外贸函电unit 7

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《外贸函电unit 7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外贸函电unit 7(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 7l Key Words & Expressionsl accept acceptance confirmation of order sales contract purchase contract sales confirmation purchase confirmation sign signature counter-signature execution of a contract l Key Words & ExpressionsIdentifying the reference of your letterl We are in receipt of your le

2、tter of February 15, and are pleased to confirm having accepted you offer.l We are pleased to have booked your Order No.1234 for Jeans. l Key Words & Expressionsl Confirming / accepting offers (orders)l After long and friendly discussion now we have concluded the transaction of 3000 m/ts of walnut m

3、eat.l We have pleasure in confirming your order of April 20 for 500 dozen of T-shirts. Enclosed you will our S/C No.007 in duplicate, of which please countersign and return one copy for our file.l We agree to accept your offer of Oct.10.l We are pleased to place an order with you as the terms and co

4、nditions mentioned in your firm offer.l Key Words & Expressions.Endingl a. We appreciate your cooperation and hope that this transaction will pave the way for future dealings between us.l b. We trust this order will be the first of a series of deals between us.l c. We hope you will find our goods sa

5、tisfactory and that we may have the pleasure of receiving your further orders.l d. If this initial order is executed satisfactorily, we shall be able to place repeat orders soon. Letter 1l Dear Sirs,l Re: Silk Blousesl We have received your offer of February 24 and regret that our counteroffer was r

6、efused.l As we are in urgent need of the goods and anxious to conclude the business with you. We have made our every effort to persuade our client to accept your offer 45.00 per piece. Fortunately, our customer has changed his mind and approached us again with an order for 3,000 dozen of the above g

7、oods on your termsl We are very pleased to have been able to finalize this initial business with you after protracted exchange of correspondence, and look forward to having your sales contract. Upon receipt of it, we will open the relative L/C without delay.一项有效的接受一般具备以下条件: 受盘人对一项实盘的完全接受 发盘所规定的受盘人表示

8、才有效 受盘人在发盘的有效期内或合理的时间内表示接受才有效 应由受盘人采用声明或做出其他行为的方式表示,并且这种表示传达给发盘人才开始有效 Useful Expressions We accept your firm offer. We have accepted your firm offer. We are accepting your offer. We accept your offer subject to December Shipment. 1. turn down = refuse2. conclude v.= 达成conclude a deal of sth. with sb

9、.很高兴经过长时间的磋商,我们终于达成了这笔5,000打衬衫的交易。We are glad to have concluded a transaction of 5,000 dozen mens shirts with you after a long negotiation. l to conclude a transaction 达成交易 l to come to terms 达成交易 l to close a bargain 达成交易 l to close a deal 达成交易 l to put the deal through 达成交易 如果你方愿意减价,比如说5%,我们很可能达成交

10、易。Should you be prepared to reduce your price by, say 5%, we might come to terms with you.3. finalize v. to finish the last part of dealAfter a long and friendly negotiation, we finalized the initial deal with the new customer.4. approach v.与接洽 请与在你地的我方代理直接联系Please approach our agent at your end dir

11、ectly.曾有几家买主与我接洽索要花生的供货。Several buyers have approached us for the supply of peanuts.They have approached that factory several times for water pollution.他们已就水污染一事多次与那家工厂联系。5. protracted adj. 拖延的;延长的;持久的 6. receipt n 收到;收据 be in receipt of 收到 upon receipt of 一收到就 on receipt of 一收到就 after receipt of 收到

12、后 7. sales contract 销售合同 sales confirmation 销售确认书 purchase contract 购货合同 purchase confirmation 购货确认书Chinese version of the letter执事先生: 你方2月24日的报盘收悉,十分遗憾你们没有接受我们的还盘。 由于我们急需此货并渴望与你方做成这笔交易,所以我们竭尽全力说服我方客户接受你方每件45英镑的报盘。幸运的是我们的客户最终改变了主意又与我接洽同意接受你方交易条件订购3000打上述货物。 我们很高兴经过长期函电往来,终于达成了首笔交易。期待收到你的销售合同,一经收到该合同

13、,我们即开立有关信用证。谨呈, Letter 2Dear Sirs,We have pleasure in confirming your order of February 25 for 3000 dozen silk blouses at 45.00 per piece CIF London.Enclosed you will find our S/C No. TF 216 in duplicate, a copy of which is to be counter-signed and returned to us for our file.It is understood that t

14、he letter of credit covering the above goods will be opened immediately. Please make sure that the stipulations in the relative credit are in exact conformity with the terms set forth in our S/C so as to avoid subsequent amendments.Upon receipt of your L/C, we will start arranging shipment without d

15、elay.We appreciate your cooperation and hope that this transaction will have pave the way for future dealings between us. Yours faithfully Language Points1. sign v. 签署;签字 signature n. 签名;署名 Enclosed we are sending you the relative S/C No.777 in duplicate and hope that you will sign and return us one copy of it to complete our records. 现附寄第777号销售合同一式两份,望签字并退回一份,以便归档。 2. for one



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