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1、日校开学摸底考首字母汇编7篇C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格处填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空限填一次,首字母已给)(7分)Can you own mom turn up a pair of trousers, knit a sweater, bake or cook with ease? Or, can you ? According to a survey in the USA, traditional household skills, like making pastry, baking

2、 and sewing buttons, are d_72_ out, because modern moms are too busy to starch(浆洗) a shirt,w_73_ more than half struggle to sew name tags in their childrens clothes. Nearly half of young moms said they made more of an effort to learn traditional”mon”skills a _74_ their children were born. Younger mo

3、ms said they were embarrassed at their lack of traditional skills. Sue Flowers, lead r_75_,said:”Many mons find it difficult to do some of the d_76_ tasks their own moms may have done. Moms from previous generations learned how to do these tasks from their moms and their moms b_77_ them. However, ou

4、r research has shown that many modern moms do want to learn how to do these things.” How many traditional skills do you have? Can you bake or sew? Do you rely on your mom to do these things? Can your mom do all these things? We can begin to learn some traditional skills from our gandmas,m_78_ togeth

5、er with our own mothers.72.dying 73.while 74.after 75.researcher 76.daily 77.before 78.maybeEOver the past 70 years, researchers have been studying happy and unhappy people and finally found out ten factors that matter. To a certain degree, our f _75_of happiness are determined by genes. However, of

6、 all the factors, wealth and age are the top two. Money can buy a degree of happiness, but once you can a_76_ to feed , clothe, and house yourself, each extra dollar makes less and less difference. Researchers find that wealthier people are usually happier, but the l_77_ between money and happiness

7、is not simple. In the past half century, average income has dramatically increased in developed countries, yet happiness levels have remained almost the s _78_. Once your basic needs are met, money only seems to increase happiness if you have more than your friends, neighbors and colleagues. “Dollar

8、s buy status, and status makes people feel better,” conclude some experts. For example, scientists may a _79_the jobs though they are poorly paid. Another factor connected with happiness is age. Maybe old age isnt that bad. In one survey, Carstensen interviewed 184 people between the ages of 18 and

9、94, and asked them to fill out an emotions questionnaire. She found that old people reported positive emotions just as o_80_ as young people but negative emotions much less.Why are old people happier? Some scientists suggest older people may expect life to be harder and learn to live with it, or the

10、yre more realistic about their g_81_, only setting ones that know they can achieve. But Carstensen thinks that with time running out, older people have learned to focus on the things that make them happy and not to concentrate on those that dont. “People realize not only what they have, but also wha

11、t they have cannot last forever,” she says. Keys: Feelings/ afford/ link/ same/ accept/ often / goals F Early on the morning of December 26th, my friend Eric and I went down to the beach in Sri Lanka for the first time. We n 82 that the sea had gone a long way out but this did not mean anything to u

12、s. We had been to Mombassa several times and at times the sea had gone right out to the reef (礁). We also knew that it was a f 83 moon and thought it may influence (影响) the sea. We didnt realize how many more Sri Lankan families would be killed because it was a holiday and they were on the beach. I

13、left Eric on the beach and went for a walk down by the sea. I must have gone about a quarter of a mile when I met a fisherman. He w 84 me that there was something wrong with the sea. I told him that I knew the waves were strong and that I didnt want to go swimming. He said, “No, madam, no there is s

14、omething wrong with the sea.”He walked with me u 85 we reached his village. As we reached it a huge surge (波涛汹涌) of water almost knocked me over. He held me fast with one arm and held on to a tree with the other. The villagers were all crying loudly as f 86 and other things floated (漂浮) from their h

15、ouses. They all started running back across the railway lines directly behind.The fisherman took me back to the railway lines and we stumbled (蹒跚而行) along there until we came up behind Eric. I shouted that there was something wrong but Eric just did not believe me and thought I was out of my m 87 .A

16、t that point, from my higher point I could see the sea rising in its bed. It just continued to rise and came towards us. Eric moved quickly with great difficulty and we escaped the third and final wave. We heard later that not one tourist at Yale Safari Lodge (小屋) remaineda88totell the story.Although we were anxious (焦急的) to make our families know that we were


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