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1、跨境贸易人民币结算 进出口企业的新选择一、 跨境贸易人民币结算业务特点及优势控制风险:有助于控制汇兑损益,降低企业运营风险,锁定利润空间可以有效规避因人民币和其它外币间的汇率波动而带来的损失管理更优:便于境内公司进行财务安排和资金调拨,简化核销手续明细成本核算,方便企业核算损益不纳入外汇核销管理,企业在报关或者办理出口退税时无需提供外汇核销单收款无需进行出口收汇联网核查企业主要与银行业务来往,无需办理人民银行、外汇局相关审批政策支持:人民币结算是目前政府层面极力支持和推进的结算方式同样可以享受出口退税政策人民币形式的对外负债(如延期付款、预收货款等)不占用外债指标为满足企业实际需要,允许企业将

2、出口人民币收入存放境外与外币计价进出口一样可异地报关可提供人民币贸易融资,解决跨境融资难题,加快资金周转二、银行、企业办理跨境贸易人民币结算流程图1、通过境内代理行渠道办理2、通过港澳清算行渠道办理三、跨境人民币业务政策解答 1、跨境人民币试点的业务种类包括哪些?中国企业可与境外企业在跨境货物贸易、服务贸易和其他经常项目交易中以人民币进行结算。跨境贸易人民币结算试点地区的境内企业可以使用人民币进行对外直接投资,其它资本项下人民币结算目前暂施行个案试点。2、中国境内哪些地方是试点地区?目前,跨境贸易人民币结算试点地区包括北京、天津、上海、内蒙古、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、江苏、浙江、福建、山东、湖北、

3、广东、广西、海南、重庆、四川、云南、西藏、新疆,共20个省(自治区、直辖市)。 3、境外哪些国家、地区的企业可以与中国企业开展跨境贸易人民币结算业务?跨境贸易人民币结算试点对境外地域范围没有限制,所有国家和地区(含港澳台)的企业都可按照当地的法律规定与中国企业开展跨境贸易人民币结算业务。4、中国境内哪些银行可以提供跨境贸易人民币结算服务?中国境内具有国际结算业务能力的银行都可作为境内结算银行为企业提供跨境贸易人民币结算、清算服务。5、境外企业有哪些渠道获取人民币资金用于贸易支付? 如其本国法律允许,境外企业有多种途径获取人民币资金用于贸易支付。一是境外企业可以向中国境内结算银行申请人民币贸易融



6、的通知,中国人民银行,2010年8月6、境外机构人民币银行结算账户管理办法,中国人民银行,2010年9月7、境外直接投资人民币结算试点管理办法,中国人民银行,2011年1月Cross-border RMB Business New Choices for CorporationAnswers to relevant questions on the pilot program of renminbi settlement of cross-border transactions1. What kinds of cross-border transaction settled in renmin

7、bi are included in the pilot program?Overseas enterprises can settle transactions in renminbi with Chinese enterprises for cross-border goods trade, service trade and other current account transactions. Enterprises in the pilot areas can settle transactions in renminbi for oversea direct investment.

8、2. What are the designated pilot areas in China?Currently, there are 20 designated provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under central government) as pilot areas for the program of renminbi settlement of cross-border transactions including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Inner Mengol Au

9、tonomous Region, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilon gjiang, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.3. Overseas enterprises from which countries or regions can settle cross-border transactions in

10、renminbi with Chinese enterprises?There is no limitation on overseas regions. Enterprises from any country or region (including Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan) can settle transactions in renminbi with Chinese mainland enterprises in accordance with local laws and regulations.4. Which banks can provide r

11、enminbi settlement services for cross-border transactions?Banks in Mainland China capable of conducting international settlement business can provide renminbi clearing and settling services for cross-border transactions as domestic settlement banks. 5. What are the channels for an overseas enterpris

12、e to acquire renminbi fund for trade payment?An overseas enterprise has several channels to acquire renminbi fund for trade payment, as accommodated by its local law. First, the overseas enterprise can apply for renminbi trade finance from domestic settlement banks, with the borrowing amount not exc

13、eeding the value specified in the trade contract between the overseas enterprise and the domestic counterparty. Second, the overseas enterprise can issue renminbi bond at Hong Kong. Third, the overseas enterprise can purchase or borrow reinminbi from overseas participating banks.6. What are the chan

14、nels for an overseas enterprise to use the renminbi proceeds received under transactions?According to the law and market factors, it can be used for renminbi settlement of its import trade with Mainland China, renminbi bond purchase at Hong Kong, investment at inter-bank bond market in Mainland Chin

15、a via an overseas participating bank, saving, etc., depending on its local laws and regulations.7. Can an overseas enterprise open a renminbi settlement account at a domestic commercial bank?As accommodated by its local law, an overseas enterprise can open a renminbi settlement account, known as non-resident account, at a commercial bank in Mainland China for cross-border renminbi settlement.The overseas institutions renminbi settlement accounts are current deposit accounts. The interest rate is set by the current deposit int


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