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1、毕业论文开题报告 论文 题目: 从儿子与情人 中看当代社会的母子关系 英文题目: A Study on Mother-Son Relationship in Modern Society through Sons and Lovers 系 部: 文理系 专 业: 英语(医药卫生方向) 年级(班): 10级 学号: 20100924019 姓 名: 苏晓聪 指导教师: 阚 雯 2013年 11月 20 日学生姓名苏晓聪论文题目Love Well, Whip WellA Study on Mother-Son Relationship in Modern Society through Sons

2、and Lovers指导教师阚 雯所属教研室外语教研室研究方向美国国家社会与文化1.Purpose and significance of research(300字): (1) Research purpose In the D.H. Lawrences novel Sons and Lovers there exists the famous psychology phenomenon called Oedipus complex. Paul has the strong love toward his mother and even hates his father. But on th

3、e other side there are also have the Jocasta complex, Mrs. Morel is dissatisfied with any lady who wants to approach her son, and she has the intense desire to control her son. Both Oedipus complex and Jocasta complex lead to an abnormal mother-child relationship. From this novel, we can find some s

4、imilar phenomenon of raising child in modern society. So, this thesis tries to analyze the mother-son relationship in Lawrences novel and attempts to find out the appropriate way to deal with the relationships between mothers and sons in the modern society. (2) Research significance With the develop

5、ment of economy and society, many scholars study on Sons and Lovers, and those researches researched great significances. For this paper, we have the two significances. First of all, through this novel analyzes the phenomenon of Oedipus complex and Jocasta complex try to avoid some family conflict.

6、Second, this paper perhaps can help us to set up the harmonious and appropriate family relationships. In the modern society, sons, mothers and daughters-in-law are having the complex relationships. On the one hand, when the baby was born, he or she is adored by millions. For some parents, especially

7、 those mothers, the sons are their whole world, they want to control their son life, everything must be handled in her hand, so this paper attempt to give us the right way about how the mothers should rising their sons. And on the other hand, some sons put the highest position for his mother and thi

8、nk there is no one can replace his mother. No matter what age he is, he always obeys and attaches to his mother. No matter what is right or wrong, what mother said is absolutely correct. Through this research, it maybe can give the sons appropriate attitude toward their mothers. Also, this thesis tr

9、ies to help to build the good relationship between daughters-in-law and mothers.2.Overseas and domestic research status(文献综述,不少于600字,可添加附页):(1) Overseas research status Sons and Lovers attracts widespread attention in Europe. Nozar Niazi (2013) in his essays A Stylistic Analysis of D.H. Lawrences “S

10、ons and Lovers” is analyzing D.H. Lawrences Sons and Lover through a stylistic approach. His analysis of Sons and Lovers is from the perspectives of language, lexis, syntax, phonology, figurative language, cohesion and coherence, and the hidden meaning in the discourse is explored.Except that, some

11、other researches discuss the Sons and Lovers from the Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytic. Sofe Ahmed (2012) says Paul has not become a normal adult by getting over some problems like other children. That is not only determined by his mothers abnormal maternity. The reasons are in many ways, some come fro

12、m the parents, some come from his and brothers, some even from the society, the mechanical civilization, which leads the family tragedy and distortion of personality and devastates peoples healthy development on spirits. And Alfred Booth Kuttner in her essay A Freudian Appreciation, also refers that

13、 Professor Sigmund Freuds theory of the psychological evolution of the emotion of love as finally expressed by a man or a woman towards a member of the other sex, and the problem which Mr. Lawrence voices is the struggle of a man to emancipate himself from his maternal allegiance and to transfer his

14、 affections to a woman who stands outside of his family circle. Doreen M. Dwart also in her research mentions that the Oedipus complex which will mark the childs personality thereafter.Dr. Dennis Hoilman (1949) analyses the novel from the characters of self- sacrifice, in his essay Self-Sacrifice as

15、 Substitute for Self-Fulfillment in “Sons and Lovers” he comes up that the novel ends with one character asserting himself to at least attempt to achieve self-fulfillment. The three women who could not leave self-sacrifice are at the end dead, feeling dead or only semi-conscious while Paul found a chance to live a full life.(2) Domestic research status Sons and Lovers is regarded as the greatest work of Lawrences early writings, successfully embodying his life philosophy, and also a representative novel in the history of British literature. From the 1980s up to


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