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1、北京新东方学校 Roger,CET-6 听力第二节课 Welcome to join us !,预读选项,短文预读选项 Topic (only one topic in one passage) Details (they are closely related),Read faster 学会使用眼睛余光(peripheral vision)覆盖选项信息; 牢记听力考的是每一句话或每一段话的意思和作者用意,决不是个别单词的意思。 Use contexts 熟练掌握CET6大纲单词基本的核心词汇; 学会从周围的词汇和语法现象中猜测词义。,Skim and Scan 先读题干,确定定位方向; 在短

2、文方面迅速确定主题和细节; 通过听力对话中相同内容词汇或同义词汇确定具体定位目标; 使用排除法做题。 打标记。,Dogs Movie,Marley and Me Eight Below Kelu Ten promises for my dog Doway, the cat,小短文五大黄金原则,1,边听边选原则 2,顺序原则 3,形容词、副词的比较级或者最高级 4,转折、对比 5,解释、原因,1,边听边选原则 最重要最基本的原则!,2,顺序原则,1, 小短文的题目设计都是按照顺序进行设计的,基本遵循(前-中-后)的顺序原则仅有少量例外现象。 2, 边看选项边听,根据提到的内容在选项旁边做上标记。

3、 3, 不要等到都听完了才开始选,否则极易模糊导致无法做出正确判断。,3,形容词、副词的比较级、最高级,形容词、副词的比较级、最高级 Better/worse Whats more Most/Most important Best/Worst First/last Above all,4, 对比和转折,特别注意带有转折含义或者对比含义的表达 转折典型词汇:But, however, yet, nevertheless, while, in fact, except for. 对比典型词汇:Compared to, unlike, instead of, on the other hand, I

4、n contrast to, rather than.,解释原因,解释原因 Because (of) As the result Due to For Since Sothat For this reason Accordingly As a consequence,短对话十大题型+考点,数字价格计算题 时间加减计算题 场景地点题 意见建议题 人物关系题,人物意图题 中心思想题 态度推断题 细节推断题 意义解释题,数字价格计算题,数字价格计算题 数字发音问题 打折、折扣 Discount (rate),on sale, 20 off, coupon 大数字听写,时间加减计算题,时间加减计算题

5、超前 In advance/ahead of time 准时 On time/on schedule 滞后(推迟) Behind schedule/delay/late/postpone/ Put off/hold up,场景地点题,场景地点题 Question: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 考点:场景词汇 选项:介词地点细节,意见建议题,意见建议题 考点:意见建议的内容本身永远是考点! How about? Why not? If I were you, I would do Youd better do Yo

6、u may/might as well do I would rather do,人物关系题,人物关系题 选项特点:X and X Interviewer and interviewee Employer and employee Doctor and patient Customer and waiter/waitress Receptionist and customer Landlord and tenant,人物意图题,人物意图题 A:一般疑问句或者祈使句。 B:判断句开头(Yes/no/Of course)+BUT 考点:BUT后面即为答案。,细节推断题,细节推断题 Question

7、: What does the speaker mean/imply? 考点:找relationship,听言外之意。 Pick up table,中心思想题,中心思想题 Question:What are they talking about? 考点:A说的话的核心内容 选项特征:名词或者名词性结构表达,态度评价题,态度评价题 Question: What does the speaker think of XX? What is the woman/mans attitude towards XX? 考点:B说的内容,往往含有语气和语音语调。,态度评价题,直接型 可以直接听到答案,或者正确

8、答案是原文中一个词或句子的替换 推理型。 通过说话者语调,语气来体会,答案隐藏在谈话内容之中,听者进行推理和判断。,意义解释题,意义解释题 考点:俚语、习语、惯用语 It is raining cats and dogs It costs me an arm and a leg I feel like a fish out of water Let the cat out of the bag They are just like apples and oranges Lets call it a day,考前需要掌握的20个习语,Play it by ear under the weather bite off more than one can chew break new ground drag ones feet few and far between rub sb the wrong way up in the air wear and tear,Get off on the wrong foot Get on someones nerves in the red in the dark Cold Fish Fat Cat Face the music Be all eyes,


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