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1、海事报告表格篇一:海事声明和海事事故报告的标准格式海事声明和海事事故报告的标准格式目 录1?前言 2?海事声明与海事报告比较表 3?碰撞责任通知书 4?英文碰撞责任通知书 5?碰撞事故在对方通知书上的批注 6-7?英文海事事故报告 8-9?英文海事声明 10-11?中文海事声明 12-13?英文海事延伸声明 14-15?中文海事延伸声明前 言近期,发生许多船长写的海事声明和海事事故报告,由于书写的格式不对受到了主管机关的拒签,造成了无法进行索赔,同时也给海事事故处理带来了许多麻烦,为了使船长今后规范书写海事声明和海事事故报告,特将海事声明和海事事故报告的标准格式发放给船长,请船长妥善保存、并列

2、入交接。海事声明与海事事故报告比较表碰撞责任通知书船名:“”日期:“”港口:“”致:“”轮船长与船东 先生们:事由:“ ”轮碰撞我“ ”轮我代表我的船东,现正式通知你们,我轮停泊/锚泊于码头/锚位,被你轮于年月日时碰撞的结果,我船东和我轮所遭受的所有损失或损坏均要由你船东和你轮完全的负责。同时我要求你在此信所有各份上签名并盖船章以示承认你对此项碰撞事故之责任,然后及时退还给我以兹备案。_船长签名并盖船章_ 来碰船船长签名并盖船章日期:_ “Date: “ Port: “”TO: The Master And Owners Of “ Gentlemen:Re: Collision Caused

3、By“” To My“On behalf of my owners I give you formal notice holding you and your owners solely responsible for all loss or damages whatsoever sustained by my vessel and my owners in consequence of the collision caused by your vessel to my vessel which occurred at my vessel was .At the same time, I re

4、quest you to acknowledge your responsibility or the collision by endorsing copies of this letter with your signature and your vessels stamp and to return them to me in due time for record._Masters sig.&ships stampLiability for collision acknowledge _Sig. of master&stampof“” date:篇二:海事报告及声明范例Name of

5、Vessel :Official No :Port of registry :Name of Owner :Name of Master:Tonnage:GrossNetThe aove mentioned vessel under my xxmand laden with_left Yokohama,Japan on 17th of for Hong kong for discharging,and arrived at Hongkong on 23rd ofwhile en route on ,the vessel encountered Typhoone 7616 Ellen,with

6、strong breeze and rough sea,labouring and straining losses or damage might have been caused to ship;s hull,machinary and/or the hereby note this protest against all losses and damages,reserving the right to extend the protest whenever necessary._ MasterNotary Public:_DATE: Name of Vessel :Name of Ma

7、ster:Owner:Charterer :Gross Tonnage :Net Tonnage:Port of Registry :Official Number :At 0900 hours on February 1,1976, the subject vessel,under xxmand of theundersigned,touch bottom of the fairway of the harbour while departing from the port of _-.Fearing the rudder,prpellar and tailshaft and ships b

8、ottom on both port and starboard sides might be damagedby this hereby note this protest against all losses and reserve the right to extend the same at any time and place convenient._Name of CaptainNotary Public at the port of _DATE:Name of Vessel :Name of Master:Owner:Charterer :Gross Tonnage :Net T

9、onnage :Port of Registry:Official Number :At 0900 hours on ,1976,the subject vessel arrived at the outer harbour anchorage of the port of _.The pilot,Mr._,boarded the vessel at 0950 hours on the same day and began to pilot the vessel to inside 1035 hours,when the vessel wasberthing at Pier ,her port

10、 side struck strongly against the pier under the condition of wind force five and no tug boat assistance.After mooring,the following damage were found:1. Stem:at the location of draft stem indented about 1 ft. x2. Shell Plate:Second strake below sheer strake,between and cargo holds,and area of about

11、 11ft. 6in x 3ft. indented.3. Waterline:There might be some damage which can be seen by diveror during drydocking.I hereby note the protest against all losses and damages caused by the above accident and reserve the right to extend the same at any time and place convenient._MasterNotary Public at th

12、e port of _On this _day of _,in the year of _ Personally appeared and presented himself before memaster of the _,_of _official number _and _tons register,which sailed from_on or about the _ _day of _with a cargo of _ _bound for _and arrived at _ _on the _day of _, and fearing loss or damage owing to #_during the voyage, he hereby notes his protest against all losses,damages,etc.,reserving right to extendthe same at time and place convenient._MasterSigned before me,_


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