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1、UnitUnit 1 1 StayStay HealthyHealthy LessonLesson 1:1: WhatsWhats Wrong,Wrong, Danny?Danny? I.I. LearningLearning aims:aims: MasterMaster thethe newnew words:words: stomach, regret, fever, pale, Sara, examination, pain, X-ray II.II. LearningLearning importantimportant andand difficultdifficult point

2、s:points: 1) Danny wakes up his parents. 2) I regret eating so many donuts now. 3) Need we go there right now? 4) She takes them to a small examination room. 5) Danny needs to stay in the hospital today. LanguageLanguage Points:Points: 1.1. regretregret 【用法】作及物动词,意为“对感到后悔” ,后加名词、代词、动名词作宾语。 【举例】Tony

3、has been regretting that matter. 托尼对那件事情一直感到很后悔。I regret making such a foolish decision. 我后悔做出这么愚蠢的决定。 【用法】作不可数名词,意为“遗憾、惋惜” 。 【举例】His great regret is not seeing his father for the last time. 他最大的遗憾 是没有能最后一次见他父亲一面。 2. . DannyDanny wakeswakes upup hishis parents.parents. 丹尼把他的父母叫醒了。丹尼把他的父母叫醒了。 【用法】短语

4、wake up 意为“叫醒” ,这是“动词+副词”短语。这类短语用名词作宾语时, 名词可在副词前,也可用在副词后;如用代词作宾语时,代词则必须用在副词前。故这句话中的 wake up his parents 还可说为 wake his parents up。 【举例】Mum, will you please wake me up at five tomorrow morning? 妈妈,你能在明 天早晨五点钟叫醒我吗? 【拓展】wake up 也可不带宾语,意为“醒来” 。 【举例】That baby suddenly woke up and cried. 那个婴儿突然醒了,然后哭了起来。 3

5、. . SheShe takestakes themthem toto a a smallsmall examinationexamination room.room. 她带他们去了一个小检查室。她带他们去了一个小检查室。 【用法】句式 take somebody to意为“带某人去某地” ,介词 to 后加表示地点的名词或代 词。 【举例】My father took me to the zoo last Sunday. 上个星期日我父亲带我去了动物园。 4. . DannyDanny needsneeds toto staystay inin thethe hospitalhospital

6、 today.today. 【用法】句中的 need 作实义动词用,意为“需要” ,后面可加名词、代词、不定式、动名词 作宾语。 【举例】They are certain to need help. 他们一定需要帮助。You dont need to buy a new computer. 你不必买新计算机。This machine needs repairing. 这台机器需要维 修了。 【拓展】作情态动词用,意为“需要、必须” ,后加动词原形,并且多用于否定句和疑问句中。 【举例】She neednt wait for them. 她不必等他们了。 LessonLesson 2:2: A

7、A VisitVisit toto thethe DentistDentist I.I. LearningLearning aims:aims: MasterMaster thethe newnew words:words: dentist, refuse, toothache, rotten, fortunately, headset, aching, German, wolf II.II. LearningLearning importantimportant andand difficultdifficult points:points: 1)Im really afraid of go

8、ing to the dentist. 2)I had no choice but to go with her. 3)She saw right away that I was scared and told me not to worry. 4)Before I knew it, my aching tooth was fixed. LanguageLanguage Points:Points: 1.1. refuserefuse 【用法】作不及物动词,意为“拒绝、回绝” ,后面的动词可用不定式形式。 【举例】We invited him to our party, but he refu

9、sed. 我邀请他参加我们的聚会,但 他拒绝了。She refused to travel with us. 她拒绝和我们一起去旅行。 【用法】作及物动词,意为“拒绝给予” ,后加名词或代词作宾语。 【举例】The United States has refused him a visa. 美国拒绝给他发放签证。 2. . ImIm reallyreally afraidafraid ofof goinggoing toto thethe dentist.dentist. 我真的害怕去看牙医。我真的害怕去看牙医。 【用法】句式 be afraid of 意为“害怕” ,后加名词、代词、动名词作

10、介词 of 的宾语。 【举例】My little sister is afraid of cats. 我的小妹妹怕猫。Tony is afraid of coming out at night. 托尼害怕在晚上出来。 【拓展】句式 be afraid to do 意为“害怕做某事” ;另,be afraid 后还可加宾语从句, 意为“恐怕” 。 【举例】Danny is afraid to stay at home alone. 丹尼害怕独自呆在家里。We are afraid that we cant finish all the work today. 我们恐怕今天不能完成所有的工作。 3

11、. . I I hadhad nono choicechoice butbut toto gogo withwith her.her. 我没有别的选择只有和她一起去了。我没有别的选择只有和她一起去了。 【用法】句式 have no choice but to do表示“别无选择只能做” ,注意 but 后的动 词要用不定式形式。 【举例】They had no other choice but to work hard. 他们没有别的选择只有努力工作。 LessonLesson 3:3: GoodGood Food,Food, GoodGood HealthHealth I.I. Learni

12、ngLearning aims:aims: MasterMaster thethe newnew words:words: grain, corn, vitamin, mineral, fiber, protein, bean, Asian, soy, calcium, bone, yogurt, contain, balanced, diet II.II. LearningLearning importantimportant andand difficultdifficult points:points: 1. They help you grow and stay healthy. 2.

13、 Theyre made with lots of fresh vegetables. 3. Do we need to balance our diet? LanguageLanguage Points:Points: 1.1. corncorn 【用法】作可数名词,意为“玉米” ,复数形式是 corns。 【举例】They planted a lot of corns on their farm. 他们在农场上种了很多玉米。 2. . BreakfastBreakfast cerealcereal isis alsoalso mademade ofof differentdifferent

14、 grains.grains. 早餐麦片也是由不同的谷物制早餐麦片也是由不同的谷物制 成的。成的。 【用法】句中的短语 be made of意思是“由制成” ,通过成品可以看出原材料。 【举例】These tables are all made of wood. 这些桌子都是木头做的。 【拓展】类似的短语还有: be made from “由制成” ,通过成品不能看出原材料。 be made in “在某地制造” 。 be made by somebody “由某人制造” 。 be made into “把制成” ,指把原料制成成品。 【举例】This kind of paper is mad

15、e from grass. 这种纸是用草制成的。That bicycle is made in Tianjin.那辆自行车是天津制造的。This kite was made by Li Ming.这 个风筝是李明做的。Grapes can be made into wine.葡萄能酿成酒。 2.2. CalciumCalcium makesmakes youryour bonesbones andand teethteeth strong.strong. 钙能使你的骨骼和牙齿坚固。钙能使你的骨骼和牙齿坚固。 【用法】句中的形容词 strong 用在 your bones and teeth 后

16、作宾语补足语。动词 make 后面 可以加名词、代词、不带 to 的不定式、形容词、过去分词等词语构成的复合结构。 【举例】We made Bill our monitor. 我们选比尔当班长。 The boss makes the workers work long hours every day. 老板迫使工人们每天工作很长时间。What makes you so happy? 什么事情让你这么高兴?This made her so frightened. 这件事使他很害怕。 LessonLesson 4:4: DontDont Smoke,Smoke, Please!Please! I.I. LearningLearning aims:aims: MasterMaster thethe newnew words:words: smoke, harmful, disease, lung, breathe, harm, cigarette, whenever, ri



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