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1、Innovation, the key is to play the leading role of innovation in the innovation of science and technology. We have placed at the core of the overall development of science and technology innovation Location and develop technology, branding, quality as the core competitive advantages of regional inno

2、vation, better use of the multiplier effect on economic development. To strengthen scientific and technological cooperation. Around the forest and mineral resources of the deep processing, exploitation of technical innovation to promote transfer, transformation, application and popularization of sci

3、entific and technological achievements. We should improve the system of science and technology. Thoroughly implement the Central stream of deepening the reform of science and technology programme and the province issued regulations on scientific and technological progress, promoting the regions scie

4、nce and technology enterprises three years action plan, optimize the allocation of scientific resources, maximum release innovation potential of science and technology, and strive to better enterprise in seed industry and beyond, and more new Board listing. Sought to improve science and technology p

5、rojects and administration. Strengthening science and technology innovation projects top design, and strive with national and provincial Thirteen-Five technology plans, actively seek national and provincial major science and technology projects, industrial projects and demonstration projects, suppor

6、ting science and technology enterprises to increase scientific and technological investment in research and development and technology, research and Development Center, forming a number of technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights. (Specific to the XX, we will continue

7、to do a good job in agricultural research and demonstration of County agriculture Park, rural agricultural demonstration base into full play the dual role of active counties to build cooperation with the provincial Agricultural University, introduction of advanced scientific research and experiments

8、 in promotion, promoting produce, learn, research development. Strengthening grass-roots agricultural technicians system construction and management to progressively increase the agricultural sensible quantities to build County XX County planting structure adjustment of agricultural technology-savvy

9、 experts. ), Third, we must strengthen human resources support. Talent is supporting the development of the first resource. Both the development of new industries, or corporate development requires talent as a lead. I was personnel structure characteristic of traditional forestry, professional and t

10、echnical personnel more than 85% for culture, education, health and forestry personnel, pure business managers is less than 12%, with the capability of research and development professionals is not enough 1%, talent as a whole cultural structure of structure and low level of development XXX医院导医岗位职责导

11、医的服务对象是来自社会最广泛阶层的人,却又是有着特定需求的病人或是与医疗有密切关系的人。这就决定了导医服务要树立“以人为本”的服务理念,最大限度的满足服务对象的多层次需求。为此我们要求导医护士结合工作实际,积极创新服务特色,用“心”服务。导医的宗旨: 以病人为中心,以真情换理解,以微笑亮窗口,以服务赢声誉!导医的目标: 热情、温馨、亲切、周到。导医的原则: 救死扶伤、尽职尽责责遵守规定、严格纪律纪互敬互爱、友好热情;理解病人、宽以待人;尊重风俗、排忧解难;一视同仁、平等对待;真心诚意、贴心服务;行为规范、文明礼貌。导医的服务标准及要求:1、在客服中心指导下进行工作,做到上岗衣帽整齐、佩带胸卡、


13、人满意而归。导示病人就诊、检查、取药路线。8、当遇到病人犹豫不决,拿不定注意时,可以通过察颜观色等适时介入,应病人要求,热心为病人提供信息,当好参谋,不要参与决策,更不要干涉病人的隐私。9、保持大厅工作秩序,卫生整洁,及时为病人提供方便。10、导医台要备有饮用水和一次性口杯,供病人使用。11、要奉献爱心、语言规范、态度和蔼,举止端庄,行动快捷。 12、作为最前沿的服务人员,在任何情况下都不能急躁,更不能冲撞病人、讽刺、挖苦和讥笑病人。即使是由于病人态度不当引起或是我们有理,也不得与病人争辩,更不允许举止鲁莽、语言粗俗,或耍脾气。XXX医院护理人员(导医)行为规范门诊是医院的窗口,门诊护士的形象

14、代表着医院的形象。门诊导医护士作为全院护士的形象大使,更是起着举足轻重的作用。导医护士强调外部形象和内在素质要求 首先对外在形象要求较高,除了要尊重上级、仪表整洁大方、举止端庄礼貌、言行举止文明,有良好的站姿、走姿,还要有内在的素质要求,强烈的事业心、责任感、实事求是的工作态度、较高的医德修养及慎独修养、较为全面的全科基本知识、敏锐的观察力及较强的协调能力。(一)、提高导医人员的个人素质,推行导医环节的人性化服务1、 倡导礼仪服务: 礼仪服务中的首要内容是仪表的美观整洁,导医护士粉红的工作服、挺括的燕尾帽、略施淡妆、斜背的红绸带,天使般的微笑、亲切的问候语都能创造出温馨祥和宽松愉快的气氛,对病

15、人焦虑恐惧的心理起到安抚作用,病人立即会对医院有安全与信任感。2、 整治环境秩序: 为了方便病人,创造良好有序的就医环境,针对就诊病人多,流动量大,就诊高峰期相对集中的特点,一是安排导医与预检护士提前上班。二是要求各门诊护士用最快的速度,将病人疏散至各诊疗室。3、 确立病人第一: 坚持“以病人为中心”的服务宗旨,导医护士要做到灵活机动,主动为病人排忧解难。提出的口号是:给盲人充当一双眼睛,给瘫痪病人充当一双腿,给所有需要帮助的病人伸出我们温暖的手。替病人挂号、取药、拿化验单。当某些病人因做特殊检查需等侯时,导医即安排他们在大厅观看健康宣教录像带,既消除了病人等待的焦虑情绪,又增加了病人的卫生知

16、识。4、 体现心理护理: 在门诊病人中,患性病的病人心理活动最为复杂,因此他们前来就诊时往往会说话吞吞吐吐,目光游移不定。导医护士充分了解患者的这一特殊感受,会主动上前询问病人需要什么帮助,指导病人如何治疗,让他们满意而归。5、协调各科关系: 门诊工作涉及到系列辅助科室的参与,工作人 员有医、药、护、技、工程、财会等不同专业人员。各诊疗科室间的沟通、联络、协调,包括诊疗过程中所发生的一些纠纷都需要导医护士来解决。(二)公共行为规范1、病人至上,质量第一。对病人主动、热情、亲切和蔼,耐心真诚,语言要“您好!”为先,“请”字开头,“谢”字结尾,微笑服务,不责备病人。2、迎送用语:病人入院是建立良好关系的开始,护士要起立热情接待,给病人及家属以必要的解释与帮助,并把病人护送至病床。病人出院要送至楼梯口,以送别语与病人告别,切忌语“再见”。如行李多或病人行动不便,嘱家属照顾好病人,或帮提行李送至医院大门口。3、在病人面前不


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