体验商务英语第二册Unit 7 Marke ti ng

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1、Quotation,Akio Morita (1921 1999) Co-founder of Sony,“Communication is the most important form of marketing.”,A,The four Ps form the basis of the marketing mix. If you want to market a product successfully, you need to get this mix right. Match the Ps 1 to 4 to the definitions a) to b),1 Product 2 P

2、rice 3 Promotion 4 Place,a) the cost to the buyer of goods or services b) informing customers about products and persuading them to buy them c) where goods or services are available d) goods or services that are sold,B,Listen to four consumers talking about different products. Decide which of the fo

3、ur Ps each speaker is discussing: product, price, promotion or place.,Speaker 1: Speaker 2:,Speaker 3: Speaker 4:,Place,Promotion,Price,Product,C,What influences you most when you are doing shopping? Why?,Product,Price,Promotion,Place,D,Tell your partner about a marketing slogan that impressed you.,

4、A,For each group of words 1 to 5: Fill in the missing vowels. Match the words to the definitions a) to c).,research,segment,share,behavior,profile,goods,launch,Life cycle,range,forecast,figures,target,campaign,budget,agency,B,Choose a well-known product for each of these product categories.,Cars,New

5、spaper & magazine,Watches,& jewelry,Clothing,A,Listen to the first part of the interview and complete the chart.,Successful marketing,Good creative _,Good marketing communications,Customer orientation,Reaching the right _,Clear marketing _,Working well with _,What customers _ _ they want it At the r

6、ight _ In a way thats _,Producing:,campaign,people,message,sales team,need,when,price,profitable,B,Listen to the second part of the interview and answer the following questions.,1 Which campaign was most memorable for Mirjana? 2 Why did she find it memorable? 3 What was the fantastic strap line (slo

7、gan)? 4 What other strap lines do you know?,Orange mobile phones,She thinks mobile communications are interesting and that it was a great campaign with a fantastic slogan.,The futures bright, the futures orange.,C,Listen to the last part of the interview and answer the following questions.,1 What ty

8、pe of company was involved? 2 What was the promise? 3 Why did it appear successful at first? 4 Why did they end the campaign?,An electrical goods manufacturer.,They promised customers free flights with purchases of certain value.,Because sales went up at first.,They couldnt keep up with the demand a

9、nd had overspent on prizes.,The campaign was badly _, badly _ and it resulted in a lot of negative _ for the company.,D,planned,budgeted,publicity,Complete this extract from the interview.,A,Before you read the article, answer these questions.,1 Which of the following companies do you associate with

10、 Italy?,2 What qualities do you associate with Italian products?,Ferrari S.p.A. is an Italian sports car manufacturer based in Maranello and Modena, Italy. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929, the company manufactured race cars before moving into production of street legal vehicles in 1947 as Ferrari S.

11、p.A Ferraris cars are among the most desirable of vehicles to own and drive, and are one of the symbols of wealth in the world. Throughout its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing, especially in Formula One, where it has largely enjoyed great success, especia

12、lly during the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, late 1990s, and 2000s. Finally, after years of financial struggles, Enzo Ferrari sold the companys sports car division to the Fiat group in 1969. Enzo Ferrari himself retained control of the racing division until his death in 1988 at the age of 90. Ferrari also ha

13、s an internally managed a wide range of products bearing the Ferrari brand, including eyewear, pens, pencils, perfume, clothing, high-tech bicycles, cell phones, and even laptop computers.,B,Scan the article and answer these questions.,1 Which are the biggest markets/countries for these products?,Fe

14、rraris c) leather goods Rolex watches d) Hennessy cognac,2 What do these numbers in the article refer to? a)1993 b) 220 c) 1997 d) 2.7,the year that Ferrari created its Marketing Department.,the number of Ferraris sold in Switzerland,the year when 220 Ferraris were sold in Switzerland.,the percentag

15、e of Ferraris sold to women,C,Read the article more carefully and answer the following questions.,1 What was unusual about Ferraris marketing until 1993,It didnt have a marketing department people seeing Ferraris in the street was enough.,2 What two things does the author recommend that companies sh

16、ould do?,- Produce goods of the highest quality, because people are buying goods on the basis of desire rather than need. Give your brand emotional qualities that match customers desires, thus creating and selling dreams.,D,Group discussion,What qualities do you associate with cars from the following manufacturers?,Custom



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