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1、 宁夏理工学院毕业设计 毕业设计题目名称 一落二分割模模具设计系别 机械工程系专业/班级 机自10102班学生 张朋杰学号 43910315指导教师(职称) 孟天祥(高级工程师) 摘要在现代工业生产中,产品零件广泛采用冲压成形、锻压成形、铸造成形、挤压成形、塑料注射或其他成形加工方法,与成形模具相配套,使坯料成形加工成符合产品要求的零件。模具已广泛应用于电机电器产品、电子和计算机产品、仪表、家用电器、汽车、军械、通用机械等生产中。用模具生产制件所表现出来的高精度、高复杂程度、高生产率和低消耗,是其它加工制造方法所不能比拟的。冲压是利用安装在冲压设备(主要是压力机)上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产


3、:凸模、凹模、凸凹模、凸模固定板、垫板、凹模固定板、卸料板、导尺、挡料销、导正销等。通过该课题能够让我掌握中等复杂程度零件冲压模具设计与制造的一般方法,对零件冲压工艺方案的制定、工艺计算及模具设计有了更深层次的认识,并学会对模具设计资料的检索与整合以及对已有资料的充分合理的使用,此次毕业设计是对我理论学习水平的实践和检验,可对以后从事相关工作有一定的指导性与实践性意义。关键词:复合模具;凸模;上下模座;凹模Abstract In modern industrial production, product widely used in stamping, forging, casting, ex

4、trusion, plastic injection or other forming method, matched with the mold, the blank forming process to meet the requirements of product parts. The mold has been widely used in electrical appliances, electronic products and computer products, home appliances, automotive, instrumentation, ordnance, g

5、eneral machinery and other production. With mold parts demonstrated by the highprecision, high complexity, high productivity and low consumption, the other processingmehods could be compared . Stamping is installed in the use of stamping equipment (mainly Press) on the mold to exert pressure on the

6、material, to produce plastic deformation or separation, thus obtaining the required parts (commonly known as stamping or punching parts) of a pressure processing method. Stamping is usually at room temperature cold deformation processing of materials, and mainly uses the sheet to be processed into t

7、he required parts, also called cold stamping and sheet metal stamping. Stamping is one of the main methods of pressure processing or plastic materials processing, belonging to the technical material forming engineering. The graduation design topic is: a fall two split mold design. Stamping die that

8、is in cold stamping processing, the material (metal or non-metal) processed into parts (or semi-finished products) is a kind of special process equipment, called cold stamping die (commonly known as cold die). Stamping, at room temperature, using installed in the mold presses on the pressure applied

9、 to the material, to produce plastic deformation or separation, thus obtaining a pressure parts processing methods. Through the detailed process for parts manufacturing process analysis, die plate, stripper plate, guide ruler, stop pin, guide pin etc. By this research can let me master the general m

10、ethods for design and manufacture of stamping die of medium complexity, the stamping process plan, process calculation and die design have a deeper understanding, and learn to die design of information retrieval and use and integration of existing data reasonably, this graduation design is on our th

11、eory study and practice and test level, can have some guidance and practical significance to be engaged in relevant work after.Keywords: composite mould; mould; upper and lower die; die目录摘要I AbstractII绪论1第1章冲压模具设计及计算21.1 设计题目21.2零件结构21.2.1零件名称21.2.2冲压零件数据及图样21.3 零件的工艺性21.3.1零件的工艺性分析21.3.2零件的精度与粗糙度31

12、.4 冲压工艺方案的确定31.4.1冲压工序性质的确定:31.4.2冲压方案的确定:31.5 主要工艺计算31.5.1排样设计与计算31.5.2冲裁力的计算51.5.3模具总冲压力的计算51.5.4模具压力中心的计算61.6冲模间隙的确定7第2章冲压设备的选择112.1冲压技术简介82.2冲压设备的选用82.2.1如何选择冲压设备82.2.2冲压设备类型的选择82.3冲压设备规格的选择92.4模具闭合高度的计算10第3章 模具结构设计153.1 模具总体结构的设计123.1.1 模具的基本结构形式的确定123.1.2 模具总体尺寸确定133.1.3 模架选用133.2模具主要零部件的设计与选用

13、143.2.1 工作零件设计153.2.2 卸料装置零件设计183.3导向零件213.4固定零件设计213.5模具主要零件及材料233.6凸凹模刃口尺寸计算233.6.1刃口尺寸计算原则233.6.2凸凹模刃口尺寸计算方法24第4章典型零件的加工工艺编制304.1 导柱的机械加工274.1.1 导柱结构工艺性分析274.1.2 导柱技术要求分析274.1.3 机械加工顺序的安排274.1.4 加工阶段划分284.1.5 机械加工工艺规程284.2 导套的机械加工 294.2.1 导套结构工艺性分析294.2.2 导套技术要求分析294.2.3 机械加工顺序的安排294.2.4 加工阶段划分29

14、4.2.5 机械加工工艺规程30 参考文献31结束语32致谢33V绪 论现代工业的迅猛发展使冷冲压技术得到越来越广泛的应用,随之而来的是对冲压模具的设计与制造要求越来越高。冲压模具是冲压生产的主要装备,次设计是否合理,对冲压件的表面质量、尺寸质量、生产率以及经济效益影响很大。因此,研究冲压模具的设计,提高冲压模具的各项技术指标,对冲压模具设计和冲压技术发展是十分重要的。本书说明主要是对电机转子冲片的设计,采用冲孔落料复合模。本书说明主要讲述了冲压件工艺分析、冲压工艺方案的确定、计算冲压力、压力中心、初选设备、工作部分尺寸计算以及主要零部件的设计。第1章冲压模具设计及计算1.1 设计题目 一落二分割模具设计。1.2零件结构1.2.1零件名称 电机转子冲片1.2.2冲压零件数据及图样 材料:硅钢片 厚度:0.5mm 批量:大批量零件图如图1.1所示: 图1.1电机转子冲片1.3 零件的工艺性 1.3.1零件的工艺性分



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