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1、A healthy life,Unit 3,Proverbs,on health,1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 2. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 3. Good health is over wealth. 4 He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything .,1. What kind of person can be regarded as a he

2、althy person?,Is he healthy?,Is he a truly healthy person?,A truly healthy person is someone who is healthy in both _ and _.,body,mind,physical health +,mental health,conclusion,2. Looking at the following pictures. What are they doing? Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activiti

3、es?,Singing,Healthy,Dancing,Healthy,Playing basketball,Healthy,Doing Taiji,Healthy,Drinking alcohol,Unhealthy,Unhealthy,She is addicted to overeating, which contributed to her obesity.,Smoking cigarettes,Unhealthy,She is dieting.,Unhealthy,going to nightclubs often,unhealthy,spend too much time on c

4、omputer,unhealthy,Were suffering too much stress.,Unhealthy,eat fresh fruit do erercise have enough sleep,A healthy life Dos and donts,dont drink too much alcohol dont take drugs dont smoke dont stay up,3. What health issues do you think concern young people the most?,Cigarette smoking Drinking alco

5、hol Drug abuse Diet Physical fitness Stress Obesity,Speaking,Sample: Drug abuse concerns me the most. First, drug taking does great harm to peoples health which will gradually kill a person. Besides, buying drug costs a lot of money, so many families break up in this way.,What is he doing ?,Why do y

6、ou think some adolescents start smoking?,Top 6 reasons for young students smoking 1. Reduce pressure. 2. Curiosity. 3. Popular actors and kids do it. 4. It is cool. 5. Mothers or fathers smoke. 6. To attract others attention,In what ways is smoking harmful?,Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine

7、 together.,公益广告,香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。,A waste of _,money,Smoking may cause _.,fire,Smoking may cause _.,air pollution,Smoking is not good for _ smokers.,secondhand,中国约十万人因吸二手烟而死.,lungs of a smoker,lungs of a non-smoker,do damage to ones lungs,Smoking makes you bony.,What advice will you give to them?,S

8、ome useful expressions,be harmful to/do harm to be addicted to causes be good/bad for have a(an) effect on Youd better You should If you ,you will I hope/wish,Advice from Grandad,He is killing himself!,Who? To whom? Purpose?,James grandfather,James,To give James some advice and encourage him to quit

9、 smoking,Go through the first two and the last paragraphs.,Scan the text and get the main idea of each paragraph,Tip: the first or the last sentence of each paragraph might be helpful,What picture does the writer try to describe ? An 81-year-old man having a 20-km bike ride. What idea does the write

10、r try to convey? A long and active life is due to the healthy life one lives.,Paragraph 1,He is leading a _ life.,long and active,It seemed amazing that he was still _ _even though he would be _ years old.,Scanning,James grandads recent life,What kind of life is James grandad leading? How do you kno

11、w that?,fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon,82,para1,Paragraph 2,Why do you think the writer mentions his own experience of smoking? To make his advice more convincing 令人信服的,James is finding it easy to quit smoking. James grandad never became addicted to cigarettes. James grandad wants

12、 to tell James that it is easy to begin smoking and difficult to stop.,the real reason for the letter,Scanning,true or false,F,F,it difficult to quit,T,He became addicted to cigarettes during adolescence.,If it is false please find out the reasons.,para2,Please find out the different ways of becomin

13、g addicted. Find out the sentences that have the similar meanings to replace the following ones. So if you are addicted to smoking, you will feel uncomfortable when you dont smoke. But at last I succeeded in stoping smoking.,Scanning,the ways of becoming addicted,So when the drug leaves your body, y

14、ou get withdrawal symptoms.,But I did finally manage.,para3,Main idea,Grandads life.,The for writing the letter.,Three to become addicted to cigarettes.,The harmful of smoking.,More and grandads wishes,healthy,reason,causes,effects,advice,3 ways to become,addicted,heart and lungs,become pregnant,aff

15、ect,non-smokers,terrible,turn yellow,breathless,sport,Do terrible damage to your heart and lungs,black,The leaves of lung turn_,The babies may have a smaller weight or even be abnormal in some way.,The ends of your fingers become yellow.,Cancer,Abortion,Suggestions to quit smoking,1. Prepare yourself 2. Be determined 3. Break the habit 4. Relax 5. Get help if you need it 6. Keep trying,Post-reading,From the passage, we can learn James grandad has the following characteristics EXCEPT_. A. determined B. energetic C. thoughtful D. out-of-date,Reading,I know how easy


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