International treaty on tobacco control及翻译

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《International treaty on tobacco control及翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《International treaty on tobacco control及翻译(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、International treaty on tobacco controlLadies and Gentleman: To begin with, I would like to tell you all a piece of good news. A treaby that aims to reduce a major cause of death and disease just went into effect. The treaty is called the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. It is the first publ

2、ic health treaty negotiated by the World Health Organization. More than one hundred and sixty countries have sighed it. Countries that sign the treaty then must approve it within their governments. So far, fewer than sixty countries have done that. But only forty countries needed to ratify the treat

3、y to bring it into force. The treaty went into effect on February 27th 2005. Nations that ratify the treaty must raie prices and taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. They must fight illegal trade in tobacco products. And they must place controls on second-hand smoke, smoke from other peop

4、les tobacco.The treaty also advertising and other marketing campaigns for tobacco. But this is true only if such a ban would notviolate a national constitution.The treaty calls for tabacco companies to make public all the substances they use to make cigarettes. And health warnings may not include in

5、 information that might lead people to believe that some cigatettes are lessharmful than others. Experts say there is no such thing as a safe cigarette. Also, governments that approvethe treaty must support programs to help people stop smoking. And there mustbe education programs to urge people not

6、to start. The World Health Organization estimates that more than onethousand million people smoke.It says that more than eighty percent of smokers live in developing countries. And it also says that tobaccokills one-half of those who keep using it. Each year almost five million people worldwide die

7、from the effects of smoking. At current rates of growth, experts say the number could reach ten million a year by2020. Smokingcauses or increases therisk of many diseases. These include cancer andheart disease.Pregnant women who smokemay damage their unborn child. Also, a recent study offers more ev

8、idence that breathing tobacco smoke as a child increases the risk of lung cancer late in life. The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is well received by the people all over the world, but additonal agreements known as protocols to strengthen it are needed. For example, developing nationsneed f

9、inancial help to carry out the treaty. And there are no punishments for countries that fail to act. But they will have theirrecords examined at United Natiojns conferences anyway. Thank you.国际烟草控制公约女士们,先生们: 首先,我要告诉大家一个好消息。一个以降低死亡与疾病主要原因为目的的公约刚刚生效。这个公约叫烟草控制框架公约。它是由世界卫生组织主持达成的第一个(具有法律效力的)国际公共卫生条约。 已经有

10、160多个国家在公约上签字,签了字的国家必须在他们的国家批准该公约。迄今为止,已批准了公约的国家接近60个。但是只有40个国家需要批准使之生效。该公约在2005年2月27日生效。 各缔约国须提高香烟和其他烟草制品的价格和税收,他们必须打击非法的烟草制品贸易,必须采取措施减少公共场所被动吸烟等。 公约还禁止烟草广告及烟草商进行赞助活动。但是这样的限制必须不会冒犯该国的宪法规定。 公约号召各烟草公司为大众生产香烟替代品。健康的警告词不应该包括可能让吸烟误以为某些香烟的危害程度比其他香烟小的信息。专家说所有的香烟都是不安全的。 缔约国还必须支持开展帮助人们戒烟的活动。应该开展告诫人们不要吸烟的教育活

11、动。 世界卫生组织的研究表明,全球目前有烟民约10忆人。80%多的烟民生活在发展中国家。经常吸烟的人一半死于吸烟,每年世界上有近500成人因吸烟而死亡,专家指出,按照目前的增长速度,到2020年,这个数字将达到1,000万。 吸烟导致并增加了患各种各样疾病的危险。这些疾病包括癌症和心脏病。吸烟的孕妇可能伤害胎儿。最近研究提供了更多的事实,证明孩子从小就吸入烟雾,他们长大后得肺癌的危险性增大。 烟草控制框架公约广受世界人民的欢迎,但是补充的协议还需要进一步完善。比如,发展中国家贯彻公约需要资金的支持。对于那些不实行的国家还没有处罚的条例,不过他们的表现将在联合国大会接受检验。 我的话完了,谢谢大家。



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