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1、Shakespeares Histories,BELINDA,Introduction,Shakespeare wrote ten plays about English kings (from John to Henry VIII), as well as several plays based upon Roman history (the most famous of these are Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra). The English history plays reflect the nationalism of England

2、 under Queen Elizabeth. (sovereign power),Common Features of the Shakespeare Histories:,Set against Medieval English history. Not historically accurate. Provides social commentary. Explores the social structure of the time,The 6 plays classified as history are as follows:,King John Richard II Henry

3、IV, Part I Henry IV, Part II Henry V Henry VIII,(Henry6 and Richard3 mentioned last class),Henry IV (plot),The plot between the troubled realm of Henry IVs court and the vulgar world of the tavern in which Sir John Falstaff presides over his group of rascals and joined by Prince Henry The plot encom

4、passes rebellion and the struggle for power. Prince Hal and Falstaff join the fighting and Hal kills the rebel Hotspur. The rebels are finally defeated and peace reigns. Hal becomes King Henry,quotation,He will give the devil his due The better part of valour is discretion,Characters, Technique and

5、Theme,Henry IV is in many ways a study of contrasting characters, including Harry, Hotspur, Falstaff, and King Henry and does not really revolve around a particular protagonist Henry IV explores the qualities of a king (Henry possesses a certain regal grace; By contrast, Prince Harry has spent a gre

6、at deal of his time fraternizing with commoners; Hotspur is rash, crude, impatient, and violent, not a viable candidate ),The play contains many instances of symmetry (Hotspurs and his uncles similar complaints about Henry IV; the contrast between Harry and Hotspur; the contrast between Henry and Fa

7、lstaff) The Nature of Honor (honor is merely a lofty reflection of an individuals personality and conscience:For the complex Prince Harry, honor seems to be associated with noble behavior, ),Richard II (plot),It is the first part of a tetralogy, which deals with the historical rise of the English ro

8、yal House of Lancaster(fall of Plantagenet) Richard II is intelligent but weak. John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster is the kings uncle and father of the kings rival, Henry Bolingbroke. banish confiscates rebel against the King yields announces his own coronation as Henry IV.,Features,Richard deeply poe

9、tic and “metaphysical“ musings on the nature of kingship and identity (run-up); this plays formal qualities ; grand metaphors - such as the famous comparisons of England to a garden,King John,约翰王写12、13世纪之交约翰王一生主要经历,如他和法国王室为争夺英国王位而进行的两次战争,他对王位合法继承人的迫害(Arthor),他对教会的掠夺和他与罗马教廷的冲突,贵族们对他的叛离和归顺以及他被僧侣毒害致死等情

10、节。 剧人人物形象鲜明,有许多动人的情景。,The play dramatizes several topics that would have interested Shakespeares contemporary audience: a struggle with the papacy, the danger of invasion, and the debate about legitimate rule. Features: It portrays the thirteenth century rather than the fourteenth or fifteenth; unli

11、ke other historical plays that were part of a series, this play stands alone ; completely marginalizes the populace and does not attribute much strength to the nobles.,Inspiration,Family feuds can bring deadly results The power-hungry often victimize the innocent. Arthur himself has no desire to be king Mothers can be mighty. Arthurs mother, Constance, persuades the King of France to press England to accept Arthur as its rightful king,Thank you,


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