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1、 轮机长常规命令CHIEF ENGINEERS STANDING ORDERS1 任何轮机员都必须仔细阅读轮机长的常规命令和夜航命令并执行。Any officer signing the following rules certifies that he has read them and will, to the best of his ability, carry them out during his watch.2 在执行轮机长命令时,为了人命和船舶的安全,轮机员在特殊情况下应实施背离轮机长的命令是必要的.In carrying out the following rules, off

2、icers must give due regard to any special circumstances which render a deviation necessary for the safety of life and vessel.3 夜间值班轮机员应确保警报的正确设置和操作,任何的偏差应立即报告轮机长。The engineer officer of the watch shall ensure that all night and other alarms are properly set and operational. Any deficiency is to be r

3、eported to the chief engineer immediately .4 值班轮机员是轮机长的代表,首要职责是确保主推进装置和付机的安全和经济运转。The engineer of the watch is chief engineers representative and his primary responsibility is the safe and economical operation of the main propulsion machinery and auxiliaries. He ensures that the engine department ra

4、tings assigned to his watch carry out their duties in a diligent and proper manner.5 值班轮机员主要职责是操作机械装置的安全且处于良好状态并确保船上人命安全、货物、船舶和机器的安全。The main duty of the engineer on the watch is to operate the engine plant in a manner that ensures the safety of life onboard, the cargo, the vessel and the machinery.

5、 Revolutions and power setting indicated by the chief engineer must be maintained.6 船舶在海上时,轮机员值班地点是机舱,除非是轮机长同意,或其他轮机员接班,在任何情况下不得离开机舱,同时应负责接听电话和回应车钟。At sea the station of the engineer on watch is the engine room. He does not leave his station on any account, unless instructed to do so by the chief en

6、gineer or he is properly relieved by another engineer officer. He is responsible for the prompt answering of the telephone and telegraph.7 在发生故障、断电或其它机损时,轮机员应立即报告轮机长和值班驾驶员。The engineer on watch immediately calls the chief engineer as well as the navigating officer on watch at the first indication of

7、 trouble, breakdown or other defect of machinery .8 轮机员应经常检查全部机舱设备、锅炉和其他机械设备,在检查时应特别注意主、付机的一些仪表的读数、轴承温度等且使之处于良好的状态。The engineer on watch shall make frequent inspections covering the engine room, boilers and auxiliary spaces within the engine room. When main these inspections, particular attention sh

8、all be paid to gauge readings, bearing temperatures, etc, auxiliary machinery as well as to the propulsion machinery.9 轮机员应通知接班人员所设定的转速和轮机长的一切特别命令,应通知接班人员所有轴承或其它设备以及所用的水柜、油柜的过热或缺陷,以及有助于值班的任何事情。Thy engineer on the watch informs his relieving engineer(when handling over the watch to his relief) of the

9、 designated revolutions and any special orders from the chief engineer. He also informs his relief of any bearings or equipment that are or have been overheated, any existing defects of machinery, water or bunker tanks in use and any other pertinent information which will be of assistance to his rel

10、ief.10.接班前应全面检查舵机以及机舱外工作的设备。 Before taking over the watch the engineer makes a thorough inspection of the steering gear and other machinery in operation outside the engine room.11.值班轮机员在他认为严重的应急情况下,必须通知所有轮机人员下机舱,不要犹豫。 The engineer on the watch should not hesitate, in the event of any emergency that

11、he considers serous, to sound the alarm which will summon all engineer officers.12.值班轮机员在轮机日志上签名,并遵守轮机长的命令,并保持轮机日志的干净整洁。 The engineer on the watch shall, on being relieved, legibly write his entries in the engine room log book. He follows the instructions laid down by the chief engineer in the event

12、 of serious occurrences, damage to machinery, etc, and he keeps engine room log book without erasures.13.轮机员当船舶进出港或进入狭水道主机机动操作时,应正确记录。 Engineers shall ensure accurate recording of engine movements when the vessel is entering or leaving port, when engine revolutions are altered, etc. M/V: CHIEF ENGINEER :


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