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1、工 程 热 力 学 Engineering Thermodynamics,能源与动力工程学院 工程热物理系,主 讲 人:林 一 歆 LIN Yixin Email: ,教师介绍,林一歆, 博士,副教授, 硕士生导师 能源与动力工程学院,Address:能源与动力工程学院动力楼412室 Tel:87542618 E-mail: ,研究方向:太阳能光电和光热转化,Thermodynamics can be defined as a branch of science of energy.,heat,Therme,dynamis,power,(Greek words),热能,Thermal Ener

2、gy,工程热力学是重要的 技术基础课或专业基础课,课程难与不难?,难 课程特点 概念活 研究对象 气体(远教刚体复杂) 课程内容比较,不难 使用的数学工具 常微分方程积分求解 运用物理基础,如何学好工程热力学?,上课认真听讲并思索 自己完成作业 看一、二本参考书(最好有一本英文参考书) 利用网络资源 参考书目: Thermodynamics Wark Richards Thermodynamics J.P. Holman 工程热力学学习辅导与习题解答童钧耕,高教出版社 工程热力学题型分析朱明善等编,清华大学,作业规范:,写出物理表达式 代入原始数据 给出结果,其他说明,成绩:30%平时及作业+

3、70%考试。 考试方式:集中闭卷考试。 作业:本周交上星期布置的作业。,能源的来源? 能源的形式?,关于能源你知道多少?,自然能源的种类 (Categories of natural energy resources) A.化学能(Chemical energy ): such as : 煤炭 (coal) 石油 (crude oil) 天然气( natural gas ) 沼气 (firedamp, etc).,自然界中的能源 (Natural energy resources),B. 机械能(Mechanical energy) such as: 风力资源 (wind resources)

4、 水力资源 (water resources) 潮汐能 (tidal energy), etc. C. 热 能(Thermal energy) such as: 太阳能(solar energy) 地热能(geothermal energy),etc. D. 原子能(Nuclear energy ),自然界中的能源 (Natural energy resources),Chemical energy Thermal energy,Fusion or fission reaction,Combustion(燃烧),directly used,Mechanical energy can be us

5、ed directly.,(核聚变或和裂变),能源的利用 (Utilization of Energy Resources ),Thermal energy,Nuclear energy Thermal energy,indirectly used,能源转换与利用的关系(Relationship between energy transformation and utilization),热 能,电 能,机 械 能,风 能,水 能,化 学 能,核 能,地 热 能,太 阳 能,一次能源 (天然存在),二次能源,光电转换,燃料电池,光热,聚变,裂变,燃烧,水车,水轮机,风车,热机,电动机,发电机,

6、90%,转换,直接利用,利用,生物质,人们由自然界获得能量的主要形式是:,热能!,据统计,经过热能形式而被利用的能量在我国占90以上,世界上其它国家也超过85。,90% of energy resources are transformed into thermal energy before it is used.,能量转换的共同点(A rule in common),Then, thermal energy is transformed into mechanical energy and used indirectly.,How can thermal energy be transfo

7、rmed into mechanical energy more efficiently?,Why do we need to learn Engineering Thermodynamics?,What does thermodynamics concerns? (热力学涉及哪些内容?),Thermodynamics is the branch of science which studies the rule that governs the transformation of thermal energy to other forms of energy. Also it studies

8、 how to use thermal energy efficiently. 工程热力学是一门研究热能有效利用及热能和其它形式能量转换规律的科学。 It includes all aspects of energy and energy transformations(能量转换), including power generation, refrigeration and relationships among the properties of matter.,热电厂(热能机械能) Thermal Power Plant (Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy,

9、飞机(热能机械能) Aeroplane (Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy),汽车 (热能机械能) Vehicle (Thermal Energy Mechanical Energy),冰箱 (机械能热能) Refrigerator (Mechanical Energy Thermal Energy),Thermal energy Mechanical energy (1) 广泛性 universally Heart the heating and air-conditioning systems, the refrigerator, humidifier, t

10、he pressure cooker, the water heater, the shower, the iron and even the computer. automotive engines,rockets, jet engines,and conventional and nuclear power plans, solar collector and the design of vehicles from ordinary cars to airplanes.,transformed,热力学的研究对象 (What does Thermodynamics study?),Disor

11、ganized energy organized energy (无序能) (有序能),transformed,(2)代表性( Representatively ),(3)实用性 (Practicality),热力学的研究对象 (What does Thermodynamics study?),能量转换的一些实例 (Examples of Some energy transformation application ),(1)火力发电装置 (Steam power plant),(1)火力发电装置基本特点,锅 炉,汽轮机,发电机,给水泵,凝汽器,过热器,1、热源 2、工质(水,蒸汽) 3、工质

12、状态的变化 (加压、加热、 膨胀做功、放热) 4、冷源,Generalized Representation of Heat Engines (热机工作原理的示意),热 源 (Hot Reservoir),冷 源 (Cold Reservoir),(2) 内燃机装置 Internal combustion engine,空气、油,废气,吸气,压缩点火,膨胀,排气,(2) 内燃机装置 Internal combustion engine,内燃机装置基本特点,1、热源 2、工质(燃气) 3、工质经历状态变化 (加压、 加热、膨胀做功、放热) 4、冷源,冰箱 (Refrigerator),(3)制冷

13、空调装置 Refrigeration System,(3)制冷空调装置 Refrigeration System,1、冷源 2、工质(制冷剂) 3、循环 (加压消耗外界的功量、放热、膨胀、吸热) 4、热源,Heat source of high temperature (高温热源 hot reservoir) Working substance or working medium (工作介质) C. The change in state of working medium (工质的 状态变化) D. Heat sink of low temperature (低温冷源 cold reserv

14、oir) Thermal energy reservoir: heat source 热源 heat sink 冷源,(4) Main Factors in energy transformation (能量转换中的主要因素),研究的主要内容 Main Contents,能量转换的基本定律 Basic Principles of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律 (能量守恒原理) The first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy principle) For example: a rock falling off a c

15、liff human body It asserts that energy is a kind of thermodynamic property of substance.,(2)热力学第二定律 The second law of thermodynamics It asserts that energy has quantity as well as quality and actual process occur in the direction of decreasing quality of energy. 阐明能量不仅有量的属性,而且也有质的属性,过程总是朝着能量贬值的方向进行。 For example: a cup of hot water,1. 能量转换的基本定律 Basic Principles of Thermodynamics,研究的主要内容 Main Contents,2.工质的性质 Properties of Working Medium,(1) 理想气体的性质 Properties of Ideal Gases (2) 水蒸气的性质 Properties of Steam or Water Vapor (3) 湿空气 Moist Air,研究的主要内容 Main Contents,3. 工程应用


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