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1、Topic 3 The world has changed for the better Section A . Material analysis 本课是九年级第一单元第三话题的第一课时,主活动为 1a 和 3。1a 通过谈论纽约街头今昔的变化,学习含有 since 和 for 的现在 完成时态。1b 通过听对话来获取特定的信息,提升学生的听力水平。1c 训练学生的口语表达能力。2 通过听短文来了解百老汇的变 化。3 既是重点也是难点。让学生通过观察数轴来学习 since 和 for 的用法,最后在 4 中进行口头运用。本课通过纽约和百老汇的今 昔对比,引导学生关注社会的发展,关注文化的进步

2、。 .Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,进一步学习现在完成时(since 和 for 的用法及区别) 。 2.Skill aims: 培养学生的听力能力。 培养学生的运用现在完成时进行口头表达的能力。 能通过整合对话内容,提升综合语言运用能力,为语言输出做好准备。 3.Emotional aims: (optional) 引导学生了解各国城市的变化,关注社会文明的进步,为建设更好的家园而努力学习。 4.Culture awareness: (optional) 通过纽约街头今昔的对比,引导学生关注不同的国家、城市的发展和社会文明进步。 .

3、 The key points and difficult points 1. Key points: Words and phrases: block, artist, visitor, industry, chemistry, term, get/be used to, used to be, as a matter of fact, millions of, stand for Sentences: You have been in New York for a long time. but the city has improved a lot since I came here a

4、few days ago. Grammar: Present Perfect (since 和 for 的用法) 2. Difficult points: 通过具体语境,区别短语 get/be used to (doing) sth.和 used to do sth.的用法。 能通过观察、听和说的方式感知并掌握 since 和 for 的用法。 能区别 since 和 for 引导的时间状语,并在现在完成时中进行运用。 . Learning strategies 通过 1b 图表信息完成 1c,培养学生重组语言的能力。 通过 1b 的听力训练,教会学生在听力中提取关键语句的学习方法。 通过 3

5、 的练习,培养学生掌握观察、归纳总结的学习策略。 通过 2 的综合填空,教会学生根据联系上下文和提取时间状语的方法进行综合填空。 . Teaching aids 单词卡片(如:block, art/artist, visit/visitor 等)或者幻灯片;纽约或者北京今昔的对比图片;歌剧视频 Cats 的片段等。 . Teaching procedures Stage (time period) Interaction patterns Teacher activityStudent activityRemarks 1 Warming-up (2-3 mins) Class activity

6、 Greet and play a video of a part of Cats. T: Boys and girls, before we have our class, lets enjoy a part of the opera. T: Do you like it? Ss: Yes, its amazing. T: Its very famous throughout the world. Do you want to know where it is from? Ss: America. Greet and enjoy a video about Cats. Ss: Yes, it

7、s amazing. Ss: America. 猫是纽约百老汇非常 著名的音乐剧之一,让学 生欣赏其中的片段,感受 西方文化。如果条件不具 备,可以播放音乐 Memory 或者其它具有代 表性的歌曲。 2 Lead-in (2-3 mins) Class activity Present some pictures of New Yorks streets, famous museums etc., and get the Ss to talk about their feelings after watching. T: Right. Its from Broadway in New Yor

8、k. Now, look at the pictures of New York. How do you like it?. Watch the pictures of New Yorks streets, famous museums etc., and talk about their feelings. S1: The street is clean. S2: How beautiful the park 教师先出示具有纽约特色 的图片,引起学生的兴趣, 为学习 1a 打下基础。 is! S3 3 Pre-listening (5 mins) Class activity Present

9、 the new words and difficult sentences on the Bb. Ask the Ss to take notes and try to remember them. T: Yes, its a wonderful place to live. As a matter of fact, it used to be terrible. Bob has been in New York for a long time. He has seen the changes himself. The city has improved a lot since he cam

10、e there. He has already got used to the life there. Ss (Teach other new words and phrases in the same way.) Try to understand the new words and difficult sentences, and take notes according to the teachers descriptions. Ss 1a 部分内容简单,教师在 课前可以处理的话,听后 活动中就不用再做另外的 处理。 教师在呈现新知时,应注 意短语的辨析。如果学生 基础较差,可补充与实际

11、 生活贴近的例句,创设新 的语境感知语言点的用法。 4 While-listening (8 mins) Class activity Step 1: Let the Ss scan 1b before listening. Listen to 1a twice and tick what was mentioned about New York. Finish 1b. T:Do you want to know how terrible New York used to be? Now lets listen to a dialog and tick what was mentioned a

12、bout New York. Scan the materials of 1b. Then listen and tick the right answers. Finish 1b. S1:terrible traffic 经过听前的新知呈现,该 部分听力练习的难度大大 降低,因此,不用再另外 给时间让学生作听前准备。 Pair work T: Now, lets check the answer. Step2: Listen to 1a again, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation and then act 1a out.

13、T: You are right, lets listen to the tape, and then try to act out the dialog. T: Any volunteers? Ss: S2:dirty street Listen to 1a again, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation and then role play 1a. Ss 分角色朗读课文时,教师 应根据从班级到小组,再 到结对练习的顺序,逐渐 让学生把握对话角色,更 好的理解课文,增强展示 环节的自信心。 5 Post-listening (

14、20 mins) Group workStep 1: Guide the Ss to talk about New York based on 1b and 1c. Then retell 1a in groups. T: Weve learnt about the changes about New Yorks traffic, streets, life and so on. Now, lets ask and answer with your group members. Then retell 1a in your own words. The information of 1b ca

15、n help you. S1: How much do you know about the traffic in New York? S2: I heard that the traffic there was terrible. Do you have any idea about the street? S3 T: OK, who can report what you discussed in your group just now? Have a try, please. S4: New York is a big city in the USA. The traffic there

16、 used to be terrible. And the streets there were dirty, but they are clean Talk about New York based on 1b and 1c. Then retell 1a in groups. S1: How much do you know about the traffic in New York? S2:I heard that the traffic there was terrible. Do you have any idea about the street? S3 S4: New York is a big city in the USA. The traffic there used to be terrible. And the 如果学生的综合语用能力 较差,可以按课文要求完 成 1c,只进行简单的对话 问答;如果可以,教师根 据实际情况调整成对话后 的复述环节。 Group



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