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1、leading cadres awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to two lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that two is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party

2、 rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the third revolution the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, wi

3、ll have new requirements for leading party cadres. Two is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by Gener

4、al Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the two is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the reson

5、ance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the the old way didnt work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not phenomenon, sometimes due to a

6、mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass convincing and identityBehind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. Two is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, a

7、n important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. Giving up two effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members

8、 learn real responsibility to know to music , good changes, in parallel with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in two learn a do in the b

9、ased post do contribution in all members in the carried out learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education zhihou, deepening party educati

10、on of and once important practice, is promoted three strict three real topic education from key minority to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be 怎样写文献综述? 小综述

11、”,目的是为了推出自己的论述和模型,是以述带论,说明现有的研究状况,缺点在哪里,我准备做的贡献是什么。侧重介绍与自己的研究直接相关的文献。综述与述评 述评是对某学术专题的研究状况进行概说、评论、展望和预测,因此对作者的素质要求较高,一般由专家或学科领头人撰写,故又称“专家述评”; 文献综述是根据科研、教学和医疗的需要,围绕某一学术专题,收集某时期内的有关文献资料予以加工整理而成的综合性文献。 专题述评的重点在“评”,包括对专题研究状况的评价、展望、预测和建议,而“述“只是“概述”,处于次要地位,是评论的辅垫,不强调面面俱到,更不要材料罗列; 文献综述则重点在“述”,因本身就是经过加工的二次文献

12、,因此讲究材料详实,有检索价值。综述的分类 文摘性综述,是对原始文献进行客观地综合性摘述,以提供详尽的资料为目的,不掺杂撰写者本人的观点,由读者对综述的内容作出判断; 分析性综述,它通过对原始文献的内容进行分析后表达作者的意见和见解,既有回顾又有瞻望,可以提出问题也可以提炼新思路、新方法。类似的文章及区别 读书报告、文献复习和研究进展等文章有相似的地方,都是从某一方面的专题研究论文或归纳出来的。 读书报告”、“文献复习”是单纯把一级文献客观地归纳报告 研究进展只讲科学进程综述的目的 一、供发表。为同行提供经归纳提炼的相关课题的大量信息。帮助读者在较短的时间内了解、掌握相关研究课题的历史背景、研

13、究现状、争论焦点、已解决和尚未解决的问题、前景展望等,是他们选择研究方向,寻找科研课题的重要线索。 二、研究课题论证。通过广泛地查阅文献,从他人的研究中吸取经验、教训,为开展新的课题研究进行选题论证做必要的知识准备。综述应具备的特点 新颖:尽可能查阅和引用最新文献资料,普赖斯指数,即引用最近5年内发表的文献数,应达70%左右,普赖斯指数越高,越能反映文献综述的新颖程度,也越易于发表或引导新课题研究。 综合性强,焦点集中: 应能够紧紧围绕中心论题旁征博引,做到放得开、收得拢,即为了集中于焦点,广泛综述国内外的相关研究成果。 发表自己的观点和见解:应在综述文献的基础上,对所引用的原理、方法、成果或

14、结论等发表自己的意见。 引证准确,评价客观:应尽可能阅读原刊发表的论文或其复印件,确实读懂原意,以免以讹传讹或断章取义;既要注意引证与自己观点相同的文献,也要引证不同的文献;发表观点和见解做到论据充足,分析客观,决不臆断、拔高。写综述的益处 进一步熟悉文献的查找方法和资料的积累方法;扩大了知识面; 查找文献资料、写文献综述是临床科研选题及进行临床科研的第一步,是为今后科研活动打基础的过程; 通过综述的写作过程,能提高归纳、分析、综合能力,有利于独立工作能力和科研能力的提高;注意事项 1.搜集文献应尽量全。是写好的前提 2.注意引用文献的代表性、可靠性和科学性 3.引用文献要忠实文献内容。在撰写

15、时应分清作者的观点和文献的内容,不能篡改文献的内容。 4.参考文献不能省略。应是文中引用过的,能反映主题全貌的并且是作者直接阅读过的文献资料。存在的问题 选题没有新意,观点陈旧; 资料收集少,引用文献少,陈述论点片面; 概括性太差,论著仅为简单的资料辑录; 只进行了某一阶段的动态报道,读者不能系统的了解这一课题; 间接文献多,转引资料多,参考文献不规范基本要求 1)搜集文献应当客观、全面、准确。 2)材料与评论要协调、一致。 3)针对性强。为解决具体问题服务。 4)提纲挈领,提出重点, 5)不能混淆文献中的观点和作者个人的思想综述的形式和结构 1)序言:提出研究问题。主要阐明综述撰写的目的、意义,科学研究工作的重要性,介 绍综述的基本内容,性质,适用范围和读者对象等。 2)历史发展:对历史的回顾和总结。“历史发展”应该以时间为纲,叙述各个重要发展阶段的状况和特点,特别要指出产生变革和事件的特点和定义如何,以及新理论,新方法的引入及其效果等, 3)现状分析:理清问题,探讨发展文化的规律性。用于归纳、分析目前对研究课题的不同看法、论点和研究状况,说明目前达到的水平和需要解决的主要问题等。 应该从横向方面进行对比分析,叙述和比较国内外各相关学术流派的观点、方法、特点和取得的成效,客观地评价其优点与不足。论述时,应该阐述它们之间的差异,客观地分析其产


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