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1、Welcome,四级分数分配,听:35 读:10(完型)+10(快读)+ 5(选词)+20(理解) 写:15 译:5,考试流程,08:45 验证入场(身份证、准考证、学生证缺一不可) 09:00 发答题卡(答题卡1正面为作文题,背面写作文),9:00之后无法入场。 09:1009:40 写作(09:35发试题册) 09:4009:55 快速阅读理解(在答题卡1背面作答) 09:5510:00 收答题卡1,建议快速浏览听力选项 10:0011:20 完形填空(11:05 监考教师提醒15分钟后交卷),听,看 猜 听 选 问题 主题 细节 答案,短对话11-18,常考主题:campus life,

2、 job-hunting, restaurant, hotel 常考技巧:同义替换 关注第二个人的话; 语气;语调;情绪 俗套内容:货品断货;订房爆满;考试差劲;作业太多;交通迟到;邀请不去,长对话19-25,确定场景 看着问题记录 对号入座 第一句、第一轮对话对应第一个问题,短文26-35,确定短文类型 第一句话,最后一句,转折关系 顺序答题 语调明显变化的地方容易出题,听写36-46,前七个求准;后三个尽力 只要写了,就能得分 最后要检查自己写出来的内容,名词单复数,动词时态,单三等,作文,作文文体:议论;说明;记叙(考察少) 类型: 1.观点对立: 比较两种观点或两种做法,进而从中做出选

3、择,表明自己对问题或事物的态度或观点 其基本结构是:首先对要评论的事物或现象进行整体介绍,然后陈述两种不同的观点或做法及其理由,之后表明自己的观点或结论并陈述理由。,写作框架 首段(提出观点段) Different people have different views on 事物问题. Some prefer 一种观点选择. Others tend to 另一种观点选择. As to me ,I agree to the first /second opinion .,中间段(对比论证段) Of course ,“我”不赞同的观点选择的合理性. For example ,支持其合理性的例子.

4、 But “我”不赞同观点选择的不足. The following reasons can account for my preference (for “我”赞同的观点选择).,结尾段(总结观点段) First of all /Above all, “我”的观点一选择的理由一. 进一步说明理由一A good example to illustrate is that 支持理由一的例子. In addition /Moreover/What is more ,“我”的观点二选择的理由二. To conclude /From the foregoing ,重申观点选择.,EG: 有人认为读书要有

5、选择。 有人认为应当博览群书。 我的看法。 范文:Reading Selectively or Extensively ?,Different people have different views on how we should read .Some people prefer to read selectively. Others tend to like reading extensively .As to me ,I agree to the first opinion .(提出观点段) Of course ,reading extensively has its advantage

6、s .For example ,by extensive reading people can extend their range of knowledge and broaden their vision .But for college students ,I think ,reading selectively is more reasonable .The following reasons can account for my preference. (对比论证段) First of all, reading selectively can help us save much ti

7、me and improve our reading efficiency .By selective reading we can get the information we really need more quickly and have enough time to digest what we have reading. In addition, without selection ,reading may become aimless and blind ,which makes reading inefficient .From the foregoing ,I may rea

8、sonably conclude that we college students should read selectively according to our practical needs. (总结观点段),观点论证型 要求考生根据题目所给论点,按照提纲要求通过摆事实、讲道理的方法对该论点进行论证 其基本结构是:首先提出要论证的论点,然后提出论据对其进行论证,最后表明自己的立场和看法。,行文思路: 首段(提出观点段) It is true that 普遍的观点做法. However ,不同的观点做法. I think ,“我”的观点. My reasons /arguments for

9、 this point can be listed as follows.,中间段(论证观点段) Firstly, 论据一. 进一步说明论据一. Secondly ,论据二. For example ,支持论据二的事例. Thirdly .论据三. A case in point is 支持论据三的事例.,结尾段(总结观点段) It goes without saying /There is no doubt that 重申观点. Therefore ,与该观点相符的做法或态度.,EG: 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象 诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实 范文:It Pays to Be Honest

10、,It is true that honesty is a traditional virtue of Chinese people However ,nowadays there still exist many dishonest phenomena, such as cheating ,overcharging, making and selling fake commodities ,and so on .I think being honest is not only beneficial to others but also to oneself. My argument for

11、this point can be listed as follows. (提出观点段) Firstly, honesty can strengthen mutual trust among people .Only honest people can be truly trusted and respected by people .Secondly ,without honesty, business cannot make a lasting success. For example ,if a store cheats a customer once, the customer mig

12、ht never buy its goods again .Thirdly ,honesty can make our society more stable. A case in point is Singapore ,which is a society of trustworthiness and integrity ,has a comparatively low criminal rate .(论证观点段)It goes without saying honesty is of benefit to both the state and the individual .Therefo

13、re ,we should foster the spirit of honesty and let the dishonesty have no way to survive in our society .(总结观点段),记叙文 要求考生叙述一个事件发生的经过、如车祸、生病或一次难忘的经历等。 其基本结构是:首先交待事件发生的背景,然后具体描述事件的经过,最后谈谈自己的感受或得到的启示。,行文思路: 首段(描述背景段) It was /happened时间地点. I was “我”在做什么. It impressed me most because事件给“我”留下深刻印象的原因 . 总体概

14、括事件的性质.,中间段(描述事件段) At first ,事件进展或情况表现一. Almost at the same as time ,事件进展或情况表现二. 事件进展或情况表现三. As a result, 事件的结果.,结尾段(总结观点段) As I understand ,我的看法或偏好. On the one hand, 个人看法的依据一(原因一). On the other hand ,个人看法的依据二(原因二). Therefore /In conclusion ,个人的结论或文章的结论.,EG: 简单叙述一下这位同学生病(或受伤)的情况 同学、老师和我是如何帮助他/她的 人与人

15、之间的这种相互关爱给我的感受 范文: The Day My Classmate Fell ill,It happened when we were having an English class in the language lab .I was previewing what the teacher had assigned .It impressed me most because the face of my classmate Lucy was so red that it seemed to be burning. What happened next was moving and

16、 unforgettable .(描述背景段) At first, my teacher phoned the school doctor. Almost at the same time,a girl ,wetting her handkerchief ,put it on Lucyforehead and some other students made a temporary bed for Lucy by putting some desks together .Then the doctor came and gave her some medicine to eat after a simple examination .As a result ,Lucy soon came to


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