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1、P.S(postscript附录):如果你知道还有什么很常用的英文缩写,请与我们交流。 Others & NumbersTEOTD At the end of the day最后 121 One-to-one一对一 10X Thanks谢谢 10Q Thank you谢谢你 1CE Once从前 1DR I wonder我想 1NAM One in a million 100个里头的一个 2 Meaning to in SMS英文的“to” 2EZ Too easy太简单了 2moro Tomorrow明天 2nite Tonight今晚 4 Short for for in SMS英文的“f

2、or” 411 Information信息 4COL For crying out loud搞什么名堂;哎呀 4EAE Forever and ever永永远远 4EVER Forever永远 4Q F*k you脏话,飘过,只供旁观 5 High-five击掌 6Y Sexy性感 7K Sick生病 AA3 Anytime, anywhere, anyplace哪里都成 AAP Always a pleasure很高兴 AAR At any rate任何价格 AB/ ABT About关于 ABT2 Meaning about to将 ACC Anyone can come谁都能来 ACK

3、Acknowledgement感谢 ADBB All done, bye-bye完了,再见 ADD/ ADR Address地址 ADMIN Administrator管理员 ADVD Advertised被广告的 AEAP As early as possible越早越好 AFAIC As far as I concerned我觉得 AFAIK As far as I know我只知道 AFAIUI As far as I understand it我明白 AFAP As far as possible越远越好 AH At home在家 AISB As it should be它应该专业 A

4、ISB As I said before像我之前说的 AISI As I see it我看 AKA Also known as还叫 ALOL Actually laughing out loud正在大声笑 AMAP As much as possible越多越好 AMBW All my best wishes最好的祝愿 AML All my love我所有的爱 AMOF As a matter of fact事实是 APP Application应用程序 AQAP As quick as possible越快越好 ATB All the Best最好的 ATM At the moment现在

5、ATEOTD At the end of the day最后 ASAP As soon as possible越快越好 AWESO Awesome真棒 AYDY Are you done yet?你完事了没? AYEC At your earliest convenience你最方便的时候 AYOR At your own risk由自己负责 AYSOS Are you stupid or something?你傻啊还是什么别的? AYS Are you serious?你说正经的呢? AYT Are you there?你在吗? AYTMTB And youre telling me thi

6、s because你跟我说这个是因为 AYW As you wish如你所愿 AZN Asian亚洲人(别忘了是主要指印度人哦!) BB2W Back to work回去上班 BF Boyfriend男朋友 BG Background背景 B4 Before之前 B4N Bye for now先这样 BAU Business as usual正常营业 BB Be back马上回来 BBIAB Be back in a bit马上回来 BBIAM Be back in a minute马上回来 BBIAS Be back in a second马上回来 BBL Be back later一会回来

7、 BBQ Barbeque烧烤!好想吃! BBS Be back soon一会回来 BBT Be back tomorrow明天回来 BCOS Because因为 BDAY/ B-DAY Birthday生日 BF Best friend最好的朋友 BFF Best friend forever永远的好朋友 BFFL Best friend for life一辈子的好朋友 BFFLNMW Best friends for life, no matter what不管怎样都是一辈子的朋友 BFFN Best friend for now暂时最好的朋友 BFN Bye for now暂时拜拜 BH

8、L8 Be home late会晚回家 BIF Before I forget在我忘记之前 BION Believe it or not爱相信不相信 BLNT Better luck next time下次再试吧! BM Bite me寓意是就这样了,咋招?不是咬我的意思。 BME Based on my experience根据我的经验 BM&Y Between me and you你我之前 BN Bad news坏消息 BOL Best of luck祝你好运 BOYF Boyfriend男朋友 BRB Be right back马上回来 BR Best regards最好的祝福 BRBB

9、 Be right back babe马上回来 BRNC Be right back, nature calls马上回来,去上厕所 BRD Bored无聊 BTW By the way顺便说一下 CC4N Ciao for now拜拜,Ciao是意大利语的再见,是的,跟那个字发音很相似 CAD Control + Alt + Delete CAM Camera相机 CB Coffee break休息时间 CB Crazy Bi*h飘过 CM Call me打给我 CMB Call me back给我回电话 CMIIW Correct me if Im wrong纠正我如果我错了 CMON Co

10、me on拜托! COB Close of business停业 COS Because因为 CQRT Security安全 CR8 Create创造 CRAFT Cant remember a freaking thing什么都没记住 CRB Come right back马上回来 CRBT Crying really big tears大哭 CRZ Crazy疯了 CSL Cant stop laughing停不了的笑 CT Cant talk说不了话 C-T City城市 CTN Cant talk now说不了话 CU See you再见 CUA See you around再见 CU

11、L See you later一会见 CUIMD See you in my dreams梦里见 CX Cancelled取消了 CWYL Chat with you later一会聊 CYE Check your e-mail查你的邮件 D DA Meaning the英文的“the” DEY They他、她们 DF Dear friend亲爱的朋友 DGA Dont go anywhere哪都别去 DGT Dont go there别去那 DIKU Do I know you?我认识你吗? DITTO Same here这儿也一样 DKDC Dont know, dont care不知道,

12、不管 DL Download下载 DN Down往下,下面 DNR Dinner晚饭 DNT Dont别 D00d Dude哥们,老兄 DXNRY Dictionary字典 EE1/ Every1 Everyone每个人 E123 Easy as one, two, three跟1,2,3一样容易 EF4T Effort努力 EMA E-mail address邮箱地址 ENUF Enough够了 EOD End of day最后 EOL End of lecture讲座最后 ESAD Eat shit and die吃屎,去死 EVA Ever曾经,永远 EZ/ EZY Easy容易 FF

13、Meaning female女人 F2F Face to face面对面 F2P Free to play免费玩 FAQ Frequently asked questions经常问到的问题 FB Facebook脸书,非死不可(欧美社交网站) FBFR Facebook friend脸书上的朋友 FBY Fine by me我可以、同意 FC Fingers crossed手指交叉,意思是保佑 FW Forward向前,转发(邮件) FYI For your information根据你的信息 GGF Girlfriend女朋友 G9 Genius天才 GA Go ahead进行 GAL Get a life做点有益的事 GAS Got a second?有工夫吗? GB Goodbye拜拜,也是大英帝国的缩写Great Britain,常见于汽车后面会见到 GBTW Get back to work回去上班 GBU God bless you上次保佑你 GFI Go for it去做吧! GFN Gone for now现在不在


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