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1、,冠词的填空。该空比较简单,一般不宜丢分。但是很多同学在填空时,容易因为固定思维而丢分。比如有的同学认为前边如果提到某种事物,后边再次出现时,一定用定冠词the,事实上并不一定。 如一篇关于火灾事故的文章中有这么两句话 - his mother called the ambulance. Soon _ ambulance came and sent him to hospital.许多同学填了the ,事实上答案应该为an,原因很简单,就是因为救护车是不特定的,母亲在电话里断断不会要求医院派辆车牌号为诸如粤B88888之类的车。 请注意,填空必须重视上下文。单纯某一句话答案可能有好几个,但上下

2、文一定有一个最准确,最能将文章连接好。,In five of them, the rate at which fish are being taken out of the sea has dropped to a level that should let the populations recover. 这句话的主语是rate,句型应该是the rate (at which ) has dropped to a level, “has dropped to” 是谓语动词,后面的a level就是to的宾语,that引导的是定语从句,修饰level。at which引导的也是定语从句,修饰r

3、ate 这其中的五个,鱼被从海洋打捞的比率/达到要让人们予以调整恢复的程度。,19期 语法填空,Find out the mistakes in each following sentence and correct them. She going to school every day. People in order to make profits cut down trees. I gone to the hospital to visit him. He lay in bed, read a book. The teacher came into the classroom held

4、a book in his hand.,She goes to school every day. People cut down trees in order to make profits . I went to the hospital to visit him. He lay in bed, reading a book. The teacher came into the classroom holding a book in his hand.,19期B2版 非谓语动词(一) (知识归纳-2.不定式的用法),Fill in the blanks,1. It is very hard

5、 _ (finish) the work in ten minutes. 2. Marx found _ important _ (study) the situation in Russia. 3. He did nothing last Sunday but _(repair) his bike. 4. I have no choice but _ (stay) here. 5. He was seen _ (cross) the road. 6. He was the first person _ (land) on the moon. 7.他是最适合做这个工作的人。 He is the

6、 most suitable man to do the job(或for the job). 8. I will attend the meeting _ (hold) tomorrow. = I will attend the meeting which will be held tomorrow. = I will attend the meeting which is to be held tomorrow.,9. 我旅行的计划落空了。 My plan to travel came to naught (零) at last. 总结:不定式作定语可以: 表将来 修饰:序数词、最高级,t

7、he last, the only,the next 等词修饰的名词 修饰:plan. desire, wish, chance, promise, attempt, ability, right(权利) , time等名词 10. 他匆忙赶到学校不料却发现一个人也没有。 He hurried to school only to find nobody there. (only) to do 不定式作结果状语,表示意料之外的结果。,一. 不定式 (1)做主语 1. 眼见为实。 2. 买那台二手洗衣机不是一个明智的选择。 (2)做宾语 3. 他买不起一辆小车。 4. 她最终答应借钱给我,但是想我

8、尽快还给她。我承诺一有钱就会还她的。,1. To see is to believe. 2. Its an unwise choice to purchase the second-hand washing machine. 3. He cant afford to buy a car. 4. She eventually agreed to lend me the money, but wanted me to pay her back as soon as possible. And I promised to do that as long as I have money.,(3)做宾补

9、 5. - 你想我帮你做些什么呢? - 我宁愿你离我远一点。 6. 经理命令他的秘书马上来见他。 7. 是谁弄哭这个婴儿的? 8. 夏天经常见到他去游泳。(被动) (4)做定语 9. 你有没有吃的东西,饿死我了。 10. 他总是第一个来,最后一个走。,5. -What would you like me to do? -I prefer you to stay away from me. -I would rather you kept away from me. 6. The manager ordered the secretary to see him in no time. 7. Wh

10、o made the baby cry? 8. He is often seen to go swimming in summer.,9. Have you got / Do you have anything to eat? Im starving. 10. He is always the first to come and the last to leave.,(5)做状语(目的、结果或原因) 11. 我全力以赴学习为了取得更大的进步。 12. 那个害怕的小女孩躲了起来为了不让人家抓起来。 13. 他搬起石头想不到却砸伤了自己的脚。 (only to do) 14. 她太虚弱了,照顾不了

11、自己。 15. 看到他回来我们都很高兴.,11. I take great pains to study so as to make greater / further progress. 12. The terrified / frightened girl hid (away) in order not to be caught. 13. He lifted the rock only to hurt / injure his feet. 14. She is too weak to care for herself. 15. We are glad to see his coming b

12、ack.,(6)做表语 16. 他的理想是长大了当牙医。 17. 我的责任是把你们教好。 16. His ideal / dream / goal is to be a dentist when he grows up . 17. My job / duty / task / responsibility is to teach you well.,不定式的形式 1. 请记得帮我寄那封信。 2. 今晚六点半你们应该在读书。 (be supposed to do) 3. 听说他曾经吸过毒。 4. 这个任务很快就要开展了。 5. 报道说,最近很多人给打劫。 6. 他不知道下一步做什么好。 7. 怎

13、么样去解决这个棘手的问题到现在还是一个谜。 8.当爸爸走进书房的时候,我假装在认真学习。,不定式的形式 1. Please remember to post the letter for me. 2. You are supposed to be reading at half past six this evening. 3. He is said to have taken drugs. Or: It is said that he has taken drugs. 4. The task is to be carried out.,5. Many people are reported

14、to have been robbed. Or: It is reported that many people have been robbed. 6. He had no idea what to do next. 7. How to find a solution to the tough problem is still a mystery. 8. When my father walked into the study, I pretended to be studying attentively / carefully.,动名词可以受到名词所有格的修饰,例如: 1. Mary的撒谎

15、使得在场的人都很吃惊. Marys telling lies made all the people present angry. 2. 我坚持她和我一起去. I insisted on her going together with me. 3. 老板原谅了他的迟到. The boss forgave his coming / being late. = The boss forgave him for his coming / being late. 4.你介意我开窗吗? Do you mind me / my opening the window?,动名词还有被动式,例如: 5. He

16、doesnt mind being left alone. 6. She came here without being invited. 7. The stranger helped me out without being asked.,V-ing形式,动名词的翻译练习。 1. 上重点大学并非是一个遥远的梦想。 2. 你介意把收音机开小一点吗?我静不下心来学习。 3. 我无法忍受他那样对待他的父母。(bear) 4. 他的迟到令老师很生气。 5. 听到这个笑话,我们都忍俊不禁。,1. 上重点大学并非是一个遥远的梦想。 Going to a key university is not a distant dream. 2. 你介意把收音机开小一点吗?我静不下心来学习。 Do you mind turning down the radio? I cant concentrate on my study. 3. 我



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