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1、清河开明中学20142015学年度第二学期期末考试初一英语试卷第一部分听力部分 (20分)听力测试 (共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)A) 根据所听对话及问题,选出正确答案。(听两遍)( ) 1. What animal are they talking about?A. B.C.( ) 2. What is Millie going to do this weekend?A. B.C.( ) 3. How was the weather yesterday?A. B.C. ( ) 4. What isnt in Lilys neighbourhood?A. B. C.( ) 5. Who

2、 will help Tom? A. Some college students. B. His parents. C. Some social workers.( ) 6. Whats wrong with the woman?A. Her leg hurts. B. Her foot hurts. C. Her hand hurts.( ) 7. Where is the post office?A. On the right of the bank. B. Near the bank. C. In front of the bank. ( ) 8. How long did Millie

3、 stay in hospital?A. For 1 day. B. For 5 days. C. For 8 days.( ) 9. What does Sandys father do?A. A postman. B. A policeman. C. An engineer. ( ) 10. Why didnt Millie go to see the movie?A. Because she was late. B. Because she lost the ticket. C. Because she forgot the time.B) 听对话,选择正确答案。(听两遍)听一段对话,回

4、答第11-12小题。( ) 11. Where does Peter get the news?A. In the newspaper. B. On TV. C. In the book. ( ) 12. What does the girl think of the teacher?A. He is clever. B. He is handsome. C. He is brave. C) 根据所听短文,完成信息记录表,听两遍。TimeInformationIn the 13 centuryCai Lun found the way to make paper.In the seventh

5、century 14 got to know the art of making paper.TodayThere are over 15 kinds of paper in the world.( ) 13. A. second B. third C. fourth ( ) 14. A. CanadaB. JapanC. France( ) 15. A. 70B. 700C. 7,000D) 根据听到的短文,选择正确答案。(听两遍)( ) 16. What did Lewis Carroll do?A. An artist. B. A postman.C. A teacher.( ) 17.

6、 Where was Lewis Carroll from?A. Russia. B. England. C. The USA. ( ) 18. What was Lewis Carrolls favourite hobby?A. Writing songs. B. Playing football. C. Taking photos.( ) 19. When did Lewis Carroll write the book Alice in Wonderland?A. In 1865. B. In 1665. C. In 1886.( ) 20. Why did Lewis Carroll

7、always know what children were thinking about?A. Because the children told him what they thought. B. Because he loved children. C. Because he asked children what they liked.第二部分笔试部分 (100分)II.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)( ) 21. -Did you see _ film Where are We Going, Dad? -Yes, its _ interesting film! A.

8、a; the B. the; anC. a; anD. the; the ( ) 22. Which sound is different from the others? A. capital B. sameC. may D. save( ) 23. -_ news it is! Our school team won the basketball match. -Really? We should share it with our teachers. A. What good B. What a goodC. How good D. How a good( ) 24. This mini

9、 iPad is _. _ is at home. A. your; My B. your; MineC. yours; My D. yours; Mine( ) 25. Go _ a bridge first, then walk _ a forest, and youll find a house. A. across; through B. cross; acrossC. through; acrossD. through; cross( ) 26. - Lets watch Tiger Mom Cat Dad! - Sorry, I _. I have to go to my danc

10、ing lesson. A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. cant ( ) 27. _ knows anything about her because she doesnt tell us _ about herself. A. Nobody; anythingB. Anybody; anything C. Anybody; nothingD. Nobody; nothing( ) 28. There _ an English Festival in our school next term. A. is going to beB. is going to

11、 haveC. will to be D. will have( ) 29. -Why are you standing there, Anna? -I cant see the words there. Two tall boys are sitting _ me. A. in front of B. behind C. next to D. beside( ) 30. -Its snowing outside and it is so beautiful. Why not _ it? -Good idea! A. to stop to watch B. to stop watching C

12、. stop watching D. stop to watch( ) 31. I want to buy some goldfish because they are _. A. easily to look after B. easy to look after C. easily to look after themD. easy to look after them ( ) 32. He was _ at the news and looked at me with his mouth _. A. surprised; opened wide B. amazing; wide open

13、 C. amazing; open wide D. surprised; open wide( ) 33. There were _ people in the street at midnight, so he drove fast. A. a few B. a little C. fewD. little( ) 34. -Who do you want to help? -Poor children. They are _ poor _ go to school. A. enough; to B. too; to C. to; too D. too; cant ( ) 35. Tom _ all his money in the first two weeks of the month, and after that he couldnt even


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