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1、Review of Tenses,Simple present,A. Things we do often,Simon often rests his head on his hand.,The Youth Olympic Games are held every four years.,Jeff seldom wakes up until the alarm goes off.,(do/does),The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.,Practice makes perfect. Three plus four equals sev

2、en.,Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.,Great minds think alike.,B. Things which are always true,Present continuous,A. Things which are happening now, at this moment,Listen, who is singing in the next room? Sorry, I cant lend you my bicycle. Im using it.,Philip is taking a part-time job at the sch

3、ool library this term.,(am/is/are doing),Why are you always leaving things behind?,Note: Some verbs usually use the simple present tense instead of the present continuous tense:,Verbs of the senses: hear, see smell, taste Verbs of thinking: believe, know, mean, realize, remember, think Verbs of liki

4、ng: dislike, fear, hate, like, love, want Verbs of possession: belong, have, own, possess,B. Future plans,Peter cant come to the class reunion because he is leaving for France tonight.,come, go, leave, do,Are you doing anything particular this weekend?,Simple future,predictions,It will be sunny tomo

5、rrow.,(will do),The world will be a better place for people to live in 50 years. Wherever he goes, he will take an umbrella with him.,Simple past,An action that happened in the past and is now finished,He sat up (straight) and smiled at people.,Emily lived and died in the same house where she was bo

6、rn.,(did),at that time, two years ago, just now, last month, once, the other day, once upon a time,The house was built for the first governor two hundred years ago.,New students were enrolled in this school last month.,Present perfect,1. An action which happened in the past but still has an effect o

7、n the present,I have finished my homework. = ( I did my homework. Now I have no homework.),already, yet, before, lately, recently, since, in the past/last few days, these years, just, so far, up to/till now,(have/has done),I think we have met before. The students on duty have just cleaned the classr

8、oom. This is the first time that you have been late this month. This is the first time that + 现完 This was the first time that + 过完 Peoples living standard has nearly doubled in the past ten years.,He has taught Chinese in the language school since 2005/ he came to London. for three years. He left th

9、ree days ago. He has been away for three days. He has left.,2. 表示从过去某一时间持续到说话时为止的动作或状态。,Note: 短暂动词的完成时不能和表示一段时间的状语( “for ”) 连用.,come/arrive leave/go join borrow buy die,be in be away be in keep have be dead,We havent met each other for several years.,Past continuous,An action happening at a certain

10、time in the past,Was the sun shining at that time?,I was resting in my room when the fire broke out.,Henry didt go to the concert last night. He was working in the lab.,(was/were doing),Past perfect,An action taking place before a certain time in the past,It had snowed for a week by Tuesday. After I had finished the book, I switched off the light.,Before John finished his speech, the audience had lost interest.,They returned earlier than we had expected.,(had done),


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