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1、1. high low voice玩法(1):老师大声读,幼儿小声读,反之,老师小声读,幼儿大声读。参考用语:when i read loudly, you must read softly ,and when i read softly ,you must read loudly.玩法(2):根据图片的高低来读,如果老师高高的举起图卡,幼儿就大声读,老师将图卡变低位置,幼儿声音就随之变小,也可不用图卡,根据老师手势的高低来读。参考用语:when i raise the card,you speak loudly,when i put down the card,you speak in a

2、low voice.2. follow me 玩法(1):类似“鹦鹉学舌”,完全模仿老师,老师大声读,幼儿也大声读,老师变换音色,幼儿也同样模仿变换音色:老师边读边做动作,幼儿也照做。参考用语:lets play a reading game,you should to follow my voice and my action,lets have a try.玩法(2):老师读单词并用手势出示所读次数,幼儿根据老师读出的次数和手势,跟读相应的次数。参考用语:follow me ,when i read apple once,you will read apple.when i read ap

3、ple apple ,you must read the word twice,you have to listen very carefully and count how many times i have read.玩法(3):老师读单词,但不配手势,幼儿根据老师读出的次数跟读相应的次数。参考用语:follow me ,when i read apple once ,you will read apple,when i read apple apple.you must read the word twice,you have to listen very carefully and c

4、ount how many times i have read.3. whats missing?玩法:首先,将单词图贴在黑板上,或将实物摆放在地上,老师带幼儿复习一遍后,请幼儿闭上眼睛,将贴在黑板上的词卡或实物抽走一个,藏在黑色神秘袋中,再请幼儿睁开眼睛,看一看,猜出哪个图卡或实物不见了。 如回答正确将图卡或实物暂时送给幼儿并及时给予表扬。参考用语:lets play a game.look ,what on the blackboard, close your eyes . Open you eyes,oh my dear, whats missing ,i dont know, who

5、can help me ?4. drive the train玩法(1):老师手持方向盘,当火车司机,玩开火车的游戏(可以伴有歌曲the wheels on the train),当火车开到任意幼儿面前停下时,表演所学单词的动作,让幼儿儿来猜,或提问,请幼儿回答,幼儿回答正确可以上火车,火车再开往下一位幼儿面前,继续游戏。参考用语:hello,i am a driver of the train,ok ,let go , the wheels on the train, go round round round ,round and round.Who am i ?mommy, great ,

6、get on the train ,lets go .玩法(2):老师头戴大盖帽当司机,手拿方向盘做转动姿势,边装火车的声音边绕着幼儿慢慢走动,然后停下来问幼儿,想坐我的小火车吗?只要你能回答我的问题就可以坐火车啦,当幼儿回答正确后,就可以上火车并和老师一起唱歌一起开火车。参考用语:look,i am a train driver,i can drive the rain ,ha ha ,oho wants to go by train?but you need to answer my question first, if your answer is right ,you can go b

7、y train.5. passing game玩法(1):老师将幼儿所学单词卡放入一个盒子中,听音乐玩游戏,当音乐响起时,幼儿一个接一个地传递盒子,当音乐一停,幼儿必须停下,这时手持盒子的幼儿,在盒子中抽出一张图卡进行练习(可以说单词,也可以练习句子),老师对回答正确的幼儿给予表扬。参考用语:lets pass the magic box,ok?Pass on by one listen to the music.Stop aha,you can take out a card, who is he ?hes daddy, yes,great,lets go on.玩法(2):老师让幼儿围成圈

8、坐好,把卡交给第一个幼儿,再请另一位幼儿,到前面来蒙眼,并敲鼓,其他幼儿听着鼓声从第一位幼儿开始向下一个传递,鼓声停,手持图卡的幼儿就要念出单词或句子,再交换,游戏继续。参考用语:listen to the drum and pass the card,when the drum stops ,you must stop passing the cards.who get the cards must say the words loudly or answer my question loudly,are you ready?6. one by one玩法(1):幼儿手拿单词卡片,在音乐的伴

9、奏下,从一个幼儿的手中依次传给下一个幼儿。同时幼儿一定要大声朗读该单词卡片的内容。参考用语:please pass the card one by one and tell us what it is when you are passing .are you ready?lets begin.go !玩法(2):一排幼儿中,第一个幼儿问第二个幼儿,请其回答,第二个幼儿再问第三个,以此类推,问答接龙。参考用语:please answer my question first and then ask your neighbor the same question .7. puppet talks

10、玩法(1):请幼儿闭上眼睛,老师布置小舞台来制造气氛,然后请幼儿睁开眼睛,并观看对话或短剧表演。表演者要装扮成手偶的声音。再让幼儿一起模仿表演。参考用语:everybody close your eyes.one two ,three ,open your eyes(开始表演)hello,i am midi,hello ,i am candy,how are you ,candy,i am fine,thank you.Read after me ,how are you ?i am fine ,thank you .8. London bridge玩法(1):请一位老师和幼儿手拉手高举起来当

11、小桥,再请其它幼儿依次从小桥下经过,当唱到最后一句时,小桥落下,被套住的幼儿要说出单词,句子或回答老师提出的问题,之后继续游戏。参考用语:are you ready,lets sing a song, London bridge is falling down.i catch you ,answer my question.9. TPR玩法(1):让幼儿上来听指令做动作。参考用语:now ,listen to me ,when i say something,you must do the action, for example,when i say,sit down,you must sit

12、 down,when i say,cat,you must act like a cat.10. Simon says玩法(1):老师说单词或指令语,当老师在单词或指令语前加Simon says时,幼儿要做相应的动作,没有加时,幼儿就不用做动作,如,老师说Simon says ,come here时,幼儿就要走到老师跟前,如果老师只说了come here,幼儿就定着不动,幼儿可边做动作边说内容。参考用语:lets play a game,listen to me carefully,when i say,.玩法(2):老师教孩子们读单词,句子及指令语,当老师在前面加simmon says则跟读

13、,不加时可以不用跟读参考用语:lets play a reading game,when i say Simon says .,you must read after me ,when i say.you cant read,listen to me carefully,ok?11. Two ups玩法(1):按座位顺序进行单词抢答比赛,每次两个幼儿同时站起来,抢答单词和句子,说得又对又快的幼儿为胜,继续和下一个幼儿比赛,输了的幼儿坐下。最后看看每个幼儿能打败几个对手,表扬打败对手多的幼儿。玩法(2):将幼儿分成两组,按座位顺序进行单词抢答比赛,每次两个幼儿同时站起来,抢答单词和句子,说得又对

14、又快的幼儿为胜,站在原地等待,输了的幼儿坐下,然后,第二组的继续抢答,胜者站,输了的坐下,看哪组幼儿站着的最多,哪组胜利。参考用语:you two answer ,you are out,sit down,you win ,go on please.12. Guessing game玩法(1):老师把实物放到袋子里,然后请幼儿猜出单词或实物,最先说对的幼儿胜出,可以取得实物或该单词卡,稍后还给老师。参考用语:what is in the bag?guess.玩法(2):老师把实物放在黑色袋子里,然后请幼儿伸手进袋子触摸,根据感觉猜出实物并用英文说出来,说对的幼儿胜出,胜出的幼儿可以当小老师去问

15、下一名幼儿。参考用语:what is in the bag?use your hand to touch it.can you feel it?what is it?can you tell me?玩法(3):老师把lets do 句子以身体动作的形式表现出来,让幼儿猜lets do 的句子参考用语:look at me ,what am i doing?can you tell me?13. Touching game玩法(1):老师抟单词图卡摆放在地板上,幼儿分成3-4人小组进行游戏。每组幼儿手持小锤,听老师命令,当老师念到哪个词时,幼儿就快速地跟到图卡前,并用小锤子敲打,一边打一边大声说出来,看谁反应快,再换下一组幼儿游戏。参考用语:are you ready?ok,lets begin(全体幼儿大声读出命令中的单词)14. Duck duck goose玩法(1):全体幼儿围成一个圈站好,老师手持单词卡,在圈外一个接一个的拍着幼儿的头走,同时,口中念Duck duck .goose,当念到goose时,此幼儿要读出图卡上的内容,表扬答对的幼儿。参考用语:lets play a game,lets say duck duck goose,when you say goose,you must answer my question.玩法(2



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