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1、初中英语语法专项练习之陈述句,感叹句,疑问句,祈使句篇一:英语陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句及练习1英语陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句及练习一、陈述句1、概述用来叙述一个事实或观点的句子叫陈述句。陈述句有肯定和否定两种形式,一般用降调,句末用句号。They lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature, even in very cold winter weather.他们生活很活跃,即使在严寒的冬天也能保持正常的体温。If you do have difficulties, it is better to t

2、ry again another day.如果你的确有困难,最好改天再试一试。This is a most troublesome case. 这是一个非常麻烦的案子。2、语序陈述句的语序一般是“主语+谓语部分”,或“主语+系动词+表语”。Plants grow well all the year round.一年四季植物生长良好。His strong will doubled their efforts. 他的坚强意志使得他们加倍努力。They read their own poems to each other.他们互相朗诵自己的诗歌。I felt the floor move. 我感到地

3、板在移动。Radioactive matter is dangerous to work with.从事放射性物质工作是危险的。That sounds a great idea! 听起来这是一个极好的主意!Her whole body went cold. 她全身发冷。3、否定结构(1)用not和助动词或情态动词否定not一般放在助动词或情态动词之后。The villagers didnt allow them to do this. 村民们没有允许他们这样做。If they cannot do this, they have not really learned the spirit of

4、the foreign language and cannot use it freely. 如果做不到这一点,他们就没有真正掌握外语的本质,也就不能运用自如。(2)用否定副词或代词否定not以外的否定词no、none、nobody、nothing、never、seldom、hardly、little、neither、nor等也构成陈述句的否定式。 None of you watched carefully enough. 你们当中谁都观察得不够仔细。Song writers are no longer writing about the modern values of the US 歌曲作

5、者不再写美国的现代价值。We have never had women working in this part of our xxpany before. 我们以前从来没有让女人在我们的公司这个部门工作过。(3)部分否定不定代词或副词如all、both、every, everybody, every day everything, everyone, many, entirely, altogether, absolutely, wholly, xxpletely, everywhere, always, often与not连用时,表示部分否定,意为“并非都是,不是每个都是”等。But Im

6、 determined to enjoy myself as much as possible even though I cant see everything. 但是我决定要尽可能玩个痛快,即使我看不到所有的地方。 Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory. 并不是所有的汽车部件都在这家工厂制造。How a telephone works is a question which not everyone can answer. 电话是怎样工作的这个问题并不是每一个都能回答上来的。He is not absolutely

7、 wrong.他并不全错。 Every couple is not a pair.完美的婚姻少。(4)双重否定双重否定是指同一句子里出现两个否定词,即否定之否定。双重否定表示的意义是肯定的,通常比肯定句语气更重。这种结构有:no?not, no?without, no?but, cant but+动词(不得不), cant help doing, none but等。He doesnt lend his book to nobody.他的书没有哪本不借。He cant make anything out of nothing.巧妇难为无米之炊。Man cant live without wat

8、er.没有水人类无法生存。(5)几乎否定几乎否定又称半否定,表示整个句子的意思接近否定。常用的词有little, few, seldom, barely, hardly, rarely, scarcely等。I have too little time to finish this work. 我的时间太少了,不能完成这项工作。She is old and rarely goes out.她年纪大了,很少外出。They had barely time to catch the plane.他们差点没来得及赶上飞机。(6)否定转移宾语从句的否定转移某些句子结构中,本应放在that从句中的否定词n

9、ot往往被移至主句的谓语动词前,这种现象叫转移否定,这类动词believe, expect, suppose, think, imagine, fancy, reckon等候的宾语从句否定时否定主句谓语动词。主句主语是第一人称的一般现在时态。We dont think there is anything of interest in your pictures.我们认为你的画没有什么有趣的地方。I dont believe its necessary to buy the bigger one. 我认为没有必要买容量大一点的。 否定主语转移否定谓语No sound was heard.没听到声

10、音。Neither of them had their tickets. 他们都没有票。否定谓语转为否定状语He doesnt study in the classroom.他不在教室里学习。He was not playing all the time.他没有一直玩。否定介词转移否定谓语On no condition should the circuit be over loaded.电路在任何情况下都不得超负荷。 At no time will he give in.他任何时候都不会低头。二、疑问句疑问句用来提出问题,句末须用问号。疑问句分为一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反意疑问句和选择疑问句。

11、1、一般疑问句(1)概述一般疑问句用来询问一件事情或一个情况是否属实,需要用肯定词yes或否定词no来回答。 -Hasnt he passed the final examination?期末他没有及格吗?-Yes, he has. 不,他及格了。-Are you a teacher?你是老师吗?-No, Im not.不,我不是。(2)基本结构“be、have、助动词或情态动词+主语+谓语”-Are you good at sailing你赛艇很行吧?-Yes,in fact, Im on our city team.是的,事实上,我是市赛艇队的。 Do you remember one a

12、fternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours10年前的一个下午,我到你家借过一条项链,你还记得吗?(3)否定疑问句在一般疑问句的否定结构中,not放在主语之后,也常用缩略式,即将-nt和句首的be、have、助动词或情态动词连在一起。一般疑问句的否定结构往往用来表示提问人的惊讶、怀疑、邀请、赞叹等,回答时,yes后接肯定结构,no后接否定结构。 Isnt it easier to stay in the same place留在原地难道不更舒服一些吗? Havent you h

13、eard of him难道你没听说过他吗? Cant you just wear a flower instead难道不可以就戴朵花吗?- Didnt he xxe to see you yesterday?他昨天没有去看你吗?-No, he didnt.是的,他没来。(4)可以不用yes和no回答的一般疑问句一般疑问句通常情况下用yes、no来回答,但在很多情况下需根据具体情况用其它答语,如certainly、of course、all right、not at all、perhaps、never,no way等。回答介意与否-Would you mind if I open the win

14、dow?我开开窗户你介意吗?-Not at tall. 不介意。- Im sorry but I would. Its could outside.对不起我介意,外面太冷了。拒绝或不能给予满意回答而表示道歉-Could you xxe to the party this evening?你晚上能来参加完会吗?-Id love to, but you see Im too busy.我愿意去,但我太忙了。- Thats very kind of you, but Im afraid I cant.你真好,到我恐怕去不了。-Can you return the book in two days?你

15、两天能还书吗?-Sorry, but I can return it in four days.对不起,但我四天后能还。-Is he a proper person for the job?他是干这项工作的合适人选吗?- I dont think so.我不这样想。接受邀请或要求-will you send her a note for me ?你代我把这个纸条给她好吗?- Id be glad to.乐意效劳。-May I look at the picture?我看看照片可以吗?-Certainly. Here you are.当然。给你。回答带有责备意味的句子-Do you remember what I told you before?我以前告诉你的话你还记得吗?- Im sorry, sir.对不起先生。I think you should


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