高考英语一轮教材基础知识复习:选修8 Meeting your ancestors

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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors,高考英语一轮基础知识复习:,知识归纳,1. _ n. 可能的选择 adj. 供选择的; 其他的 2. _ n. 挨饿; 饿死 3. _ adj. 有观察力的; 敏锐的; 严重的; 深刻的 4. _ vt. 假定; 设想 5. _ adv. 不管; 不顾 6. _ adj. 足够的; 充足的; 富裕的,starvation,assume,regardless,ample,alternative,acute,(一) 基本单词,知识清单,7. _ adj. 凌乱的; 脏的 8. _ n. 植物学 10. _ vt. 删; 删除 11. _

2、n. 痕迹; 搔; 挠 vt. 抓; 擦伤; 刮坏 12. _ n. 幼儿园 13. _ vt. 逮捕; 吸引 n. 逮捕; 拘留,botany,messy,delete,kindergarten,scratch,arrest,14. primitive adj. _ 15. analysis n. _ 16. significance n. _ 17. academy n. _ 18. yogurt n. _ 19. wrinkle n. _ 20. applaud vi. _ 21. accelerate vi. vt. _,原始的; 远古的; 简陋的,分析,意义; 意思; 重要性,学院;

3、 学会; 学术团体,酸奶; 酸乳酪,皱纹,鼓掌欢迎; 赞赏,加速; 促进,1. accuracy n. 精确; 准确 _ adj. 精确的; 准确的 _ adv. 精确地; 准确地 _ n. 错误,inaccuracy,accurate,accurately,(二) 派生单词,2. interrupt v. 打断(讲话); 打岔; 暂时中止或中断 _ n. 中止, 中断; 阻拦物, 障碍物 _ n. 打断者, 阻碍者 _ 搭配不中断地,without interruption,interruption,interrupter,3. sharp adj. 锋利的; 尖锐的; 急剧的 _ adv.

4、 锐利地; 急剧地 _ n. 锐利 _ v. 削尖; (使) 尖锐 _ n. 削具; 磨具,sharpener,sharply,sharpness,sharpen,4. skill n. 技巧; 熟练 _ adj. 有技巧的; 熟练的 _ adv. 巧妙地, 技术好的 _ adj. 有能力的, 熟练的,skilled,skillful,skillfully,1. 不顾; 不管 _ 2. 遭受; 患病; 受苦 _ 3. 把和对比 _ 4. 带某人到处参观 _ 5. 对感兴趣 _,regardless of,suffer from,compare.with.,show sb. round,be i

5、nterested in,(三) 短语,6. 御寒; 挡住寒气 _ 7. 最多; 至多 _ 8. 切碎 _ 9. 向前看; 为将来打算 _ 10. 追溯到 _ 11. 在乎; 担心 _,keep out the cold,at most,cut up,date back,care about,look ahead,12. look very much like _ 13. used to do _ 14. gather for reunions _ 15. lie in wait (for sb.) _ 16. become dizzy with hunger _,看起来很像,过去常做,团聚,

6、隐蔽静候以出人不意,饿得头昏眼花,17. scoop up _ 18. pull out _ 19. with relief _ 20. now and then _ 21. ones spirits rise _,某人的情绪高涨起来,搂起来,拖出来,宽慰地,不时地,1. If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year! 她今年要是早有预见, 计划得更好些就好了。 if only用在虚拟语气中, 用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件。,(四) 句式,2. Abruptly she sat down, only to be scoop

7、ed up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna. 突然间她坐了下去, 但又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹卢娜一把搂了起来。 only to do/be (结果)却,3. We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. 我们一直在挖一层层的积灰, 几乎有六米厚, 这说明他们可能整个冬季都在烧火。 have been excavating 现在完成进行

8、时,1. alternative n. 可能的选择 adj. 供选择的; 其他的 课文原句: Can you think of the alternatives we would use today? 你能想到我们今天使用的替代品吗? 【归纳】 have no alternative but to do sth. 别无选择只好做某事,核心要点,(一) 单词,theres no alternative. 别无选择 an alternative to. 的替代品 【点拨】 表示“别无选择, 只得”的表达方式还有: have no choice but to do; cant choose but

9、do; cant (help) but do; can do nothing but do 【拓展】 alternatively adv. 可供选择地,用所给动词的适当形式填空(admit)。 He had no alternative but _ that he was wrong. He had no choice but _ that he was wrong. He could do nothing but _ that he was wrong. 他除了承认他错了别无选择。,to admit,to admit,admit,2. interrupt vt. 阻隔物 without in

10、terruption 连续地, 不断地,interrupt 打断, 中断他人的语言或行为, 使其不能继续。 disturb 扰乱, 使人不能平衡或者扰乱别人工作、思维或正常秩序, 是程度较深的烦恼。 bother 扰乱某人心绪而使人不能专心或专一。,interrupt/disturb/bother,选择interrupt, disturb, bother的正确形式填空。 1) She was _ to hear of your illness. 2) Im sorry to _ the meeting, but there is an urgent long-distance call for

11、 Mr. Zhou.,disturbed,interrupt,3) Dont _ yourself too much about me. 4) We _ in the middle of our conversation.,bother,were interrupted,3. assume vt. 假定; 设想 课文原句: So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold. 因此, 我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒, 就住 在这些洞穴里。 【归纳】 assume sb. /

12、 sth. to be 假定/假设某人/某事为 assume that. 设想, 假定 It is assumed that. 被认为,【拓展】 assumption n. 假定, 假设, 设想 make an assumption 认为, 假定 on the assumption that 假定,【运用】 1) _ (that) it rains, what shall we do? 假如下雨的话, 我们该怎么办? 2) _ that shopping on the Internet is not perfect. 人们认为网上购物是不完美的。,Assuming,It is assumed,

13、4. significance n. 意义; 意思; 重要性; 重要意义 课文原句: His university was aware of the significance of his work. 他所在的大学知道他的工作的重要性。 【归纳】 the significance of. 的重要性/含义 be of (great) significance 有(重大)意义/(非常)重要 be of no significance 无意义/不重要 be of little significance 不太重要,【拓展】 significant adj. 有(重大)意义/(非常)重要,【运用】 1) Their change of plan is strange but I think its _ no significance. 他们改变了计划十分奇怪, 但我觉得没什 么意义。 2) I attach _ to this matter. 我很重视这件事。,of,much significance,



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