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1、金融界有哪些著名的论文? 【曹留的回答(41票)】:看到上面那么多答案居然没提BS公式的那篇Paper,忍不住试着来答一下。我猜题主是想通过读作为学科foundation的这些paper来进行金融入门,曾几何时我也有和楼主相似的想法,并自己做了一点Researching ,也整理出了一点成果,我就试着根据这些Paper为知友们理一理现代金融发展的脉络吧。(提醒:为了给新手一个金融学发展的直观的感受,我选择了用时间顺序列举Paper的办法,而不是按传统的分 投资学/公司金融 两块(PT-CAPM-EMH-MM-BSM)3来列举的。)首先,金融的一切一切的Foundation,Daniel Ber

2、noulli (瑞士人)在1738年写的:Specimen Theoriae Novae de Mensura Sortis, Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, Tomus V 1738, pp. 175-192.这篇论文提出了用期望效用衡量风险的新方法,从某种角度上定义了Risk这个现代金融学研究的最本质的东西。原文是拉丁文,英译(1954版):Exposition of a New Theory on the Measurement of Risk,Daniel Bernoulli,Econometri

3、ca, Vol. 22, No. 1. (Jan., 1954), pp. 23-36.Citation:1827(Citation 数据来自Google Scholar,写答案时候顺手刷新的,更新日期: 2014/2/17 2:52 am,下同)然后? 黑喂狗!1. The birth of finance-Portfolio Theory.正如Eugene F. Fama 2所说:Finance has its birth in 1952 with the PhD thesis of Harry Markowitz on portfolio theory that he did in th

4、e Department of Economics. 所以这篇Paper肯定是逃不开的:Markowitz, Harry. Portfolio selection*. The journal of finance 7.1 (1952): 77-91.Citation:17176虽然题主把范围限制在了Paper,不过如果感兴趣的话书也可以看看:Markowitz, Harry M. Portfolio selection: efficient diversification of investments. Vol. 16. Yale University Press, 1970.Citation

5、:8021Markowitz把收益和风险这两个在过去原本有点含糊的概念明确为具体的数学概念,相当于指明了金融中的一大块,投资学的研究方向:最大收益,最小方差。奠基石的作用啊。2.Foundation of Corporate finance-MM theorem.一句话概括该定理就是:在理想的市场条件下,公司的价值与财务政策无关。他们的研究算是真正的给Corporate Finance这门学科奠定了基础。Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. The cost of capital, corporation finance and the theor

6、y of investment. The American economic review (1958): 261-297.Citation:127503.The bridge between risk and return-Capital Assets Pricing ModelCAPM模型从均衡的角度阐述了风险和收益之间的关系,这个模型提供的insight几乎是照亮了以后金融研究的道路,后来的APT,EMH都是建立在此之上。Sharpe, William F. Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under condit

7、ions of risk*. The journal of finance 19.3 (1964): 425-442.Citation:12900Lintner, J., 1965, The valuation of risk assets and theselection of risky investments in stock portfolios and capitalbudgets, Review of Economics and Statistics, 47:1337.Citation:7660Mossin, J., 1966, Equilibrium in a capital a

8、sset market,Econometrica, 34: 768783. Citation:37814.How does our market behave? -Efficient Market Theory我们学习金融理论很多时候都会看到这样的假设:假设市场有效.我们得出.那么市场真的有效吗?Fama, E. F., 1965, Random walks in stockmarket prices, Financial Analysts Journal,September/October.Citation:819Fama, E. F., 1970, Efficient Capital Ma

9、rkets: Areview of theory and empirical work, Journalof Finance, 25: 383417. Citation:122405.The Greatest Financial Theory Ever-Black-Scholes-Merton Model这个Greatest当然是我这个无名小辈封的,不过Fama也这么说哦2The Black-Scholes paper is, in my view, the most important paper in economics of the 20th century. No other pape

10、r has to be learned by every single economist getting a PhD and has also created an industrythe derivatives industry.别的theory都是奠定了什么什么基础,BSM Model直接创造了迄今为止可能最赚钱(也最亏钱,衍生品往往是零和博弈)的行业金融衍生品行业Merton, Robert C. Theory of rational option pricing. (1971): 141-183.Citation:4115Merton, Robert C. Option pricin

11、g when underlying stock returns are discontinuous. Journal of financial economics 3.1 (1976): 125-144.Citation:8963Black, F., and M. Scholes, 1973, The pricing ofoptions and corporate liabilities, Journal of PoliticalEconomy, 81: 637654Citation:240156.From theory to Practical-APTAPT因素模型选股,一个学长在CICC就

12、正在做这个。简单的说该模型就是把一个Return拆成了不同的factor,类似于计量里的多元线性回归。Ross, S. A., 1976, The arbitrage theory of capitalasset pricing, Journal of Economic Theory, 13: 341360.Citation:5192Ross, S. A., 1978, A simple approach to thevaluation of risky streams, Journal of Business, 51:453475. Citation:520以上提到的这些人中,大部分都拿过炸

13、药奖,其中:FRANCO MODIGLIANI -1985HARRY M. MARKOWITZ -1990MERTON M. MILLER-1990WILLIAM F. SHARPE-1990BLACK FISCHER - 1997MYRON SCHOLES -1997EUGENE FAMA-2013最后提一句,建议知友们平衡好看Original Paper和Explained Material(Textbook, PPT )之间的关系,Paper作为第一手资料固然好,但是却真的不适合入门,Textbook讲的有条理且浅显易懂,但却不利于我们领略这个理论本来是什么样子的,阻碍了我们进一步理解这

14、些理论。所以建议知友们可以先看经典的课本入门,然后课本对照Paper学习。PS:过百赞就放文中提到的14篇Paper的Dropbox 打包下载地址如果能帮到有志于金融的知友,也就没白费我这四个小时啦。PPS:这有1978年后,影响力比较大的finance相关的论文:finance - Google ScholarPPPS:楼主今年和两个小伙伴做建模美赛就是研究的如何根据citation网络确定哪篇论文更有影响力,有没有知友有finance paper方面引用的数据?我想拿来跑跑。Reference1肖欣荣,投资学讲义,对外经济贸易大学2.Eugene F. Fama:A brief histo

15、ry of finance and my life at Chicago3Merton.H.Miller The history of finance【知乎用户的回答(6票)】:去年诺奖得主Fama合著的两篇The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns(1992)和Risk, Return, and Equilibrium: Empirical Tests(1973),关于CAPM的经典。【frankwang的回答(2票)】:Prospect Theory: An analysis of decision under risk, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky【创造新知识的回答(4票)】:说一些phd level的seminar要经常读的吧:先说个最经典的,基本上是过去30年corporate finance的基础Jensen and Meckling (1976)下面这个解释了为什么会有market inefficiency出现Shleifer a


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