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1、Section D . Material analysis 本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第四课时。需要完成 Section C 的 3 和 Section D。主活动是 1a 和 Project。语法和功能部分主 要是总结本话题的语法知识(构词法,how/what.+ to do sth. )和重点句子。1a 继续介绍学习英语的方法,主要是如何使用课外资源 (如:因特网、英语电影、英语歌曲等) 。1b 主要是培养学生利用关键词复述课文的能力。Project 可以看作是一个合作性作文训练, 需要小组合作才能完成,要经过“提出问题(口头)讨论解决方法(口头)把方法写下来(形成小文字段落)组段成篇

2、”四 个环节。学习本课,可以让学生在学习英语的方法上有更多的选择。同时也可以让学生明白一个道理:英语学习不只局限于课堂和 课本,其实也可以成为生活的乐趣。 .Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,总结语法“how / what .+ to do sth.”和构词法。 2. Skill aims: 构词法是扩大词汇的有效手段,能用构词法来分析单词、猜测意思。 在听、说、读、写等活动中能理解“how / what .+ to do sth.” 这一结构。 3. Emotional aims: (optional) 让学生明白英语学习无处不在,方

3、法灵活多样,学习英语充满乐趣。 4. Culture awareness: (optional) 让学生知道英语文化多彩多样,既可以通过文字来体现,也可以通过声像制品来体现。英语歌曲、英文电影都蕴含了讲英语国 家的丰富文化。 . The key points and difficult points 1. Key points: Words and phrases: easily, download, find out, in this way, enjoy doing sth., be sure to do sth. Sentences: While listening, pick some

4、 useful words or phrases. In this way, you can increase the number of words and understand the dialog better. Enjoy using the two ways, and you are sure to learn faster and better. Grammar: how/what. + to do sth. 2. Difficult points: Then have paper and a pen ready as you may want to write down usef

5、ul words or phrases. In this way, you can increase the number of words and understand the dialogs better . . Learning strategies 通过学习 1a,知道运用多种资源来促进英语学习,如:听英文歌,看英文电影。 通过归纳总结构词法,在今后的学习中有意识地积累前缀和后缀,并能运用这一技巧来猜测阅读理解中的部分新词。 . Teaching aids 小礼物/录音机/英语歌曲/小黑板/ppt 等。 . Teaching procedures Stage (time period)

6、 Interaction patterns Teacher activityStudent activityRemarks 1Getting Group workPrepare some words which are formed by Discuss and guess the meaning 把这些词通过小黑板或 students ready for learning (5mins) word formation. Let the Ss discuss and guess the meaning of these words. T: Look! I have prepared some

7、words. Study them carefully, discuss in groups and guess the meanings of them. The winner will have a secret present! Example : easily, download, effective, actually, foreigner, grandson, spaceship, man-made, imagination,honorable, translation, loudly, really, enable,magician, consideration, unlucky

8、, speaker, possibility, steamer, discourage, impossible. of these words. S1: 容易地 S2: 装在下面 S3: 有效果的 S4: 外国人 S5: 孙子 . PPT 提前准备好。老师 所准备的单词不一定是 学生学过的,最好把本 课的新词含进去。顺便 就处理了新词汇。学生 不会的,或者说错的, 作个记号,老师最后一 起解决。如:actually, honorable 等。 2 Revision (5mins) Individual work Encourage the Ss to read their letters to

9、 Li Ming. Choose “the Best Editor”. T: Now, take out your HMK. Id like you to report your letter to Li Ming. We will choose the best one to be “the Best Editor”. Boys and Girls, be brave, and Read their letters to Li Ming. Choose “the Best Editor”. S1: Hello, Li Ming. Its an interesting question tha

10、t you have. In fact, you have a lot of chances to practice speaking 学生很在意老师和同学 的评价。给他们某种称 号,会让他们有成就感。 dont be shy!English. You should take part in group work and discussion actively, speak to your classmates, and answer the teachers questions in English class. Talking to somebody else is very intere

11、sting and helps in learning English. 3 Pre-reading (2mins) Individual work Let the Ss read the table in 1b to get the main idea of 1a. T: Attention, please! Turn to page 78. Read the table in 1b, and then you will understand which parts you should pay special attention to while reading. Read the tab

12、le in 1b and get the main idea of 1a. 读前明白要做的任务可 以使学生在正式阅读时 注意力更加集中。确保 学生理解 step 和 effect。 4 While-reading (7mins) Individual work Let the Ss read 1a, circle the new words and underline the ways, the steps and what effects they may have, then fill in the table in 1b. T: Hey, its your turn now. Pleas

13、e read 1a. While reading, underline the ways, the Read 1a, underline the ways, the steps and the effect they may have, and then fill in the table in 1b. S1: Read first and find out what the song is about. steps and the effects. T: Now fill in the table in 1b. If you finish, raise your hand. T: Finis

14、hed? Any volunteers? S2: Pick some words or phrases. S3: Use a dictionary if necessary. S4: . 5 Post-reading (10mins) Class activity Group work Step 1: Write down “imitate”on the Bb and let the Ss guess the meaning of it by context, then explain it by word formation “imit (copy) + ate = imitate ”. T

15、: Find this word in para3 and try to guess the meaning of it by context. T: Excellent ! How do you know it? Look at the word formation and you may understand it better. Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again, then discuss in groups and find out the difficult points and key points. Learn the new word “imit

16、ate”. Ss: 模仿 Read 1a again, then discuss in groups and find out the difficult points and key points. 老师可以借解释 imitate 的机会,引入“词根” 这个概念。单词的意思, 是由词根决定的。 学生没有提到的地方并 不代表他们都懂,或者 他们只是似懂非懂。如: Class activity T:Now, lets read 1a again, then discuss in groups and find out the difficult and key points. T: Any questions? Which group wants to be the first? T: Anyone else? Then lets move to the next step. What are the key points, class? Step 3: Present the table in 1b on a small Bb or on


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