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1、CHAPTER 4 AC CIRCUITS,4-1 INTRODUCTION,1、Characteristics of Sinusoids,where: A= the amplitude of the sinusoid (or maximum value);振幅,最大值 = the angular frequency in radians/s;角频率 = phase;初相 t+= the argument of the sinusoid; 相位,2、The Sine Wave,T:the period of the sinusoid f:frequency Heinrich Rudorf He

2、rtz (1857-1894):赫兹,工频:f=50Hz,=2f=314rad/s,3、Sinusoids with different phases,Leading, lagging and in phase. The reference:u=Umsin(t), then i=Imsin(t-) The reference:i=Imsin(t), then u=Umsin(t+),4-2 AVERAGE AND EFFECTIVE VALUE,The average current is the average of the instantaneous current over one pe

3、riod.,The effective value of a periodic current is the dc current that delivers the same average power to a resistor as the periodic current.,rms:root-mean-square, the square root of the mean (or average),1、Average Value 平均值,2、Effective Value 有效值,3、Effective Value of Sinusoid,4-3 REPRESENTING SINUSO

4、IDS WITH PHASORS,Rectangular form:A= a+jb ,a = Re(A),b=Im(A),magnitude:,phase:,Exponential form:,Polar form:,1、Complex Number,A1A2 =(a1+a2)j(b1b2) A1A2 =(a1+jb1)(a2+jb2)=(a1a2b1b2)+ j(a1b2+a2b1),2、Phasor Idea,It is a complex number containing the amplitude and phase of the sinusoid.,Phasor-domain re

5、presentation Time-domain representation The differences between u(t) and,1u(t) is the instantaneous or time-domain representation, while is the frequency or phasor-domain representation.,Check Your Understanding,2u(t) is time dependent, while is not.,3u(t) is always real while is generally complex.,

6、?,Rotating point in the complex plane,振幅相量,旋转因子,3、 Phasor Diagram,例:,求u。,解:u = u1+u2,例:,画出相量图。,解:,4-4 RESISTORS,1、Ohms Law,Ohms law holds true both in the time domain and in the frequency domain. Ohms law in the time domain (时域),Ohms law in the frequency domain (频域),Instantaneous power:瞬时功率,Average

7、power:平均功率/有功功率,4-5 INDUCTORS,1、The voltage-current characteristics of an inductor in time domain,2、The voltage-current characteristics of an inductor in frequency domain,3、The Impedance of An Inductor,自感电抗/感抗 Inductor reactance,measured in Ohms(),电感电纳/感纳 Inductor susceptance,measured in siemens(S).

8、,=0,XL=0;The reactance of an inductor varies linearly with frequency.,例:,解:,求uL。,4、Energy Storage,Instantaneous power:,Average power:,Stored magnetic energy:,5、Reactive Power,QL = ULI = I2XL , VA,无功伏安,简称乏(var),6、Model For A Real Inductor,阻抗 Impedance,measured in ohms(). R=Re Z is the resistance and

9、X=Im Z is the reactance.,导纳 Admittance,measured in siemens(S).,7、Series And Parallel Inductors,The equivalent inductance of series-connected inductors is the sum of the individual inductances.,The equivalent inductance of parallel inductors is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the indi

10、vidual inductances.,例:,解:,求i。,Or:,Or:,4-6 CAPACITORS,1、The voltage-current characteristics of a capacitor in time domain,2、The voltage-current characteristics of a capacitor in frequency domain,3、The Impedance of A Capacitor,电容电抗/容抗 Capacitor reactance,measured in Ohms().,=0,XC=,电容电纳/容纳 Capacitor su

11、sceptance,measured in siemens(S).,例: 求iC(iC与uC参考方向一致),解:,4、Energy Storage,Instantaneous power:,Average power:,Stored electric energy:,Reactive Power:QC = UCIC = IC2XC = UC2BC (无功伏安,乏),5、Series And Parallel Capacitors,The equivalent capacitance of N parallel-connected capacitors is the sum of the ind

12、ividual capacitances.,u(t) = u1(t)+u2(t)+un(t),The equivalent capacitance of series-connected capacitors is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual capacitances.,u(t) = u1(t) = u2(t) = un(t),C= C1+C2+Cn,6、Model For A Real Capacitor,导纳 Admittance,measured in siemens(S).,例:一个非理想电容器,G=0.00312S,加上一个U=10V,=314 rad/s的正弦电压,I=0.1A。求C,i(t)。,解:,4-7 KIRCHHOFFS LAWS IN THE FREQUENCY DOMAIN,1、KCL Using Phasors,which is Kirchhoffs current law in the frequency domain.,2、KVL Using Phasors,The Kirchhoffs voltage law in the frequency domain:,


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