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1、完成句子1. 你读得越多,你就会读得越快。_ _ you read , _ _ youll be。2. 学好英语是要花时间的。_ _ _To learn English well。3. 因为他糟糕的英语,他面试没通过。He failed the interview_ _ his bad English。4. 当粉丝们看到贝克汉姆时,他们如此兴奋以至叫出声来。When the football fans saw Beckham,they got_ _ _ they cried out 。5. 通过查字典我能找出生词的意思 。I can find the meaning of new words

2、t_ _ _ _ in a dictionary.6. 和朋友对话是个好主意,因为这将帮你提高口语。_ _ _ _ _have conversations with friends because it will help improve your speaking.7. 我认为学好英语有三个好方法。Ithink threr are three good ways _ _ _ _.8. 如果你养成了好的学习方法你没必要紧张。You_ _ _ _ _ if you develop smart Study skills.9. 如果你为考试做好了充分的准备,那么就没什么可担心的了。If you pr

3、epare well for a test ,then there s nothing_ _ _.10、 他不敢在班上说英语,因为他怕犯错误。He is afraid to speak English in class,because he is _ _ _ _.11. 他只关心他是否能赚更多的钱。He just _ _whether he can _ _ _.12. 这首歌带我加到我的童年。The song took me _ _ my childhood.13.帮助有需要的人是我们的责任。Itsd out duty to help _ _ _.13. 我花了大量的时间在练钢琴上,但这使我感

4、觉厌烦。I spend lots of time_ the piano,but it makes me _ _.15. 不知我是否能用一下你的电话?I _ _I could use your telephone.16. 上周六,我花了大约半小时的时间看这部电影。(spend)I_ this movie last Saturday.17. 这里的食物美味又便宜。(both)The food here is _.18. 这个公园是供人们散步的好地方。(take)This park is a good place for people_.20. 我们这些天一直忙着学习如何有礼貌地问询信息。(ask

5、for)We are busy_politely these days.21. 你能告诉我这附近有超市吗?(if)Could you please tell me_ near here?22. 跟父母说声“我爱你”很有必要。(necessary)_ Say“I love you”to parents.23. 迄今为止,他的行为给他自己惹了很多麻烦。(cause)So far,his actions_ for himself.24. 老师建议我亲自和父母谈这件事。(person)The teacher advised me to talk with my parents about this_

6、25. 教师应当更多地留意那些成绩差的学生。(pay)Teachedrs should _ the students who get bad grades.26. 最后我爸爸做了一个艰难的决定。(decision)In the end,my father_ . .27. 他似乎在撒谎。(it)_he is telling a lie.28. 我怕水,不知道如何游泳。(how)I am afraid of the water,I dont know_ 29. 别太担忧这些事情,它会让你很紧张的。(make)Dont worry about things so much.It will_30. 最

7、近几年里,我们城市发生了很大的变化。(change)Our city_ in the last few years.31. 他过去花了太多的时间在网上聊天和打游戏。(time)He used to_ and planying games on the Internet. 32. 康健是一名来自上海的十七岁学生。Kang Jian is a _student_ Shanghai.33. 他发现了一个很有趣的现象,那不是当地商店里有多商品都是中国制造的。He found _that so many products in the local shops were made in China.34.

8、 他在买到篮球鞋之前为什么不得不逛了很多家商店?Why did he have to visit many stores _a pair of basketball shoes ?35. 他认为中国如此擅长生产这些日用品真是太了不起了。He thinks its great that China is so_ at_ these everyday things.36. 没有父母陪同,十八岁以下的孩子不允许看这种演出。Children rnder 18 are not _ to watch this show_ their parents .37. 在德国人们说什么语言?What languae

9、_ _ _ Germany?38. 地球表面的大部分被水覆盖。Most of the earths surface _ _ _ water.39. 这辆车由上海制造。This car _ _ _ Shanghai.40. 茶被农民们种在山坡上。The tea_ _ _ the sides of mountains by farmers.41. 很多交通故因粗心驾驶引起。Many traffic accident _ _ _ careless driving.42.劳拉想学放风筝。Laura wants_ _ _ fly a kite .43.郑云在风筝节上看到很多不同各类的风筝。Zheng Y

10、un saw many_ _ _ kites at the festival.43.劳拉不知道放风筝会如此令人兴奋。Laura didnt know _ _ _could be so exciting.44.关于民间或传统艺术,比如剪纸,你知道些什么?What do you know_ folk_ traditional art , _paper cutting?45.昨晚家长和学生被邀请参加学校的音乐会。Parents and students_ _ _ the school concert last night.46以前人们常常在遇到麻烦时放孔明灯。People _ _ _out sky

11、lanterns when they were in trouble.47.为了制作中国陶制工艺品,黏土被手工捏成各种形状,例如可爱的孩子或中国童话故事和历史故事中的人物形象。To make Chinese clay art ,the clay_ _ by hand_ things such as cute children or characters from Chinese fairy tales and stories.48. 据说有一位叫神农的中国统治者发现了茶可以饮用。_ _ _a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to dis

12、cover tea as a drink .49. 有一天神农在篝火上烧饮用水。One day Shen Nong was boiling_ _ over an open fire.50. 一株茶树上的几片叶子落到水里并停留了一段时间。Some leaves from a tea plant_ _ the water and remained there for some time .51. 人们认为,茶大约在6世纪到7世纪到了朝鲜和日本。It_ _ that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries .52. 尽管现在许多人了解茶文化在,但是中国人无疑是最懂茶内涵的人。Even though many people now know about tea culture ,the Chinese are _ _the ones who best understand the nature of tea .53. 人们相信电脑会越来越爱欢迎。_ _


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