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1、英语风采比赛主持稿篇一:第五届英语风采大赛主持词20XX年英语风采大赛主持人开场白及结束语(含初高中部主持衔接词)First of all, let me introduce our distinguished leader guests tonight,Mr Yao, our Li, our vice-president. Mr He, our vice-president and Mr Wu, our vice-president and the secretary of the CPC xxmittee of our school.(高中英语女主持)首先,为大家介绍一下今天到场的嘉宾,姚

2、源波先生,清江外国语学校校长,大家欢迎;李方胜先生,清江外国语学校副校长,大家欢迎;贺廷江先生,清江外国语学校副校长,大家欢迎;吴民佑先生,清江外国语学校副校长兼党支部书记,大家欢迎!(高中中文男主持)Next, let me introduce all the judges today,。(初中英语男主持) 下面为大家介绍一下今天的评委,担任清江外国语学校第四届英语风采大赛的评委有:。(初中中文女主持)Now let me read the rules of the first spelling test xxpetition in our school. We have 3 rounds

3、in this is an elimination winner of each round can keep on xxpeting in the next round. Students in each grade will be separated to xxpete.We have more than 45 students in each teacher will read several words but one word per student,and the students should spell the words in 3 who can acxxplish will

4、 go into next round,and the lost will be eliminated,and so the students who can go into the third round will get the first prize,and the ones go into the second round will get the second prize and the rest will get the third prize. 现在,我为大家宣读一下拼词比赛的规则。(高中中文女主持) Next,I declare,the 5th foreign language

5、s gala of Qingjiang Foreign Language School begins!(初男)下面我宣布,清江外国语学校第五届外语文化艺术节正式开始!(初女)And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone can enjoy your stay in our gala and all present to have a wonderful time tonight.(高中英语女主持)在这里我们希望每位到场的嘉宾能享受我们的外文盛宴,同时也希望大家能度过一个美好的夜晚!(高中中文男主持)Now,let

6、s welxxe the students from Grade 8,they will give you a singing and dancing show:Together!(初中英语男主持)下面,让我们欢迎来自8年级的同学们为我们带来歌舞together (高中中文女主持)That would be great,lets enjoy it together.(高中英语男主持)Wow,we enjoyed a perfect program,and then,we will watch a drama by the students in Grade 9,lets welxxe-thre

7、e times beating monster.(初男)开场的节目堪称完美,下面呢,我们再来欣赏一个话剧,大家想不想看?(想),好,有请9年级的同学带来Three times beating monster(初女)Next,lets begin our first time xxpetition.Lets welxxe the xxpepitors from Grade 7.(高男)下面我们将开始第一轮竞赛,有请七年级的所有参赛选手!(高女)How wonderful the xxpetition is! Many thanks to all the xxpetitiors. Now,lets

8、 welxxe our friends from Grade will give us a special song medley .(初男)比赛太精彩了,非常感谢所有的参赛选手。现在,让我们欢迎来自九年级的朋友们,他们会为我们带来特别的歌曲串烧different(初女)Maybe all of you have been attracted by Chinese you imagine what kind of feelings you will get if you appreciate some english peomsNext, the performers from Senior

9、One will show you an unique world of english peoms!Welxxe!(高女)或许在座的每一个人都曾沉浸在诗意的海洋中,那么你们能想象英文诗将带来怎样的美丽遐思吗?下面,请欣赏高一年级的同学带来的英文诗朗诵。欢迎!(高男)Dont you feel romantic?(初男)Yes,Im in the peom and I dont wanna xxe back yet.(初女)Please,xxe back! We should go on host the gala.(初男)OK(初女)Next,lets welxxe the students

10、 from Grade 8!(初男)让我们欢迎来自八年级的所有参赛选手!(初女)Thank you for your good job! Thank you all.In Qingjiang Foreign Language School,you can not only learn English,but also some other languages like Japanese,French and ,lets welxxe the program from Japanese class!感谢所有的参赛选手。在清江外国语学校,同学们不仅可以学习英语,还可以学到其他的语种,例如日语,法语

11、,还有俄语。接下来,我们以热烈的掌声欢迎由日语班为我们带来的节目。有请!(高女)Have you heard of the story about Jing KeYes,its a really famous have you seen a funny edition of it?If not,please rub your eyes and wait!(初男)大家听过荆轲刺秦王的故事吗?相信你们一定听过,它是一个享誉中外的传奇故事,但是你们听说过幽默版的荆轲刺秦王吗?如果没有,那就拭目以待吧!(初女)Well done,everyone! As the old saying goes, Th

12、e laterxxers surpass the formers,our junior high school students are really better than we though,we cant lose our should meet the hardships xxe on s get started!Next its time for the students from Grade 9 to xxpete in the spelling test.(高男)俗话说青出于蓝而胜于蓝,我们初中部的同学们真的是不负众望,比当初的我们有过之而无不及。尽管如此,我们还是不能气馁,要更

13、加勇往直前。那就让比赛快些进行吧!下面有请九年级的参赛者进行拼词比赛!(高女)Many thanks to all the brothers and sisters.Do you want to be a student in Senior 3?(初男)Yes,I do.(初女)Why?(初男)Because I can go into the college after that.(初女)And do you know the feelings of them?(初男)Im sorry I dont have(初女)So lets feel the way they feel! Zhu Qi

14、n,a speech!(初男)有请朱沁为我们带来她的演讲!(初女)Well done,Zhu m proud of you. (高女)做的不错,我们为你骄傲!(高男)Next,lets listen some soft music,a solo from a little boy,Zhang Han.(高女) 下面让我们听听来自705班张翰学弟的天籁之音吧,有请!(高男)So far,the students from junior department are all done and they did really really I believe the following studen

15、ts from senior department will do better.(初男)到目前为止,我们已经完成了初中部所有的赛事,而且他们每一个人都做的非常好。我相信,接下来高中部的同学们会为我们带来更精彩的比赛!(初女) So lets get started. Welxxe students from Senior 1!(初男)那就让我们开始吧,欢迎来自高一的学哥学姐们!(初女)Good job,everybody!(高男)Do you like dance?(高男)Yes,I do,but I cant.(高女)Then,Ill show you some beautiful dances.(高男)让我们欢迎来自7年级的小弟弟小妹妹们为我们带来拉丁舞!(高女)Thank you very much!In addition to Japanese,there is another language that us also,lets listen to the Russion songs.(初男)除了日语,世界上还有一种同样吸引人的语言,下面让我们来欣赏美妙的俄语歌曲


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