and weaving. China is the first country in the world that discovered the use of silk. Silkworms were domesticated as early as 5 000 years ago. The production of silk thread and fabrics gave rise to the art of embroidery. Today, silk embroidery is practiced nearly all over China. It is generally agreed that he best commercial products come from four provinces: Jiangsu (notably Suzhou), Hunan, Sichuan and Guangdong, each with its distinctive features.


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