英语议论文开头 段的 写法

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《英语议论文开头 段的 写法》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语议论文开头 段的 写法(59页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Questions in Task Two,1.Discuss (advantage & disadvantage) 2.Your opinion (agree or disagree) 3.Problems +reasons +solution,Five Types of Questions in Task Two,Discussion Problems+ Reasons+ Recommendations Your opinion Agree or Disagree Advantages and disadvantages,1. Discussion,此类文章的写作任务是要求考生对某一观点进

2、行讨论, 其标志性语言就是通常会出现的discuss这个词. 列如: Some people think that using animals for experimentation purpose is cruel, but other people think that it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Some people think that good health is a basic human need, so the medical

3、 service should not be run by profit-making companies. Do you think the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the advantages?,Discussion,解题思路: 这种题型可以参考以下两种写法 A. 一边倒 明确表明赞同一方+论证支持 B.两方面 作者可以从两个方面来论述, 结尾段可以为正, 反或者折中, 但是建议结尾观点与主体末段观点一致.这样使文章浑然一体比较有说服力.,Discussion,写作策略: 首段: 情景介绍,说明写作意图 主题段落:必须要有

4、两个以上的分支观点, 每段对一个分支观点进行论述, 主题句应该是每段的第一句话. 尽量采用平衡的结构. 结论: 一种是走向折中,并不表态 另一种是一边倒,Discussion,文章主题段落可以如下安排: a. 正反 反(结尾) b. 反正 正(结尾) c. 正反 折中(结尾) d. 反正 折中(结尾),温馨提示: 1. 不用猜测考官喜欢什么观点, 主要是考生能够自圆其说. 2.结尾段提出论点即可.,2. Problems + reasons +recommendations,该类题型的目的是解释原因并提出解决措施. 例如: 1. In most parts of he world, the v

5、olume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. Discuss main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions. 2. In many cities and all over the world, there is a serious shortage of water supplies. What are the causes and solutions to the scarcity of water resource?,2. Proble

6、ms + reasons +recommendations,题目特点: A. give your opinions and give some recommendations B. give some reasons and make some suggestions. 解题思路: 在分析事情原因的基础上, 提出解决方案或建议 段落安排 首段:现象描述 主题段落:说明出现这一现象的理由或者 该现象的具体体现形式 结论: 提出建议和措施,2. Problems + reasons +recommendations,温馨提示: 最后提出的建议和措施不能是写一点, 建议和措施是针对主体段落来展开的,

7、 主题段落中通常不会只陈述一个理由或说明一种体现形式,相应的结尾段也不可能只有一点建议,至少两点,2. Problems + reasons +recommendations,1. Many drivers do not obey regulation 2. There is air pollution and noise pollution 3. Every day there are many traffic jams,a. to issue stricter traffic laws and regulations b. to raise the public awareness of

8、the traffic regulations c. to encourage more people to use transportation MORE THAN ONE,Problems of traffic,solutions,3. Your opinion,此类文章是要求考生对某一现象或观点表明自己的看法和观点. 例如: 1. Many people think that nowadays people are being subjected to more and more pressure in their work, and thus are having less and l

9、ess time to relax. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2. Some people think that the animals should be treated as pets; others think that animals are sources of food and clothing. What is your opinion?,3. Your opinion,1. 题目特点: Express your opinion about How do you think about Whats your opinion

10、 about (你的观点) 2. 写作策略 首段: 明确表态,让阅卷人知道你赞同的观点是什么 主题段落:一边倒的写法, 从单方面论述, 用具体的理由支持所提出的观点. 结尾段: 重申首段的观点,最好换一种表达方式,不要对手段进行机械的重复,3. Your opinion,温馨提示: 1. 开门一定要见山 2. 尽量采用两个方面去写,做到有主有次;最好不要一边倒。 3. 如果有让步段, 在篇幅上,你支持的观点要明显多于你让步的观点.,How to write introductory part?,in-class exercise (2),It is to the benefit of the

11、society for family units to live together, including the older generation. What is your view on this matter? “Your opinion?“ 类 You will be given 10 mins to accomplish the introductory part about the topic above.,in-class exercise (2),Discuss with your partner about the introductory paragraph you hav

12、e written just now. You can refer to the following,in-class exercise (2),Discuss with your partner about the introductory paragraph you have written just now. You can refer to the following,Introductory Paragraph Checklist,1. Does the introductory paragraph consist of two parts: the general statemen

13、ts and the thesis statement? 2. Do the general statements give background information on the subject and gradually lead the reader into the most specific information the thesis statement? 3. Are the general statements and the thesis statement cohesive? 4. Does the thesis statement contain controllin

14、g ideas that will be used in the topic sentences of the body paragraphs of the essay? (结构引导信息),Many generations live under the same roof in china with the increasing price of property. Young people need not worry about the meals, children-caring and family chores. Actually it is a common phenomenon.

15、 In this paper I will attempt to analyze the benefit that the extended family bring to families.,How should the old people live is a hot issue in our society. Some people believe that extended family will benefit the society, but other people hold the opinion that nuclear family should be popularize

16、d in current situation. I am not sure about this, but the extended family should absolutely be encouraged in the coming years .,Whether the extended family will benefit the society or not has been a very controversial issue at present time. Considerable debates are found in the media. Some advocate the advantage that the extended family brings to the society, while many more oppose this policy, holding the view that smaller family is more suitable for this society in more th


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