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1、姓 名班 级学 校 九三管理局 学年度下学期期末考试试题三年级英语 时限:60分钟题号一听力二 笔试部分总分一二三四五六七八九十得分听力部分(40分)一、 选出你所听到的内容,并把它的序号填在前边的括号里。(共10分读两遍)( )1. A . d B. b C.p( )2. A . H B. N C. I( )3. A . C B. G C. D( )4. A . whats B. what C. who( )5. A .four B. five C. father ( )6. A bread B brother C mother ( ) 7. A watch B chair C Chines

2、e ( ) 8. A sister B sweater C shirt ( ) 9. A eight B eleven C seven ( )10. A twelve B five C vest 二、听音,圈出你听到的内容相符的词。(共10分,读两遍) 1、Im in Class One, Grade _( two , twelve ). 2、I have a_( sister, brother). 3、This is my _(grandmother , grandma ). 4、Whos that _(man ,woman)? 5、Whats on _ (my , the ) chair

3、? 6、( Glad, Nice ) _ to see you again . 7、Is ( this , that ) _ your watch ? 8、Show me your_ (bag, book ) . 9、This is my _ ( skirt , T-shirt ) . 10、Its an _ ( elephant, egg ) .三、听录音,给下面的句子排顺序。(共10分,读两遍)()、I have a new storybook .()、Im in Class Two , Grade Four .()、Do you like apples and bananas ?()、I

4、s this your skirt?()、Whats in the desk ?四、听问句选答语。(本题10分 ,每小题2分,读两遍)( )1. A .Its a lion . B . No, it isnt .( )2. A .Its nine oclock. B . Its a dog . ( )3. A . Sure. Here you are . B .Thank you. ( )4. A .Yes , I do . B .I like apples .( )5. A .Me too. B .An English book .笔试部分(60分)五、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(注意大小写都

5、要写)(10分) 六、将每组单词中不同类别的词找出来,将序号填写在括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. A. jamB. milk C. lion D. coffee( ) 2. A. mangoB. grapes C. apple D. uniform( ) 3. A. yachtB. coat C. skirt D. vest( ) 4. A. roosterB. tiger C. monkeyD. bear ( ) 5. A. two B. nine C. twelve D. fruit七、看图找词。(本题10分)将图片下面的序号填到对应单词前的括号里。 A B C D E F G H I

6、J( ) juice ( ) hot dog ( ) rabbit ( ) one ( )seven( ) coffee ( ) monkey ( ) exercise book ( )cake ( ) dog 八、选择填空。(本题10分) ( )1. _ my new pencil-box . A . Look B . Look at C. look at ( )2. This is an _ A . English B .storybook C .notebook( )3. _ on the desk ? A . whats B .What C. Whats( )4.Lets _ . A

7、. go to school B . go to home C .go school( )5.Happy birthday _ you . A . for B . to C . and( )6. _ that ? . Thats my grandmother. A .Whats B . Whos C . How old( )7.Hes my _ . A . mother B . brother C . daughter( )8._ you like mangoes? Yes , I do . A . do B . Do C . Are( )9.I like bread ._ about you

8、 ? A . Who B . What C . Where( )10.Is that your book? _ it isnt . A . Yes B . No C . Sorry九、情景会话。(本题10分,每小题2分) A .What s this? B . Do you like animals ? C . Its four oclock. D .How about you ? E . OK. Lets go .A : Mum , Look !_ B :This is a kangaroo. A : _ B: Yes , I do .I like pandas ,bears and ele

9、phants .A : _ B: Me tooA : What time is it ? B:_A :Lets go home . B : _十、在B栏中找出A栏的正确答语。(每小题1分,共10分) A B ( ) 1. Whats that ? A. She is my mother. ( ) 2. Whos that woman ? B. Thats a pen. ( ) 3 . How are you ? C. Sure .Here you are . ( ) 4. How old are you ? D. How do you do ? ( ) 5.Here you are . E. Yes, I do .( )6. Whats your name? F. Im fine.( )7. Nice to meet you! G. My name is Gao Wei.( )8. How do you do? H. Im eleven ( )9. Do you like bananas? I. Nice to meet you,too.( )10. Can I see it ? J. Thank you.七年级英语第 3 页 共 4页



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