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1、英国维多利亚文学心得体会篇一:维多利亚时期英国文学六维多利亚时期(Victorian Era 1837年1901年)查尔斯狄更斯(Charles Dickens)杰出的小说家,批判现实主义(Critical Realism)的代表人物。代表作波兹特写(Sketches by Boz),匹克维克外传(The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club),雾都孤儿(Oliver Twist),老古玩店(The Old Curiosity Shop),美国札记(American Notes),董贝父子(Dombey and Son),大卫科波菲尔(David Cop

2、perfield),荒凉山庄(Bleak House),艰难时世(Hard Times),双城记(A Tale of Two Cities),远大前程(Great Expectations)。威廉麦克皮斯萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackeray):杰出的批判现实主义(Critical Realism)的小说家。代表作长篇小说名利场(Vanity Fair),亨利艾斯蒙德(Hey Esmond),纽可姆一家(The Newxxers)。 勃朗特三姐妹(The Bronte Sisters):夏洛特勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)的简爱(Jane Eyre);艾米丽

3、勃朗特(Emily Bronte)的呼啸山庄(Wuthering Heights);安尼勃朗特(Anne Bronte)的安格尼斯格雷(Agnes Grey)。乔治艾略特(George Eliot):著名的现实主义女作家。代表作亚当比德(Adam Bede),弗罗斯河上的磨坊(The Mill on the Floss),织工马南(Silas Marner),米德尔马契(MiddlemarchA Study of Provincial Life)。盖斯凯尔夫人(Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell):现实主义作家,代表作玛丽巴顿(Marry Barton),南方与北方

4、夏洛特勃朗特传(Life of Charlotte Bronte)。乔治梅瑞迪斯(George Meredith):小说家,代表作理查德法弗尔的苦难(The Ordeal of Richard Feverel)。 托马斯哈代(Thomas Hardy):伟大的小说家,诗人。代表作德伯家的苔丝(Tess of the DUrbervilles),无名的裘德(Jude the Obscure),远离尘嚣(Far From the Madding Crowd),还乡(The Return of the Native),卡斯特桥市长(The Mayor of Casterbridge),威赛克斯故事集

5、(Wessex Tales),人生小讽刺(Lifes Little Ironies),诗歌列王(The Dynasts)。罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森(Robert Louis Stevenson):英国新浪漫主义(Neo-Romanticism)文学的杰出代表。代表作新天方夜谭(New Arabian Nights)。艾尔弗雷德丁尼生(Alfred Tennyson):“桂冠诗人”(Poet Laureate),主要作品冲击、冲击、冲击(Break,Break,Break),尤利西斯(Ulysses),公主(The Princess),悼念(In Memoriam),毛黛(Maud)。罗伯特布朗宁(

6、Robert Browning):著名诗人,独创了戏剧独白诗(dramatic monologue)。代表作长诗环与书(The Ring and the Book)。伊丽莎白芭蕾特布朗宁(Elizabeth Barrett Browning):罗伯特布朗宁的妻子。代表作孩子们的哭声(The Cry of the Children),葡萄牙十四行诗(Sonnets from the Portuguese)。马修阿诺德(Matthew Arnold):杰出的诗人和批评家。代表作多佛海滩(Dover Beach)。但丁加百列罗塞蒂(Dante Gabriel Rossetti):“先拉斐尔兄弟会”(

7、the Pre-raphaelite)的创始人之一。代表作女神(The Blessed Damozel),生命之屋(The House of Life)。托马斯卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle):著名的散文家、文学批评家。法国革命(The French Revolution)。奥斯卡王尔德(Oscar Wilde):著名的剧作家、诗人、小说家和文艺批评家,唯美主义(aestheticism)文学的代表。他以“为艺术而艺术”(art for arts sake)的理论著称。代表作长篇小说道林格雷的画像(The Picture of Dorian Gray),戏剧温德米尔夫人的扇子(Lady

8、Windermeres Fan),童话集快乐王子童话集(The Happy Prince and Other Tales)。篇二:英国文学维多利亚时期 The Victorian AgeGeneral Introductiona) Period an Eras in English history Anglo-Saxon6551066 Norman10661154 Plantagenet11541485 Tudor14851603 Elizabethan15581603 Stuart16031714 Jacobean16031625 Caroline16251649Interregnum164

9、91660Restoration16601688Georgian17141830Victorian18371901Edwardian19011910World War I19141918Interwar19181939World War II19391945Modern1945presentBrief intro:The Victorian Period revolves around the political career of Queen Victoria. She was crowned in 1837 and died in 1901 . A great deal of change

10、 took place during this period-broughtabout because of the Industrial Revolution; so its not surprising that the literature of the period is often concerned with social reform. As Thomas Carlyle wrote, The time for levity, insincerity, and idle babble and play-acting, in all kinds, is gone by; it is

11、 a serious, grave time.b) Victoria Period1) Time SpanThe Victorian Period revolves around the political career of Queen Victoria. A new era really began with the passage of Reform Bill 1832 and closed atthe end of Boer War in 1902.2) Three phasesThe early Victorian period : 多事之秋It saw the opening of

12、 Britains first railway and its first Reform Parliament, but it was also a time of economic distress.The mid-Victorian period : 经济繁荣和宗教分歧的时期(Economic Prosperity and Religious Controversy)It was not free of harassing problems, it was a time of prosperity, optimism, and stability.The later period : 由盛

13、到衰过程的时期(Decay of VictorianValues)The costs of Empire became increasingly apparent, and England was confronted with growing threats to its military and economic preeminence. c) Queen Victoria and Victorian TemperVictoria was born in came to the throne in 1837, after thedeath of her uncle William IV,

14、crowned in 1838 and died in 1901.She reigned for exactly 63 years, 7 months, 2 days , longer than any other British monarch.Her 9 children and 42 grandchildren tying them together and earning her thenickname the grandmother of Europe.Exemplifies Victorian qualities: earnestness, moral responsibility

15、, domesticproprietyThe Victorian Period was an age of transitionAn age characterized by energy and high moral purpose1819年生于伦敦,1837年继位成为英国女王。到19世纪末,维多利亚女王由于拥有许多欧洲皇室的皇亲国戚,被人称为欧洲的祖母。1897年英国为她在位60周年举行庆典,成为英国历史上统治时间最长的女王。由于这一时期英国迅速地向外扩张,建立了庞大的殖民地,因此被称为日不落帝国。1901年1月22日,维多利亚女王去世。d) Four FeaturesThe long struggle of the Anglo-Saxons for personal liberty


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