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1、Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment? Section A . Material analysis 本课是第二单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是 1a 和 2。1a 通过记者采访 Jane,询问有关 Jane 在环保组织的活动,引出话题 内容:如何做一个环保人士。通过介绍在生活中如何践行环保行为,自然地用到本话题的功能意念:提出建议。在提出建议的同时, 又引出本话题的语法:并列句。1b 是个难度比较高的听力任务。它不是单纯地考查听写,而是要求学生在听懂内容的基础上,对材 料进行归纳之后再填空。1c 是用第一人称来转述

2、1a 的内容,旨在向学生传播环保理念。2 是针对并列句而设计的专项语法训练。3a 和 3b 是在考查学生的垃圾分类意识之后,再通过听对话来进行验证。4 再次让学生对垃圾进行分类,以此来培养学生对垃圾再利用 的环保理念。通过学习本课,可以增强学生的环保意识。培养学生在写作时运用连接词写出比较连贯的句子的能力。 . Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习并列句和提建议。 2.Skill aims: 能够给别人提出合理的建议。 能够正确地运用连接词写出并列句。 能够把所听到的听力材料先归纳再填空。 3.Emotional aims: (op

3、tional) 鼓励学生在日常生活中自觉践行环保行为。 4.Culture awareness: (optional) . The key points and difficult points 1. Key points: Words and phrases: nod, agreement, disagreement, protection, organization, recycle, can, give up, so that, encourage sb to do sth.be harmful to sb./sth. Sentences: We should reduce the wa

4、ste we produce. We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags. Its a pleasure. Recycling can protect the environment, and it can save money, too. So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans. Grammar: compound sentence 2. Difficult points: 根据句子需要,正确地选用连接词。 理解含有定语从句和

5、情态动词被动语态的句子。 . Learning strategies 在 1b 任务中,要先听懂对话内容,再归纳填空。 在 2 中,要明白不同的连接词的不同用法。首先弄清上下句的关系,再确定用哪个连接词。 在 3a 中,要充分利用自己的生活经验和已有的知识。 . Teaching aids 教学新词的实物(如:胶袋、电池、易拉罐等)/有环保标识的纸盒或瓶子/录音机/小黑板/PPT 图片等。 . Teaching procedures Stage (time period) Interaction patterns Teacher activityStudent activityRemarks

6、1 Getting students ready for learning (4 mins) Class activity Present a picture of heavy haze in Beijing and analyze the cause of it, learning some of the new words. T: Hi, class. Look at this picture. Its Beijing. Whats the weather like there? T: Its neither cloudy nor foggy. Its hazy. The word“haz

7、e”was the most frequently mentioned word in 2013 in the media in China. Especially in the big cities in northern China. How do you think the haze comes into being? T: What you said sounds reasonable. Air pollution plays an important part. Luckily, the government is taking measures to solve this Pres

8、ent a picture of heavy haze in Beijing and analyse the cause of it, learning some of the new words. S1: Its cloudy. S2: Its foggy. S3: I think air pollution causes haze. S4: I think too many cars. S5: I think too many factories. 学生没有学过 hazy (有霾 的),haze(霾),老师要用 汉语标注一下。学生弄懂 以后才能展开后面的活动。 老师在点评时可以讲解: pr

9、otection, organization. 最 好用构词法来呈现: protect(v)+tion=protection(n) organize(v,组织)+tion= organization (n)。 serious problem, and many organizations are taking part in the environmental protection, too. Jane is working for such an organization. 2 Lead-in (4 mins) Class activity Present some real objects

10、 to learn more new words and lead to 1a. T: Perhaps some of you think its difficult for students to do something to protect the environment. In fact, if you keep doing three Rs in your daily life, you will be a greener person. Could you guess what the three Rs refer to? T: Sorry, guess again. T: Sor

11、ry, guess again. T: Smart boy! You have got one. T: Wonderful! You have got another. Whats the third one? T: Now, let me tell you. Its “recycle”. (Show the logo of recycling) Do you often see this sign on the boxes or bottles ? T: Three Rs are very important in our life. Present some real objects to

12、 learn more new words and lead to 1a. S1:Refuse S2:Remember S3: Reuse. S4: Reduce. S5: Ss: Yes. 老师在提到 Three Rs 时, 应马上板书出来,并让学 生猜是哪三个单词,借此 讲解“re(再)+cycle(圆, 环)=recycle (v). 老师在 讲解该词时可以出示循环 使用的标志以帮助理解新 词。 老师在展示实物时,应马 上板书并讲解新词。如: plastic, battery, can. For example, we should reuse plastic bags and recy

13、cle batteries and drink cans. 3 Pre-listening (2 mins) Individual work Let the Ss read the table in 1b to get to know what they should pay attention to while listening. T: Now, please read the table in 1b. This time, the listening task is a little difficult. Only when you understand the dialog, can

14、you complete the table. So while listening, you had better pay attention to the main content of the dialog. Read the table in 1b to get to know what they should pay attention to while listening. 1b 的听写填空需要学生在 完全理解对话的基础上完 成,老师要提醒学生专注 于听内容并要求学生在听 前阅读 1b,预测听力内容。 4 While-listening (5 mins) Individual wo

15、rk Let the Ss listen to 1a and finish 1b. Then check the answers. T: Now, a journalist is interviewing Jane. Lets listen to what they are talking about. After listening, complete the table. When you finish, put up your hand. T: Who would like to answer the question? Listen to 1a and finish 1b. Check

16、 the answers. S1: Organization, protect the environment. S2: spread the message S3: 1b 的听力任务难度有点大, 可以让学生听两遍。 5 Post-listening (10 mins) Individual work Class activity Step 1: Let the Ss read 1a and do 1c. Then check the answers. T: We have listened to the interview, and now lets read it. Please complete the sentences in 1c while reading. If you finish, please let me know. T: Shall we start checking the answers now? T: xxx, shall we start from you? Step2: Let the Ss


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