上海牛津英语 高一讲义 unit 1 body language 1

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1、 吉易训进修学校2016年秋季高中一年级学法指导同步提高班讲课资料(第1讲)(许老师提供)I. Language Points and StructureReading1. look up a) raise the eyes 仰视;抬头看Look up and there is a bird in the tree.抬头看,树上有鸟。b) look sth up 查找If you dont know the meaning of the word, please look up in the dictionary.若不知单词的意思,请查字典。look sth. up in= consult/

2、refer to for sth.2. glance at 匆匆看一眼glance n.take a glance at= glance at at first glance=at first sight 乍一看He fell in love with her at first glance/sight.他与她初次见面就爱上了她。(at 表示目的,方向 look at/ stare at/ aim at/ shoot at/ shout at sb.) stare at 盯着看(惊奇,傲慢,茫然,有不礼貌的感觉) glance扫一眼(强调动作的短暂) gaze凝视(因为吃惊,羡慕,入迷) gl

3、are怒目而视(凶狠而且带有威胁性的瞪眼睛,生气)3. greet sb. cheerfully 高兴地和某人打招呼问候 greeting n. 问候之词;致以问候 CPlease give my greeting to your mother when you come home.你回家时请代我问候你母亲cheerfully ad.=happilycheerful a.He was wearing a cheerful smile when he heard the good news.当他听到这个好消息时,他面呈悦色cheer v. cheer sb. up 鼓舞,安慰/ 高兴起来Chee

4、r up! The news isnt too bad.振作吧!此消息没那么坏。4. take over to 把东西(人)从一地带至另一地Mr. White took me over to the island in his car.怀特先生用车把我带到了那个岛。take sth. over (from) sb. 接管;接受When Mr. Green retired, his son took over the business from him.格林先生退休时,他儿子从他手上接管了生意。5. prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做A 而不做

5、B=prefer to do A rather than do B=would rather do A than do BHe prefer going out to staying here.=He prefer to go out rather than stay here.= He would rather go out than stay here.他宁可外出也不愿意呆在这里。6. communicate v. 交流1) communicate with sb. 和交流We must learn English well so as to communicate with people

6、 from many parts of the world.我们必须学好英语,以便与来自世界各地的人们交流。2) communicate sth. to =pass on to 把传给The officer communicated his orders to the men by radio.军官通过无线通讯向他的士兵发布命令。 communicate n. 交流 收音机和电视是重要的交流工具。7. A be more than B A不仅仅是Bmore than 超出的;不仅仅Writing is more than making sentences.写作文不仅仅是写句子。more tha

7、n+adj. 非常She is more than(=very) happy to receive her parents E-mail.收到父母的电子邮件,她很高兴。8. impression n. 印象Whats your first impression of Shanghai?你对上海的初次印象如何?give sb. a(n)+adj. +impression/ give a +adj. +impression to sb.=make/leave a +adj. +impression on sb. 给留下印象have /get a + adj. + impression of sth

8、./sb. 对某人有印象impress vt. 印象The lady impressed me greatly with her kindness.那妇女的善良给我们留下了深刻的印象。9. seem vi. 似乎好像What seems easy to some people is difficult to others.对某些人来说是简单的,对别人来说是困难的。1) seem (to be) +adj./n.She seems (to be) a nice girl.她似乎是个好女孩。The tall man seems to be the boss.(在不带形容词的名词前to be不能省)

9、2) seem to do/seem to be doingHe seems to think so.他似乎这样认为。10. She left, still smiling.smiling是现在分词作伴随状语,相当于并列句and she still smiled.11. remark vt./ vi.1) +that-cause 说He remarked that it was getting late.他说天色渐晚了。2) remark on/upon sb./sth. 谈论,评论3) remark 和state的区别remark所表示的:“说话”含有评论性的意思。Its rude to r

10、emark upon the appearance of other people.对别人评头论足是粗鲁的 。state 把某件事情详细地陈述出来(阐明事情的性质,还包含着有一定的目的)He stated his view on the question at the meeting.他在会上阐明了自己对这个问题的看法。12. remind vt. 提醒,使想起,使记起(常与of,to+inf,that连用) remind sb. of sth. 使想起,提醒某人某事remind sb. not to do sth. 提醒某人不做remind sb. that-causeHe reminded

11、 me of the danger while we are crossing the street.我们过马路时,他提醒我要注意安全。He remind me not to go out alone.他提醒我不要独自外出。He reminded me that I couldnt park my car here.他提醒我,不能再这里停车。13. without hesitation 毫不犹豫(做状语)Miss Lin agreed to his plan without hesitation.林女士毫不犹豫地同意了他的计划。hesitate v犹豫1) hesitate to do sth

12、. 不愿做某事She hesitated to spend so much money on clothes.她不愿意花太多的钱买衣服。2) hesitate about/over sth. 关于犹豫不决She hesitate over the choice between the two blouses for her daughter.这两件衬衫买哪件给女儿她犹豫不决。More reading1. far more +adj.far用在比较级前加强程度,除此以外,还有much, still, even, rather, a bit, a little, a little bit.Your

13、 health is much better than before.你比以前健康多了。2. the key to the door/study/the questionthe answer to the question 问题的答案the entrance to the hall 剧院的入口the bridge to the success (通向)成功的桥the solution to/of the problem 这个问题的解决方法3. maintain vt.1) keep up; continue 保持;维持;继续I maintain friendly relations (with

14、) my former classmates.我与老同学保持友谊。2) keep in good repair or working order 保养It is our duty to maintain the roads.保养道路是我们的职责。3) defend 维护We must maintain our rights.我们必须保护我们的权利。4. consider vt. 考虑,认为1) consider A (as/ to be) B 把A看作B2) consider doing sth./ wh-to-do 考虑做某事Have you considered changing your

15、 job?你考虑过换工作吗?5. close ones eyes in concentration 由于专心而闭上眼睛concentration (on sth.) U专心concentrate on (doing ) sth. 专心做,全神贯注于We should concentrate on our studies.我们应该集中于我们的学习。6. lack n. / vt. 缺少 (for/because of)lack of 由于缺少sb. lack sth. 某人缺少sb. be lacking in 某人缺少He looks very tired for/ because of his lack of sleep.因为缺少睡眠,她看上去很疲惫。The world la


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