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1、Unit 3 Seeking Advice,基础自测,课文预读,内容索引,要点探究,当堂达标,Period Two Integrating Skills & Further Reading,基础自测,1. n.解决;解答 vt.解决;解答 2. adv.不幸地;倒霉地 adv.幸运地 adj.幸运的 n.幸运 3. n.严格 adj.严格的,.重点单词,solution,solve,unluckily,luckily,lucky,luck,strictness,strict,4. adj.不安全的;不安稳的;危险的 adj.安全的 n.安全 5. adj.关怀的 n.关心 adj.细心的 ad

2、v.细心地 6. adj.满意的 7. n.完整;完全,unsafe,safe,safety,caring,care,careful,carefully,content,wholeness,8. adj.缺少的;失踪的 9. adj.不完全的 adj.完整的;完全的; vt.完成 n.完成 10. vt.与搭讪;与攀谈 11. n. 虫;蠕虫 12. n.限制;限度;(pl.)局限 vt.限制 adj.有限的,missing,incomplete,complete,completion,chat,worm,limitation,limit,limited,13. adj.不切实际的,不实在的

3、adj.现实的;现实主义的 vt.认识到,明白 14. vi.幸存 n.幸存(者) 15. n.光辉;辉煌 adj.光辉的;灿烂的,unrealistic,realistic,realise,survive,survival,brilliance,brilliant,1. 闲逛 2. 被称为;被认为是 3. 四处活动 4. 沿途 5. 继续 6. 在某种意义上 7. 放手;放开 8. 经历;经过,.重点短语,hang out,be known as,go around,along the way,keep on doing,in some/a sense,let go of,go throug

4、h,.好句积累 1.Now that it was a perfect circle,it could roll very fast,too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms. 既然它已经是一个完美的圆环了,在快速地滚动中它无暇顾及那些花朵,没空理会那些虫子。 2.If we are brave enough to love,strong enough to forgive,generous enough to be glad in another ones happiness,and wise enough to know there i

5、s enough love to go around for us all,we can achieve a satisfaction that no other living creature will ever know. 如果我们能勇敢地去爱,坚强地去原谅他人,大度地分享他人的快乐,明智地懂得世界充满爱,那么我们就能体会到一种其他人永远无法了解的由衷的满足。,课文预读,.根据课文判断正(T)误(F) 1.At first the circle couldnt roll fast because it wanted to chat with the grasses.( ) 2.The ci

6、rcle didnt find the missing piece at last.( ) 3.When it was a perfect circle,it rolled too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms.( ) 4.The circle stopped by the side of the road and enjoyed the sunshine.( ) 5.In some ways,a man will be a complete person even if he misses something.( ),F,F,T,F,

7、T,.课文语法填空 1. in the world is perfect.A man 2. has everything is 3. some ways a poor man.He will never know the experience of having someone give him something he has always wanted or never had.Life is not a trap set by God or a spelling 4. (compete) where we may make 5. mistake.It is more like a bas

8、eball season.Our goal is 6. (win) more games than we lose.We must accept that 7. (perfect) is part of being human.When we continue rolling 8. life and appreciate it,we will have achieved a,Nothing,who/that,in,competition,a,to win,imperfection,through,wholeness that others can only wish 9. .In some s

9、trange sense we are more whole when we are missing something.Incomplete is also a kind of 10. (beautiful)!,for,beauty,要点探究,重点单词,重点短语,经典句式,There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive,who can lose someone and still fee

10、l like a complete person. 那些明白自己能坚强地经历痛苦并勇敢活下去的男人女人们是完整的,即使他/她失去了谁也依然觉得自己是完整的。,重点单词,(1)survive vi.生存,幸存;vt.比活得长;幸免于;从中挺过来 survive on sth.靠生存 survive sb.(by时间)比某人活得长(多久) (2)survival n.生存,幸存 (3)survivor n.幸存者,归纳拓展,(1)Of the injured in the crash,only two survived. 在这次车祸受伤的人中,只有两人活了下来。 (2)He was the onl

11、y survivor that survived the accident,but he didnt survive long,and even didnt survive his father. 他是事故中的唯一幸存者,但他活得不长,甚至没有活过他父亲。,语境感悟,(1)用适当的介、副词填空 Mr.White survived his wife 9 years. Many of the peasants managed to survive tiny plots of corn and beans. (2)单句改错 This drug can help people survive from

12、 heart attacks. _,即时跟踪,by,on,去掉from,trap n.陷阱;困境;vt.困住;使陷入困境;诱骗 be trapped in被困在中,陷在中 trap sb.into doing sth.陷害/诱骗某人做某事,Life is not a trap set for us by God so that he can condemn us for failing. 生活不是上帝给我们设下的圈套,以便他能够在我们失败时谴责我们。,归纳拓展,(1)A trap was set to catch the mice. 设好了陷阱来捕捉那些老鼠。 (2)Many people w

13、ere trapped in the fire. 很多人被困在大火中。 (3)They trapped her into marrying that fellow. 他们骗她嫁给了那个家伙。,语境感悟,(1)用trap的正确形式填空 We in the building. in the coal mine,they had no choice but to wait for rescue. More than 80 miners were reported in two separate areas at a depth of about 540 metres after a large ex

14、plosion occurred at 1:30 pm. (2)单句改错 He has trapped into buying what is actually not needed. _,即时跟踪,were trapped,Trapped,to have trapped,has后加been,be known as被称为;被认为是;作为而出名 be known for因而出名 be known to为所熟知 be known by根据而得知 be famous as作为而著名,I was known as _in my class. 在班里我被认为是,归纳拓展,重点短语,(1)Jay Chou

15、 is known as a rap singer. 周杰伦是作为一个rap歌手而出名的。 (2)The doctor is (well) known for his work on the human brain. 这位大夫因对人脑的研究而出名。 (3)The young man is known to the police because of his previous criminal record. 这个年轻人因以前的犯罪记录而为警察所知。,语境感悟,用适当的介词填空 (1)She is known a writer her wonderful writings. (2)Feng Xiaogang is well known us his famous films a director.,即时跟踪,as,for,to,for,as,There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go


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